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- version 3.2/00 - Interfaced to HERWIG.
- version 3.1 - The inclusion of final state parton
showers and the narrow width approximation of the
resonance cross-section. Interfaced to ARIADNE.
All calculations are now done in double precision.
- version 3.0 - First version to include initial state
QED radiative corrections. Integration of the total
cross-section and importance sampling use CERNLIB
package DIVON4. Code managed with CMZ.
- version 2.2 - The generation of leptoquarks with
different charge states possible. Some R-parity
violating supersymmetry processes added.
- version 2.1 - Several bug fixes to the cross-section
code for vector leptoquarks and u-channel dominate
scalar leptoquarks. JETSET 7.2 no longer supported.
- version 2.0 - Any of the 10 scaler or vector
leptoquarks or a leptogluon can be generated.
Structure functions from the CERNLIB package PDFLIB
can be chosen. The algorithm for integrating the
cross-section is improved and the errors on the
integrated cross-section are estimated.
All initialization of the package is performed in a
single place. The generation of kinematic variables
and the filling of the particle common block are
performed in separate routines. JETSET 6.3 no longer
- version 1.2 - First public release. Generation of
Douglas M. Gingrich
Fri Mar 29 09:41:51 MST 1996