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J. Butterworth & H. Dreiner, To be published in Nucl. Phys. B; University of Oxford preprint OUNP-92-15.

D.M. Gingrich, University of Oxford preprint OUNP-92-19.

T. Kon & T. Kobayashi, Phys. Lett. B270 (1991) 81-88.

W. Buchmüller, R. Rückl & D. Wyler, Phys. Lett. B191 (1987) 442.449.

ZEUS Collab., M. Derick et al., DESY preprint DESY-93-017.

Figure: The 95% confidence upper limits on the couplings of squarks versus mass for a) the neutral current data sample for the d-squark, b) the charged current data sample for the d-squark, c) the combined samples for the d-squark, and d) for the u-squark (t-squark). In each plot the top curve is for a zero photino mass, the middle curve for an 18 GeV photino mass and the bottom curve for a photino mass equal to the squark mass.

Douglas M. Gingrich
Fri Mar 29 09:55:13 MST 1996