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The uncommon terms used in this note are listed below.

All Points Grid
A grid used to cross-reference all points placed on reconstructed segments with the absolute value of their MC ID.
Assigned Segment
Matched segments which pass the percentage contamination cut.
The total number of points placed on a reconstructed segment minus the number of leading entry points.
Digitisation Data
Hit information after a simulation of the detector resolutions, inefficiencies, and noise.
Each element of the grid is termed an Entry.
Found Segment
A MC segment that has a reconstructed segment assigned to it.
Genuine Points
Points formed from the correct sense of the ambiguous drift direction.
Genuine Points Grid
A grid used to cross-reference only genuine points placed on reconstructed segments with the absolute value of their MC ID.
Ghost Points
Points formed from the wrong sense of the ambiguous drift direction.
Hit Data
Ideal CTD responses and pointers to truth data.
Truth Track
A track with at least one found segment in superlayer one and superlayer three from the same MC track.
Leading Entry
The maximum entry in the genuine points grid.
Lost Segment
A MC segment that does not have a reconstructed segment assigned to it.
Matched Segment
The leading entry of a reconstructed segment is matched to a MC segment.
In the MC each hit that is generated has stored with it the MC track number of its parent track. The ID is signed to indicate which sense of the ambiguous drift direction is the true one.
MC Segment
A perfect segment formed from the MC truth.
Nasty Segment
A MC segment that fails the fiducial cuts.
Reconstructed Segment
Segments found by the segment finding algorithm.
Segment Grids
These are two dimensional arrays where the points placed on a reconstructed segment are cross-referenced with the MC segments from which they came. The complication of the left-right ambiguous drift direction leads to the definition of two grids ( all points grid and genuine points grid).
Split Segment
A MC segment that has more than one reconstructed segment assigned to it.
Spurious Segment
A reconstructed segment that is not assigned to any MC segment.
The information recorded from the simulation of the tracking of the generated particles though the detector.
Vector Hits
A reconstructed segment with angle and position.

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Douglas M. Gingrich
Thu Mar 28 18:08:05 MST 1996