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Truth Track Finding

When evaluating the performance of the segment finding, what is most important from a trigger point of view is not finding all the segments in an event but finding enough segments to enable the high tex2html_wrap_inline798 tracks to be found. The minimum segment information required to find a track by the present track finding algorithm is at least one found segment in superlayer one and at least one found segment in superlayer three. We define the truth track as at least one found segment in superlayer one and at least one found segment in superlayer three from the same MC track. The truth tracks represent what could be found using the present algorithm if the track finder were 100% efficient. Measuring the efficiency using truth tracks de-couples the track finding inefficiencies from the segment finding performance and allow a useful means to judge the trigger performance.

Douglas M. Gingrich
Thu Mar 28 18:08:05 MST 1996