/*                                                               */
/* Physics 673 Computer Assignment #1                            */
/* Trevor Nickle                                                 */
/* November 13, 1996                                             */
/*                                                               */
/* Purpose                                                       */
/*                                                               */
/*         To create a program that will spawn a secondary       */
/*         Process.  Have this process terminate normally without*/
/*         Having the calling process terminate before hand.     */
/*         Once the orignal process has determined that the      */
/*         Child process has terminated then terminate the       */
/*         Parent process.  All zombie processes should be       */
/*         Included.                                             */
/*                                                               */
/* Variables                                                     */
/*                                                               */
/* STAT    Integer pointer that is used to satisfy the necessary */
/*         Requirements of the waitpid routine.                  */
/* T       Integer variable that stores the returned value from  */
/*         The fork routine.  T = 0 inside the child and         */
/*         T = Child Process ID # inside the parent              */
/* W       Integer variable that stores the returned value from  */
/*         A waitpid routine.  Equals process id if process is   */
/*         Alive.  Equals -1 if process is dead.                  */
/* PARENT  Integer value that stores the id of the parent        */
/* CHILD   Integer value that stores the id of the child         */          
/*                                                               */


int main()

int *stat;
int t,w,parent,child;

printf("PARENT: This Program Creates A Child\n");
printf(" \n");
parent = getpid();
printf("PARENT: The Parent Process Id is %d\n",parent);
printf(" \n");
system("ps -l | grep a.out | grep -v grep"); /* Shows Parent is Alive */
printf(" \n");
printf("PARENT: A Child Will Now Be Born\n");
printf(" \n");

t = fork();  /* Child process is spawned here */

if (t==0) {  /* Child process executes only this part of the if */
  printf("CHILD: Child Born\n");
  printf(" \n");
  printf("CHILD: Here I am!\n"); 
  printf(" \n");
  child = getpid();
  printf("CHILD: My Process ID is %d\n",child);      
  printf(" \n");
  system("ps -l | grep a.out | grep -v grep"); /* Shows Parent & Child */
  printf(" \n");                                 /* Alive and well       */
  printf("CHILD: Life Sucks - I'm Going To Die Now\n");
         }  /* Child executions end here.  Child becomes a Zombie */

  else {    /* Parent Executes Only This Part of the code */
    printf(" \n");
    system("ps -l | grep a.out | grep -v grep"); /* Shows Zombie Process */
    printf(" \n");
    printf("PARENT: Child Process %d Is A Zombie!\n",t);
    w = waitpid(t,stat,0);
    while (w!=-1) {  /* This While confirms that the child has died */
      w = waitpid(t,stat,0);
                     /* Once parent is here, child is dead and removed */
                     /* Parent is now allowed to terminate             */
    printf(" \n");    
    printf("PARENT: Lets See What My Child Is Up To?\n");
    printf(" \n");
    system("ps -l | grep a.out | grep -v grep"); /* Shows only parent proc */
    printf(" \n");
    printf("PARENT: Child Process %d Is Dead And Removed - Time To Exit\n",t);
    printf(" \n");
return 0;