American Academy of Forensic Sciences,
Toxicology Section
The committee was set up to
coordinate the generation of reliable mass spectra of new drugs and metabolite
standards, and to make these available to the profession on a timely basis.
Libraries made available by
the committee primarily designed to be compatible with Agilent (HP)
5970/71/72/73/75 series instruments that have PC-based DOS/Windows ChemStation
operating systems. See the Software
Compatibility page for a fuller discussion.
Note: that the AAFS Drug
Library used to be posted in other manufacturer’s formats. This is a fair
amount of work, and it is not clear how many users require this. If you would like the library in another
(non-Agilent/HP) format, please contact Dr.
The latest version of the
mini-library of full mass spectra of newer drugs, metabolites and
some breakdown products was created December 2012. An alphabetical list of the entries is
Acknowledgments: To my supervising technologist,
This is a compilation of
over 2800 pure drug
spectra and/or GC breakdown products, including many replicate entries.
This drug library contains spectra for several hundred different substances.
The current version of the full spectra library was last
updated December 2012.
For more information about
these Web pages and the data referenced therein, or about the inter-conversion
of mass spectral library data, contact Dr.
The information and data
contained within, or otherwise made available via within these Web pages is
offered freely for the information and assistance of forensic toxicologists and
allied professions. While every care has been taken to avoid
errors, neither the committee, nor the Toxicology Section of the AAFS,
will be held liable for the consequences of any errors which may have been
overlooked. It is the responsibility of any end-user of the information,
regardless of profession, to ensure that decisions regarding the final
identification of drugs or their metabolites are independently verified.
However, we would be
grateful if any errors discovered could be brought to our attention, so that
they may be corrected.
This file was last updated December
20, 2012