The Kastro Kallithea rchaeological Project
Haagsma, M.J., M. Chykerda and L. Surtees. In press. Ethnic constructs from inside and out: external policy and the ethnos of Achaia Phthiotis. Hans Beck, Kostas Buraselis, and Alex McAuley (eds). Ethnos and Koinon. Heidelberger Althistorische Beiträge und Epigraphische Studien, Franz Steiner Verlag. 11052 words; 42 pages; Comments: 16 illustrations.
Haagsma, M.J. and S. Karapanou, 2016. “Culti di città e culti domestici in Acaia Ftiotide, Tessaglia”. XII Giornata Archeologica Francavillese in onore della Prof.ssa Dr.ssa Emerita Marianne Kleibrink in occasione del suo 75esimo compleanno. Festschrift for M. Kleibrink.
Haagsma, M.J. and S. Karapanou, in press. Cakes and Cults: Negotiating Identity in Hellenistic Achaia Phthiotis. In: Morgan, C. and M. Stamatopoulou eds. Cults and Sanctuaries in Ancient Thessaly. British School at Athens, Supplementary Volume.[9134 words; 35 pages; 10 illustrations; Final Acceptance Date: June 2014]
Haagsma, M., S. Karapanou and Laura Surtees, 2015. Greek-Canadian Fieldwork at Kastro Kallithea 2006-2012, Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στέρεας Ελλάδας. Πρακτικά επιστημονικής συνάντησης 4. Βόλος. 16-8 March 2012. A. Mazarakis-Ainian, ed. The University of Volos Press. pp. 245-256.
Chykerda, C.M., M. J. Haagsma and S. Karapanou, 2015. "Landscapes of Defense: Kastro Kallithea and Its Role in Fourth-Century BCE Achaia Phthiotis". Backdirt (Journal of the Cotsen Instititute of Archaeology, UCLA). Pp. 10-23.
Haagsma, M., 2014. Ten years of archaeological research at Kallithea: an overview. In the Bulletin of the Canadian Institute in Greece. Spring 2014, no. 33.
Chykerda, C. Myles, M.J. Haagsma, S. Karapanou. 2014. From City to Sea: Kastro Kallithea (Thessaly) and its Role in the Defense of Southern Achaia Phthiotis. In: Meditations on the Diversity of the Built Environment in the Aegean Basin and beyond. Proceedings of the colloquium in commemoration of Dr. Frederick Winter, Canadian Institute in Greece, June 22-23 2012. D. Rupp and J. Tomlinson eds. Athens, Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece no. 8. pp. 285-311.
Surtees, L., S. Karapanou and M. Haagsma. 2014. Exploring Kastro Kallithea on the Surface: the foundation and occupation of Kastro Kallithea, Thessaly, Greece. Meditations on the Diversity of the Built Environment in the Aegean Basin and beyond. Proceedings of the colloquium in commemoration of Dr. Frederick Winter, Canadian Institute in Greece, June 22-23 2012. D. Rupp and J. Tomlinson eds. Athens, Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece no. 8. pp. 431-453.
Stamatopoulou, M., 2013. ‘Kastro Kallithea’ in: Thessaly from Prehistoric to Roman. Archaeological Reports 59, 46-48.
Stamatopoulou, M., 2012. ‘Kastro Kallithea’ in: Thessaly from Prehistoric to Roman. Archaeological Reports 58, 76.
Haagsma, M.J., S. Karapanou, T. Harvey, L. Surtees, 2011. “An Ancient City and its Agora. Results of the Archaeological Project at the Kastro of Kallithea, Greece.” Giannikouri, E. (ed), The Agora in the Mediterranean: from Homeric to Roman times,’ organised by the Archaeological Institute for Aegean Studies, the Hellenic Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Shipping and the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Tourism. 197-209.
Haagsma, M.J., S. Karapanou, S. Gouglas, 'Kallithea 2005 and 2006' in: A. Touchais (ed) Chronique des Fouilles, Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique vol. 131. (2007).
Haagsma, M.J., S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas. ‘Kastro Kallithea 2006’ Archaiologikon Deltion (2007)
Haagsma, M.J., “Hellenistic Housing in Achaia Phthiotis: a regional approach to domestic economy and social organisation." In C. Ladstaetter et al. (eds.). Proceedings of the conference: Urban Living in the Eastern Mediterranean: 4th century BC AD. Vienna, October 24-27, 2007. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Zentrum Archaeologie und Altertumswissenschaften. Institut für Kulturgeschichte der Antike. 33-49.
R. Lee, C. Martin, M. Haagsma, S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas. 2010. ‘Rebuilding the past: Modelling Architecture of Kastro Kallithea to understand Macedonian Influences in Hellenistic Thessaly. In: Bikoulis, P., D. Lacroix, M. Peuramaki-Brown (eds), Proceedings of the 39th Chacmool Conference, Postcolonial Perspectives in Archaeology. November 2006. University of Calgary.
Tziafalias, A., M. Haagsma, S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas. 2009. Preliminary results of the Urban Survey at Kastro Kallithea. Μαζαράκης-Αινιάν, Α.,(ed.) Αρχαιολογικό Έργο Θεσσαλίας και Στέρεας Ελλάδας. Πρακτικά επιστημονικής συνάντησης 2. Βόλος 16.3-19.3 2006. Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού pp. 217-229.
Tziafalias, A., M. Haagsma, S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas. The Kastro of Kallithea in its historical context. Λίλα Π. Γλέγλέ et al. (eds.) 1 Διέθνες Συνέδριο Ιστορίας & Πολιτισμού της Θεσσαλίας. Larissa. 9-11 Nov. 2006. pp. 224-232.
Haagsma, M., S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas. ‘Kastro Kallithea’ in: C. Morgan, 2007. ‘Archaeology in Greece’. Archaeological Reports. Vol. 54, pp. 60-61. Also in:
Tziafalias, A., M. Haagsma, S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas. 2006. ‘Scratching the Surface. A Preliminary Report of the first Two Seasons of Fieldwork at Kastro Kallithea, Thessaly. Part 1’. Mouseion 6(2). pp. 91-135.
Tziafalias, A., S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas: ‘Kastro Kallithea 2005’ in Archaiologikon Deltion (2006)
Tziafalias, A., M. Haagsma, S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas, 2006. ‘Kastro Kallithea’ in: J. Whitley, 2006. ‘Archaeology in Greece’. Archaeological Reports. Vol. 52. pp. 46-47.
Tziafalias, A., M. Haagsma, S. Karapanou and S. Gouglas, 2005. ‘Kastro Kallithea’ in: J. Whitley, 2005. ‘Archaeology in Greece’. Archaeological Reports. Vol. 51. pp. 62-63.
‘Kallithea, Thessaly’ in: S. Kennell, 2005. On Site. Canadian Archaeologists in Greece. Athens, Motibo. Pp. 44-45.