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D.M. Gingrich, 1996

PHYS 395 Questionnaire

The results of this questionnaire are for my own information so that I may improve the course. You may return it to me or place it in the assignment box at the entrance to the Centre for Subatomic Research building. Please feel free to add any comments you think would be useful.

  1. Are you glad that you took this course?


  2. Have you learned more than usual?


  3. Have the labs been useful?


  4. Is this course more work than other courses you are taking?


    (Does some component require excessive time?)

  5. Are you happy with the weight given to assignments (1/6), midterm (1/6), labs (1/3), and final exam(1/3) in determining the course mark?


    (How would you alter the weights?)

  6. How useful were the handout notes?


    (Was there a particularly bad section of my notes?)

  7. I have followed my notes. Would you prefer that I follow a particular textbook?


  8. Do you wish that we would do more circuitry and applications, with a consequent reduction in the discussion of physical principles, ie. more of a black box approach?


  9. I have made exclusive use of the blackboard (as opposed to using the overhead projector). Do you prefer the use of the blackboard?


  10. Did you find the lectures in which I showed digital computer simulations useful?


  11. Would you have prefered some computer assignments with a corresponding reduction in lab work?


  12. Would you have prefered to simulate some circuits rather than build them in the lab?


  13. How might the labs be improved?

  14. What do you most like (or dislike) about this course?

  15. What do you like most about your other courses which might be applicable to this course?

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Douglas M Gingrich
Fri Jan 3 09:53:57 MST 1997