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This manual describes a computer program which generates Monte Carlo simulated events for some exotic resonance processes in lepton-proton collisions. Leptoquarks may be produced and decayed according to a general lagrangian conserving baryon and lepton number [2], leptogluons according to a lagrangian by J. Bijnens [3] and squarks in R-parity violating supersymmetry models [4, 5]gif.

Events can be generated with or without the deep inelastic scattering (DIS) background - the interference between DIS and resonance production is included. In addition pure DIS events can be generated. An incident electron or positron beam of any desired polarization may be chosen. Scalar and vector resonances are allowed to decay to electron and quark, or neutrino and quark, final states.

Total cross-section contributions from the resonance, DIS background and interference amplitudes are calculated separately over a user defined phase-space region. In addition, the Born, hard bremsstruhlung and soft photon contributions to the cross-section are calculated if radiative corrections are requested.

The LUND routines of JETSET [6] may be used for final state parton shower, fragmentation and the decay processes. The colour dipole approximation to parton showers using ARIADNE [7] is possible or HERWIG [8] routines may be selected for initial and final state parton showers, and decay processes. Structure functions are calculated using the the CERN library PDFLIB [9] or the PYTHIA [10] routine PYSTFU. The generator fills the JETSET common block /LUJETS/ and the standard Monte Carlo generator common block /HEPEVT/. The event kinematics are stored in the LEPTO common block /LEPTOU/.

Douglas M. Gingrich
Fri Mar 29 09:41:51 MST 1996