Erik Rosolowsky
Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Alberta.
About Me
As a professor, I teach physics and astronomy at the University, complete research on star formation, and perform service for the professional, university, and public communities. I received my doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, where I studied the properties of star forming clouds in nearby galaxies. Since 2013, I've been on the faculty here, where I've taught classes across the curriculum. When I'm not busy working, I enjoy baking, running, as well as board and card games.
For more information, including contact information and available research group positions, see my directory entry.
Research Portfolio
"We're made of star stuff." -- Carl Sagan, Cosmos
This wonderful quote means that most of the atoms into our body -- the carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen that are essential to life -- were forged in the nuclear engines of now-dead stars. How did those atoms make their way from these ancient stars into our solar system, then our planet, and ultimately into us?