You and a group of friends have decided to go on a camping trip. You have been put in charge of the groceries for the week. You will be staying in a cabin with a stove and fridge you can use to cook. There is also a fire pit outside you can use.

Together there are 5 of you and you have all agreed to pay $20 each for food for 5 days and 4 nights. Your job is to go get groceries using the budget and for three meals a day and one snack at night. But your friends stipulated you have to buy CHEAP! So you have to buy using your knowledge of unit pricing. Even if it means you eat some of the same meals, that's what they want!

For this project, you need to go to the grocery store or look through flyers and find as many unit priced items as you can. Create a list of all the meals you will make, while only repeating the same meal twice! Create a shopping list of the items you need to buy and total it. Make sure it is below your budget! You will also need to create a list of the same items as if you bought them without the unit pricing discount so you can show your friends how much you saved. This amount should be over your budget so you actually did save with unit pricing. If it isn't, splurge a little more with some of your meals! Be creative!

For this project, you need to hand in the research you did into these prices (flyers, etc.), a list of the meals you will make including ingredients and all the items you will be buying. Ensure you include the two lists comparing your savings.

Project Ideas