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Given the two stage nature of our track finding algorithm it is very important that the segment finding be essentially 100% efficient for high tex2html_wrap_inline798 tracks. While this has been achieved in the offline code by exhaustive searching in a three-cell mask, the much simpler and quicker single-cell method finds more than 92% of the segments from all tracks within the fiducial space and 85% of all segments in the CTD geometrical acceptance. It has been shown that the segments found are adequate to allow a track in the fiducial space to be found 99% of the time. In the entire CTD geometrical acceptance a track can be found 91% of the time in CC events. At present with only the CTD in the second level track trigger the largest overall effect on the efficiency for physics events is geometrical acceptance (strategies to increase the geometrical acceptance are being studied).

The following remain to be studied with the segment finding in the CTD SLT.

Douglas M. Gingrich
Thu Mar 28 18:08:05 MST 1996