Site Contents: Budget Process | Expenses | Budget Planning | Budget Form | Team Budgets | End of Project


Pathfinders is the branch of Girl Guides of Canada which is designed for girls in Junior High School. The main objectives of Pathfinders are to help the girls develop leadership skills, self-confidence and independence. Camping is an important part of our unit's program. Each year girls are in Pathfinders they must assume more responsibility for their camp planning: menu; activities; transportation; equipment; and budgeting.


1.The first step in our budgeting process this year was for the girls as a large group (15 girls) to brainstorm, listing all those items that they might need to spend money on for their camp.



Supplies for camping


Materials for activities

Wood for campfires

Equipment rental

Leaders' expenses - paid by the unit

C.A.'s Comment: Contemplating all the factors right from the start

C.A.'s Comment: Balancing between the quantitative and qualitative sides

C.A.'s Comment: Considering the different alternatives

C.A.'s Comment: Different kinds of costs

2. The second step involved the entire group of girls estimating how much each item might cost for a weekend of camping.

Food $ 10 per person per day

Campsite $250

Supplies for camping $5 per person

Transportation $100 per tent group

Materials for activities $2-$5 per person

Wood for campfires

Equipment rental --
stoves $1

Fuel for stove $3

Tent $10

Backpack $10

Patrol Box (Utensils) $5

Sleeping bags
Leaders' expenses $200 for mileage +?


C.A.'s Comment: Stating the references for the estimates

C.A.'s Comment: Considering costs as a range and including the emergency fund


Food $10 per person per day - standard figure

Campsite $240 + GST- paid by the unit

Supplies for camping $5 per person - depends on group

Transportation $100 per tent reasonable - should it be paid?

Materials for activities $2-$5 per person reasonable

Wood for campfires $3 - $5 reasonable

Equipment rental --
stoves $1 per night from district, free from unit or if have own

Fuel for stove $3 from Canadian Tire, free from unit

Tent $5 per night from district, free from unit,

$32-40 from Campus Outdoor Centre

Backpack $14 from Campus Outdoor Centre, free if have own or borrow

Patrol Box (Utensils) free from district

Sleeping bags $16- may need 2 since early in season and cool
Leaders' expenses
Mileage - paid by the unit

Food - paid by the unit

First aid supplies paid by the unit

C.A.'s Comment: Comparing budgeted to actual expenses



names of girls in tent ____________________________________

What kinds of expenses do you think you will have to pay for?

Make a list.

Estimate how much you think each thing will cost. Check with a leader if you are not sure.

How much will each girl have to pay in camp fees?

When you think you are done, fill out the budget form.





names of girls in tent __________________________________________________


cost of campsite  ____________________
cost of tramsportation?  ____________________
cost of food  ____________________
cost of activity/challenge supplies  ____________________
cost of craft supplies  ____________________
cost of equipment rental  ____________________
any other costs?  ____________________
number of girls in tent  ____________________
cost per girl  ____________________














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