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Numerical Integration

The differential cross-sections are integrated and sampled using the CERNLIB package DIVON4 [13]. The package consists of a collection of routines to aid in the numerical integration of functions of several variables and to sample points in a multi-dimensional coordinate space from a specified probability density function. The algorithm adaptively partitions a multi-dimensional coordinate space into a set of axis oriented hyper-rectangular regions, based on a user provided function. These regions are then used for a stratified sampling estimate of the integral of the function, or to sample random vectors from the coordinate space with probability density that of the function.

The variables x and y are chosen for the integration of the cross-section. To improve the calculation, coordinate transformations are applied to x and y to smooth the differential cross-section before integration. These transformations are perform in the DIVON4 interface function DFUN and depend on the type of cross-section being integrated or importance sampled. For the DIS cross-section we use


If only the Born cross-section is being calculated a simple call to LQXSEC is made. If radiative corrections are included a transformation to the hadronic variables is made and the convolution of the Born term and hard bremsstruhlung function is calculated. A constant part for the soft photon contribution is also included to handle the singularity.

To smooth the breamstruhlung spectrum we make the following change of variable


where tex2html_wrap_inline1448 is the soft photon cut-off value mentioned previously.

Douglas M. Gingrich
Fri Mar 29 09:41:51 MST 1996