Pick a particular occupation that you are interested in and research the average salary for that occupation. Create a paycheque similar to those on page 533 of MathPower 11, page 44 of Mathematics 11, or one that you have seen before. Use the income you researched as your gross income and calculate your usual deductions of EI, CPP and Federal Tax using the formulas you have learned in this unit.

Research your job in more detail and find out what other deductions could be taken off your cheque and at what rate. You must provide at least 4 deductions and show proof of your findings. If you can't find at least 4 deductions for your job, research other types of deductions from other jobs and use these rates. Ask other people who know about deductions as part of your research.

You are to hand in a good copy of your "Statement of Earnings and Deductions" and paycheque with proof of your deductions research and the work you did to come to these numbers. The month's cheque will be for December, so you will need to provide the current month's pay and deductions and the year-to-date pay and deductions.

Project Ideas