This sub-section includes material in microfilm format. Although the microfilms contain both primary and secondary material, they were included in Section II because there is significantly more secondary than primary material, and, moreover, a number of reels contain both types of documents. The records are organized by reel number (I to XVI). Each record gives the date (if known) and the type (positive or negative) of microfilm, and whether it contains primary or secondary material. A short description of the reel’s contents is also provided. This section also includes a bibliography file (in paper format) with more detailed information on the microfilmed material; however, this file does not provide citations for the entire material in microfilm format.
298. REEL I
[19??]. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles about Kaiser's life and work, and reviews of the premières [28] of: Sorina; Judith; Von morgens bis mitternachts; Nebeneinander; Kolportage; Gas; Papiermühle; Der mutige Seefahrer; Zweimal Oliver; Die jüdische Witwe; Oktobertag, published in "Die Weltbühne" and "Die neue Bücherschau"; see citations of individual titles in bibliography file, accession no: 92-2-314.
Accession no.: 96-2-298-M I
299. REEL II
[19??]. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles about Kaiser's life and work, and reviews of the premières [28] of: Das Frauenopfer; Konstantin Strobel; Die Versuchung; Die Milchstrasse; Die Bürger von Calais; Gas; Rektor Kleist; Hölle, Weg, Erde; Der Brand im Opernhaus; Sorina; Judith; Von morgens bis mitternachts; Die Koralle; Der Fall des Schülers Vehgesack, published in "Die Kritik," "Westermanns Monatshefte," "Theatre Arts Monthly" and "Das Jahr der Bühne"; see citations of individual titles in bibliography file, accession no: 92-2-314.
Accession no.: 96-2-299-M II
[19??]. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles about Kaiser's life and work, book reviews and reviews of the premières [16] of Kaiser's plays, including: Der Präsident; Zwei Krawatten; Mississippi; Die Bürger von Calais; Es ist genug; Die Flucht nach Venedig; Gilles und Jeanne; Kolportage; David und Goliath; Zweimal Oliver; Papiermühle, published in "Die schöne Literatur," "Die Schaubühne," and in various newspapers; see citations of individual titles in bibliography file, accession no: 92-2-314.
Accession no.: 96-2-300-M III
301. REEL IV
[1966]. Microfilm, negative. Primary material. Contents: Die Bürger von Calais [1. Fassung] / G. Kaiser, holograph, 119 leaves; same version as paper copy.
Accession no.: 96-2-301-M IV
302. REEL V
[196?]. Microfilm, negative. Swiss material, primary and secondary. Includes manuscripts, notes, correspondence, newspaper articles, theater programs, and reviews. Partial contents: Manuscripts: Rosamunde Floris (typescript, 94 leaves); Zweimal Amphitryon (holograph); Napoleon in New Orleans, (holograph) / G. Kaiser -- Georg Kaiser's Reichskulturkammer Mitgliedausweis Nr. A 11 160 -- Correspondence (between Caesar von Arx and a number of individuals, associations, theaters, publishers, legal representatives and government departments after Kaiser's death regarding his estate, unpublished works, copyright, etc.; see full description under Arx, Caesar von) -- Theater program and reviews of the première of "Der Soldat Tanaka."
Accession no.: 96-2-302-M V
303. REEL VI
1959. Microfilm, negative. Swiss material, primary and secondary. Includes manuscripts, correspondence, articles, reviews, and two bibliographies by Dr. Ernest Reinhold with detailed description of contents, 1) Einheit A to Einheit Z, and Einheit AA to AG, and 2) Einheit I to XVIII. All documents, including bibliography, are available in paper format; for full description, see citations under individual titles in paper format. Partial contents: Bibliography [1] / E. Reinhold -- Dramaentwürfe -- Briefentwürfe / G. Kaiser -- Transcripts of letters (Alma Haefelin-Hofmann, Hermann Haefelin, Maria and Olivia von Mühlfeld, and others) -- Notes and newspaper articles collected by Kaiser -- Manuscripts: Klawitter (holograph and typescript); Agnete (typescript); Rosamunde Floris (typescript); Pferdewechsel (typescript); Vincent verkauft ein Bild (typescript); Die letzte Geliebte (typescript) -- Reviews by R. P. -- [Manuscripts continued]: Robert-Ann-Maud (typescript); Mörder ohne Mord (typescript); Xenia (typescript and holograph); Nebeneinander (typescript); Mississippi (typescript) -- Correspondence (Ines Loeven, Enrique Beck, Mina Lüssi, Hellmer, and others) -- Articles about Georg Kaiser -- Unidentified manuscripts (poor condition of original) -- Poems: Phaistischer Diskus; Libellensonett / G. Kaiser; Der Gefangene / anon. [Lovea] -- Bibliography [2] / E. Reinhold -- Villa Aurea, p. 1-24 (typescript) / G. Kaiser.
Accession no.: 96-2-303-M VI
[196?]. Microfilm, negative. Primary material. Contents: Der Fall des Schülers Vehgesack / G. Kaiser, holograph, [103] leaves.
Accession no.: 96-2-304-M VII
[196?]. Microfilm, negative. Primary material. Contents: Tagebuch (1938-1946) / Caesar von Arx, holograph.
Accession no.: 96-2-305-M VIII
306. REEL IX
[196?]. Microfilm, negative. Primary material. Contents: Letters [1917-1929] from G. Kaiser to Herbert Ihering, holograph, [23] leaves.
Accession no.: 96-2-306-M IX
307. REEL X
1968. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Contents: Die illusionsauflösenden Tendenzen im dramaturgischen Programm des Expressionismus / Otto Michael Färber, PhD Dissertation, Wien 1958, typescript, 235 pages.
Accession no.: 96-2-307-M X
308. REEL XI
[196?]. Microfilm, positive. Secondary material. Contents: Georg Kaiser: His Life, Works, and Technique / R.W. Buckley, Thesis, Liverpool, 1925, typescript, 235 pages.
Accession no.: 96-2-308-M XI
[19??]. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles about Kaiser's life and work, book reviews and reviews of the premières [36] of Kaiser's plays, including: Der gerettete Alkibiades; Gas; Der Brand im Opernhaus; Nebeneinander; Zentaur; Die Koralle; Margarine; Die Bürger von Calais; Die Flucht nach Venedig; Kolportage; David und Goliath; Juana; Gats, published in Das junge Deutschland, Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde and Die deutsche Bühne; see citations of individual titles in bibliography file, accession no: 92-2-314.
Accession no.: 96-2-309-M XII
[196?]. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles and reviews [14], of the premières of: Die Koralle; Brand im Opernhaus; Hölle, Weg, Erde; Europa; Gas; Von morgens bis mitternachts; Die Bürger von Calais, mainly published in Die Weltbühne; see citations of individual titles in bibliography file, accession no: 92-2-314.
Accession no.: 96-2-310-M XIII
[196?]. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles and reviews, [36], of theater performances of: Der Brand im Opernhaus; Der Zentaur; Die Koralle; Die Bürger von Calais; Von morgens bis mitternachts; Gas; Die Sorina; Die Lederköpfe; Der Silbersee; Hellseherei; Mississippi; Claudius; Friedrich und Anna; Juana; Gilles und Jeanne; published in Das Blaue Heft, Das deutsche Drama, Neue Blätter für Kunst und Literatur and Die Flöte; see citations of individual titles in bibliography file, accession no: 92-2-314.
Accession no.: 96-2-311-M XIV
312. REEL XV
[1960?]. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles and reviews of theater performances, [25], of: Der Brand im Opernhaus; Kolportage; Die Bürger von Calais; Von morgens bis mitternachts; Hölle Weg Erde; David und Goliath; Kolportage; Gilles und Jeanne; and Papiermühle, published in Freie Deutsche Bühne and Das Blaue Heft; see citations of individual titles in bibliography file, accession no: 92-2-314.
Accession no.: 96-2-312-M XV
1965. Microfilm, negative. Secondary material. Includes articles and reviews of theater performances [~ 30], of: Kolportage; Die Bürger von Calais; David und Goliath; Zwei Krawatten; Oktobertag; Papiermühle; Zweimal Oliver; Nebeneinander; and Gas, published in Deutsche Bühnenkunst and Hellweg.
Accession no.: 96-2-313-M XVI
[19??]. Bibliographies [2] compiled by Dr. Ernest Reinhold and lists of citations of primary and secondary materials on microfilm; please note that this file does not include citations for the entire material in microfilm format.
Accession no.: 96-2-314