
roger. graves@ualberta.ca


Humanities Centre 3-81

Director,Writing Across the Curriculum

Professor, EFS

Twitter: @rogergraves
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 Just published

Five strategies to improve student writing in your courses

Entrance testing is not the answer

Why Students Struggle with Writing


Alberta Writes 3 Conference


Alberta Writes 2 Conference



Summary of the discussion at Alberta Writes 1

Worksheet for Alberta Writes 2

Parking map


Recent Publications

Rockwell, G., Graves, R., Graves, H. and Chartier, R. (2014). Gamification, research, and writing. Building partnerships to transform scholarly publishing, Whistler, BC, February 8 2014.

Faigley, L., Graves, R., & Graves, H. (2013). Brief Penguin Handbook, 3rd Canadian Edition.

Andre, J. & Graves, R. (2013). Writing Requirements Across Nursing Programs in Canada. Journal of Nursing Education 52 (2): 91-97. DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20130114-02.

A Rhetorical Education in the Arts. Inkshed Newsletter (April 2013).http://www.inkshed.ca/blog/newsletter/april-2013-newsletter/

Learning Outcomes for the new BA. Inkshed Newsletter (April 2013). http://www.inkshed.ca/blog/newsletter/april-2013-newsletter/

"Writing Programs Worldwide: One Canadian Perspective." Co-authored with Heather Graves. In Writing Programs Worldwide:
Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places

Undergraduate Writing Assignments in Engineering: Some Preliminary Findings.

Writing Well: Building Traction and Triumph into Co-authorship.

Blog link for Alberta Writes 1 Conference:

Alberta Writes: Conversations About Writing: Exploring Shared Responsibility for the Teaching of Writing in Alberta

Video report of the day



This page displays the covers and descriptions of books I've authored, co-authored, or co-edited
such as the Brief Penguin Handbook (below).

brief penguin handbook

Reports of work I'm involved in:

TLEF: Group Writing Tutorials Put to the Test

Proposal writing class helps raise $5000 for non-profit organic farming group




Recent presentations to classes
This page contains links to slides displayed at presentations given to classes.

2013-2014 Presentations

2009-2013 Presentations

Research and faculty presentations

Genre by Numbers

Genre by Numbers Handout

Group writing Tutorials: Nursing

Group writing tutorials: Do they improve student writing?

Ateliers d'ecriture en group

What the eFs!?! Why Our Research Matters Now

Writing Across the K-Postsecondary Continuum in AB
Ecrire de la Maternelle aux Etudes Postsecondaires en AB

Studying Assignments as a Catalyst for Change

UAlberta's Aproach to Writing Instruction

Building a better scientific writer: Strategies for Biology Instructors

1 Big Thing keynote address: "Making it Real: Re-thinking Student Writing in your Course"


About Me

As Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, I work with faculty and students across the university to improve student writing. I consult with instructors and departments, and I teach writing in a wide variety of courses when students in those courses are starting a writing assignment. The link to Recent Presentations to Classes will take you to slides from these presentations.

I am the author, co-author, or editor of ten books and 26 articles, including Writing Instruction in Canadian Universities. My current research interests include writing assignments across disciplinary fields, assessment of group writing tutorials, and rhetorical approaches to text encoding. The SSHRC-funded research project on writing assignments across the curriculum extends our work at the University of Alberta across Canada.

Currently I serve on the Steering Committee of the the International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research (2014-2017), as Past President of the Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing (CASDW), as a member of the editorial boards for College English and the IEEE Proceedings on Technical Communication, and as publisher of Inkshed Publications, the publications initiative of the Canadian Association for the Study of Language and Learning (CASLL/Inkshed).

Blog: Thinking About Writing

A blog on writing-related issues at the U of A and beyond.



New App/Tool for writing thesis statements

Thesis statements app/tool


Digital rhetoric

Research Writing Groups

Style in Writing
