Particle Physics Books


An Introduction to the standard Model of Particle Physics - Cottingham & Greenwood, 2007, 2nd edition ($49CAD)

Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic Interactions - Quigg, 1983

Quarks & Leptons - Halzen & Martin, 1984 ($120CAD paper)

Gauge Theories in Particle Physics - Aitchison & Hey, 2 Vol. 2004 ($83USD paper)

Introduction to Elementary Particles - Griffiths, 2008, 2nd edition

Particle Physics - Martin & Shaw, 2008 3rd edition ($77CAD paper)

Weak interactions of leptons and quarks - Commins & Bucksbaum, 1988 ($46USD paper)

Introduction to High energy Physics - Perkins

Collider Physics - Barger, 2004 ($44USD paper)

Introduction to Quarks and Partons - Close

An Introduction to Gauge Theories & the 'New Physics' - Leader & Predazzi

Quantum Chromodynamics - Greiner & Shaefer

Gauge Theory of Weak Ineteractions - Greiner & Mueller


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Douglas M. Gingrich (