The LQUARK package is managed as a CMZ library. An installation macro is provided in the CMZ deck
and may be used to build an LQUARK object library on UNIX or VMS systems (DECS, SGI or VAX).
The program needs to be linked with JETSET version 7.3 and PYTHIA version 5.6. The CERN libraries PACKLIB and GENLIB must also be loaded to include the random number generator RANECU, the timing routine TIMED and the integration package DIVON4. The CMZ option PDF selects the CERN structure function library PDFLIB rather than routine PYSTFU from PYTHIA. ARIADNE is available by selecting the CMZ option ARIADNE and HERWIG by selecting the option HERWIG.
The LQUARK CMZ library can be found on the DESY VAX and ZEUS DECstation cluster in files
/userb/gingrich/cmz/lquark.cmz or vxdesy::disk$zon:[gingrich.cmz]lquark.cmz
Or may be obtained by contacting the author at the following address.