Lawyers Questionnaire

(If unsure of a question, please do not answer it)

[This sheet was being distributed to support-group attendees during the period in question.]                              [Back]

Lawyer’s Name: _____________________________         Gender:          M / F


Firm’s Name: ___________________________________ Phone: ­­­­­­­­­­_______________________


Fees _____________     Accepts Legal Aid   Y / N              Free Consultation:     Y / N


Area of Practice: Family Law             Criminal Law C            Lawsuits C

Other:  _______________________________________________________________________


Special Knowledge: Sex Abuse __     Parental Alienation __     Recovered Memory __


Mental Disorders __      False Accusations __               Other:  _____________________________


On a scale of 1 - 5, with 5 the highest, complete the following:


Characteristics:    Effective ________    Well-Prepared _________        Optimistic __________

                               Ethical / has integrity _______  Intelligent ________

Other:  ________________________________________________________


Communication: Truthful ________ Takes Instructions __________ Available ________


Explains Clearly   _________               Other: __________________________________________


Attitudes: Commitment to Shared Parenting ______Commitment to Gender Equality______


Compassionate  _____ Commitment to Fairness and Justice  ________


Other:  _______________________________________________________________________


Your case still on going:   Y / N                     How Long:  ________       Won or Lost?     W / L


Your Level of Satisfaction with this lawyer: _____________


Additional Comments: _________________________________________________________



Print Name: ______________________________ Phone Number: _______________



Return Address: 11713-137th Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5E 1Z6