Plan a trip to a destination outside of North America for you and a friend that you haven't been to (this project must be done by yourself). Make an itinerary of all the things you want to do and research the costs of these activities. Create a list of expenditures for this trip using a budget of $4 000 to plan your trip. You must include airplane tickets, lodging, activities and costs incurred from places you want to visit. Will you rent a car? Will you stay in hostels? Ensure to plan for three meals a day too (you need to be healthy for your trip!). Determine how long you and your friend can stay using this budget (you must be able to stay for at least one week). Research all your costs and show proof of your research.

Once you've done this, research the currency of the country and find its exchange rate. Watch the rate for at least 4 days and take the average of the 4 rates. Convert each of your costs and budget at this rate. Ensure you have a balanced budget in both currencies!

You are to hand in your itinerary, detailed with each day's activities and their costs in both Canadian and the foreign currencies. Include a list of costs that are part of the whole trip including air, car rental, etc. You must show you have made efforts to budget your trip with these expenses. Include all the research behind each of these costs and the calculations you did to come to the currency conversions for each cost.


Project Ideas