This is my suggestion for how I can arrive at non-subjective PHYS673 grades, yet not make you feel like you are an undergraduate.

We will not have any written tests or exams!

At the end of the term I will interview each student to assess how much you actual absorbed. The interview will be based on oral questions and comments covering the lectures.

Since I believe that you actually teach yourself by reading and doing the work, I will assign little reading projects that will be written up and submitted to me. The idea is that these take no more than about one full evening of your time per week. The topics will be supplemental to the lectures and could involve team work with your fellow students. In the real-time computing part of the course you may be asked to submit program fragments (or pseudo-code) or show me something that runs in real time. Regardless of the assignment, I hope to not impose a computer language or hardware on anyone.

Lastly. I will take attendance at classes. If you need to miss any class please ask me for a "note". People that "must" miss classes will have to "work a deal" with me in terms of additional assignments.

Comments please?