George Peschke
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta
Canada, T6G 2G1
Some Publications
- With T. Van der Linden: The Yoneda isomorphism commutes with homology. JPAA 220 (2016) 495–517 PDF;
- Universal Extensions. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 349 (2011) 501 – 504 PDF; Published version
- With D. Blanc. The fiber of functors between categories of algebras. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 207 (2006) 687 – 715 PDF
- With W. Shen. Localization of epimorphisms and monomorphisms in homotopy theory. Topology and its Applications, 145 (2004) 1 – 10 PDF
- With D. Blanc. The plus construction, Postnikov towers and universal central module extensions. Israel J. Math. 132 (2002) 109 – 123 PDF
- With G. Mislin. Central extensions and generalized plus constructions. Trans. AMS 353 No. 2 (2001) 585 – 608 PDF
- Local global principles in group theory and homotopy theory. Birckhäuser Verlag, Progress in Math. 136 (1996) 381 – 391
- Localization and Genus in Group Theory, Trans. AMS 347 (1995) 155 – 174
- With P. Symonds. Various local global principles for abelian groups. Publicacions Mathematiques 38 (1994) 353 – 370.
- Degree of certain equivariant maps into a representation sphere, Topology & App. 59 (1994) 137 – 156
- With P. Seymonds. Pro-torsion completions of abelian groups. JPAA 88 (1993) 187 – 197.
- With C. Casacuberta. Localizing with respect to self-maps of the circle. Trans AMS 339 (1993) 117 – 140.
- With C. Casacuberta and M. Pfenniger. On orthogonal pairs in categories and localisation. Adams Memorial Symposium on Algebraic Topology, 1 (Manchester, 1990), CUP London Math. Soc. LNS 175 (1992) 211 – 223 PDF
- With C. Casacuberta and M. Pfenniger. Sur la localisation dans les catégories avec une application a la theorie de l'homotopie. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris I 310 (1990)
208 – 210.
- The theory of ends. Nieuw Archiev voor Wiskunde 8 (1990) 1 – 12 PDF
- Localizing groups with action. Publ. Math. 33 (1989), 227 – 234 PDF
- H-semidirect Products. Canadian Math. Bull. 30 (1987) 402 – 511.
- With T. van der Linden: A Homological View of Categorical Algebra (2024). PDF on arXiv
- Exact Couples and their Spectral Sequences (2022). PDF on arXiv
- With W. Tholen: Diagrams, Fibrations, and the Decomposition of Colimits (2021). PDF on arXiv;
Courses Taught
- Math 102: Linear Algebra for Engineers
- Math 209: Advanced Calculus for Engineers
- Math 114: Introduction to Calculus I
- Math 115: Introduction to Calculus II
- Math 214: Introduction to Calculus III
- Math 215: Introduction to Calculus IV
- Math 125: Introduction to Linear Algebra I
- Math 225: Introduction to Linear Algebra II
- Math 347: Axiomatic Set Theory
- Math 363: History of Mathematics
- Math 411: Complex Analysis I
- Math 412: Complex Analysis II
- Math 447: General Topology
- Math 448: Differential Geometry I
- Math 449: Differential Geometry II
- Math 506: Complex Analysis in Several Variables, Complex Manifolds
- Math 521: Differential Manifolds
- Math 530: Algebraic Topology I
- Math 630: Algebraic Topology II
- Math 681: Transformation Groups
- Math 681: Homological Algebra
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