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Shrawan Kumar
Ph.D D.Sc. F.Erg.S.

Yogesh Narayan P.Eng.
Milan Zedka M.D.
Tyler Amell M.Sc. A.E.P.

About The Lab Location

Cervical Spine Mechanics
Spinal Mobilizer
Shoulder Adduction Strength

Past Projects
Functional Rotation
Axial Rotation
Intra-Abdominal Pressure
Functional Evaluation


About the Lab:

The laboratory is housed within recently renovated Corbett Hall in rooms 3-74 and 3-78. Also housed within this building is the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, which is comprised of the departments of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Pathology and Audiology.


The lab is equipped with an AMTI force plate, and a Peak Motion analysis system. The lab also has a capacity to record 16 EMG channels simultaneously. Various custom designed gross and fine strength measuring instruments housed within the laboratory.


Five fully networked computers form the backbone of the data collection, processing and analysis capability of the lab. The lab has one Intel Pentium Pro machine running at 200 MHz as well as a second Intel Pentium machine running at 200 MHz. Two Intel 486 machines and one 386 machine are used for data collection. The systems run a variety of software under Microsoft Windows for Workgroups (version 3.11),  Microsoft Windows 95 and Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 platforms. The lab has custom developed data collection and analysis software, including an extensive EMG analysis program. The lab also has all necessary spreadsheet, word-processing and presentation software.


Here at the ergonomics research lab, we also have three plants that take advantage of Alberta's abundant sunshine! Our orange tree has yet to sprout oranges, but is showing great potential.

How to contact the lab:

Ergonomics Research Laboratory
3-74 Corbett Hall
Department of Physical Therapy
Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2G4
Phone: 403-492-7187
Fax: 403-492-1626