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Current Use of SCIs

SCI was completed in 1991, and was recognized as an approved ANSI/IEEE standard in 1992. It is currently being incorporated into commercial computers, such as the Hewlett-Packard global-shared-memory PA/RISC-based multiprocessor supercomputer. Convex Computer is now shipping their Exemplar supercomputer based on SCI, and other computer companies are designing next-generation machines either with SCI or with a similar (but of course, deliberately incompatible!) interconnect.

In the military world, the JAST (Joint Advanced Strike Technology - Air Force, Navy, and Marines) of the USA has adopted SCI as the unified interconnect for a future fighter, replacing the 6 or 7 different interconnects as used in the F-22. The Canadian Navy is using SCI as the interconnect for their Next-Generation Signal Processor, and the Norwegian military is using SCI for advanced signal processors.

Douglas M Gingrich
Thu Oct 10 13:51:22 MDT 1996