Some Things to Know About Bad Breath University of Alberta Bad Breath Research ClinicDr. F.-Michael Eggert, DDS, MRCD(c), MSc, PhDcantab |
Things that Can Make You Get Bad Breath |
What Happens |
Something To Try |
More than one of these can be combined |
dries your mouth, changes the lining of your mouth |
quitting would help |
sometimes your stomach can be smelled on your breath. valve at top of stomach does not close completely and you get reflux sometimes treatment with antibiotics can produce a smell from your stomach |
eat a bit of something (eg. a cracker) when hungry medical referral, medications
whenever I've encountered this in people, it seems to go away about 2 weeks after stopping the antibiotic |
Infections of lungs or of upper respiratory passages |
Medical Referral Sometimes breath treatment can help patients who have a chronic post-nasal drip with their breath. |
Chronic inflammation/infection produces enlarged tonsils |
Medical Referral Sometimes breath treatment can help these patients with their breath. |
Poor denture hygiene Dentures cut down access of cleansing flow of saliva to lining of mouth |
Follow instructions for cleaning dentures Leave your dentures out when sleeping |
Infections around your teeth can cause smelly breath: one well-known infection produces a 'metallic' odour and can be associated with considerable pain. |
Improved Oral Home Care and Dental Referral |
Some medical conditions cause dry mouth: one of these is Sjögren's Syndrome Some medications cause dry mouth: tricyclic anti-depressants fall into this category |
Dental and/or Medical Referral Dental and/or Medical Referral |
We must get this one out into the open! Some people are unnecessarily concerned about bad breath when they do not actually have detectable bad breath. |
Some medically-important conditions are associated with breath smells:
These problems require a medical referral and medical assessment. |
Altered choline metabolism can lead to a fish-like breath odour associated with trimethylamine. Sometimes this problem shows up as a taste rather than a breath odour. Since this condition is really quite rare, you are unlikely to have it! |
Avoid eating too much of choline-rich foods like eggs. |
NOTE WELL! This is not an exhaustive listing, there are ALWAYS other conditions and combinations of conditions. That's why we continue to do research! |
NOTE WELL! Do-it-yourself treatment is not always the best medicine. |
The BOTTOM LINE is to seek professional advice when things do not get better! |
© 1997 - 2004 F.-Michael Eggert, all rights reserved |
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