A Southam Newspaper
Telephone (403) 429-5100
[I was given this document (reproduced here by OCR, with a
photocopy of its first page at bottom) by The
Journal at my request in the early 1990s--FC]
A good newspaper is fair, accurate,
honest, thorough, responsible and independent. It is committed to freedom of
speech and the pursuit of truth is its guiding principle.
The Journal and its staff must avoid
practices that would conflict with the ability to report and present news in a
fair and unbiased manner.
The following principles are designed
to encourage the highest standards of ethical and professional behavior. No
code of ethics can prejudge every situation, however, and common sense and good
judgment are necessary in applying these ethical principles to the realities of
the newspaper business.
The Journal will always guard against
inaccuracies, carelessness, bias or distortion through emphasis or omission.
Our news stories and commentary must always
be fair and balanced and therefore reporters must always endeavor to get all
sides of a story and to represent those sides in a fair manner in the
In the editing process, editors must
also maintain the principles of fairness and avoid slanting a story or writing
unfair or misleading headlines.
substantive errors
in the
newspaper will be corrected promptly.
The Journal’s editorial board does not hold "off-the-record" conferences with
news sources. It is sometimes
necessary for reporters to go off-the-record to get information but they should make
every effort to get as much information
as possible on-the-record. If reporters
take off-the-record information, they must guard against placing The Journal in a compromising
an unnamed source is
used for a story, every effort
must be made to corroborate the facts through other
sources. Use of unnamed sources must be discussed
with a senior editor who has the
right to require that the reporter
provide him or her with the name of the source.
reasons for concealing a source’s identity should always be made clear in a
story. We should always
try to avoid allowing unnamed sources
to attack an individual or an organization in the newspaper. [Back]
must always identify themselves when they are interviewing a news source in
person or on the telephone.
may be rare occasions when a reporter must go
"under cover" in the pursuit of a story. Permission for
this kind of investigation must be given
by the managing editor and will only
be done in cases of great public interest.
The general rule remains that a reporter must not misrepresent himself/herself in the
pursuit of a story and must always
identify himself/herself if asked.
is not acceptable.
reference should be made to a person’s race, color or religion in a news story unless it is
pertinent to the context of that story.
Journal always strives for balance, fairness and objectivity in reporting. The
Journal must act and be perceived to
act in a non-partisan manner. We must be free to report
and comment on the activities of any publicly elected body or special-interest organization without perceived or actual conflict of interest. --->
no member of the editorial staff should be compromised by open displays of
political or partisan views. Editorial employees should not run for office or
be involved in political parties or
political campaigns.
involvement in community organizations which might appear to constitute a
conflict of interest must be
discussed with the employee’s department head. As a general rule, reporters and editors should not work on stories
in which there may appear to be a
conflict of interest because of their
personal involvement. [Back] Anyone who is uncertain about whether their activities might
constitute a conflict of interest
should discuss the matter with his or her
department head.
Financial investments or other outside
business interests may conflict or
appear to conflict with an individual’s
ability to report the news impartially. Again, the onus is on staff members to notify
their department heads of any
interests which could place them in a conflict or the appearance of a conflict.
Freebies: As journalists, we must not use our positions at the newspaper to obtain
preferential treatment or access in
our private activities.
Journal does not accept free trips of a promotional nature from any airline,
tourist agency, government or other organization. Occasionally, there is a
legitimate reason for taking a charter flight with an organization, but in
those cases The Journal must always pay
its share of the costs.
the exception of those cases where The Journal is sponsoring an event and
receives complimentary tickets in
return for corporate support, we do not accept free tickets or passes to theatres, clubs or
performances for which the rest of the
public is expected to pay.
staff should not accept gifts from news
sources. However, there will be occasions when it would be rude to snub an offer of hospitality. The
old standby "anything you can eat
or drink in one sitting" is probably
the best guideline for what is acceptable.
Freelance: Journal staffers are generally not permitted to do freelance work for
competing media in The Journal's distribution zone. Appearances on radio and television can enhance the profile of the Individual
as well as The Journal and are
permitted providing the individual is always identified as a member of The
Edmonton Journal. Those appearances and any writing for periodicals not
considered competing media should always be cleared by the managing editor. The Journal should not be in the
position of being 'scooped' by its own staff in another publication or media
staffers are not permitted to accept freelance income from government
publications or agencies. We cannot have staff members receiving payments from
organizations we are responsible for
covering as sources of news. As a
rule of thumb, proposed freelance or
outside work should be cleared with
the managing editor.
and editors should remember that they are
seen in the community as representatives of The Journal and should dress
as well as act accordingly. All staff
members should dress neatly and be well—groomed on the job. Whether
they are in the office, talking on the phone or out in the community,
staff members should conduct themselves in a
courteous and fair manner.