Event Horizon
Event Horizon
3 May 2008 - Th United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities comes into force
12 May 2008 - The United Nations Celebrates the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
For information on the commemorative event at the UN Headquarters in New York, click here.
4 -5 June 2008 - Canadian Disability Studies Association Conference, “Thinking Beyond Borders--Global Ideas: Global Values” in Vancouver
For information, click here.
9 June 2008 - End of Life Ethics and Decision-Making Forum. Current Policy Debates about Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment University of Manitoba, Winnipeg . Featuring Dr. Jocelyn Downie, Canada Research Chair, Health Law and Policy. The event is free of charge but you must register in advance. Click here, for more information and a downloadable registration form.
25-27 September , 2008 Quandaries in Health Care Conference, "A Life Worth Living?: Bioethics and Disability
Given Institute in Aspen, Colorado
For more information see: www.coloradobioethics.org
Click on Quandaries Conference for brochure
Upcoming Events of Interest