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The following subroutines and functions comprise the package.
The user must supply his own main program to call LQINIT at
initialization, LQGEN once per event and LQTERM at termination.
- Purpose: Initializes the leptoquark generator.
- Routines called: TOTSCALAR or TOTVECTOR, DIVON and RANECQ.
- Common blocks: LQPARM and LQCOMM.
- Purpose: Prints information at run termination.
- Purpose: Generates the event kinematics for a single event.
- Routines called: RANGEN and LQFILL.
- Commons block: LQCOMM.
- Purpose: Fills the event common block, and administers
fragmentation and decay.
- Common blocks: LQPARM, LQCOMM, LUJETS, LUDAT2 and LUDAT4.
- Purpose: Probability density function for DIVON4 package.
- Arguments:
N: Number of dimensions (1).
X: Vector of coordinates.
- Commons block: LQCOMM.
- Purpose: Initializes values in the DIVON4 common blocks.
- Common blocks: PRINT and QUADRE.
- Purpose: Returns the scalar leptoquark total cross-section in
- Common blocks: LQPARM and LQCOMM.
- Purpose: Returns the vector leptoquark total cross-section in
- Common blocks: LQPARM and LQCOMM.
- Purpose: Returns the scalar leptoquark differential
, in picobarns.
- Argument: COSTHETA - Cosine of the polar angle (
- Common blocks: LQPARM and LQCOMM.
- Purpose: Returns the vector leptoquark differential
), in picobarns.
- Argument: COSTHETA - Cosine of the polar angle (
- Common blocks: LQPARM and LQCOMM.
There are in addition nine simple functions for calculating kinematic
factors in the total and differential cross-section formula.
Douglas M Gingrich
Fri Jan 10 15:10:10 MST 1997