varve = ts(scan("")) varve = ts(scan("varve.dat")) ## Set the CRAN mirror to Canada (BC) (Menu: Packages -> Set CRAN mirror) ## Install package fracdiff (Packages -> Install package) ## Load it: Packages -> Load package library(fracdiff) lvarve = log(varve) - mean(log(varve)) # Centre the logs par(mfrow=c(3,1)) acf(lvarve, 50) ## Estimate d: varve.fd = fracdiff(lvarve, nar=0, nma=0) summary(varve.fd) names(varve.fd) d <- varve.fd$d cat("estimated d =", d, "\n") cat("std.err of d.hat = ", varve.fd$stderror.dpq, "\n") ## Compute M residuals: M = 500 ## First compute the pi's (P_j = pi_(j-1)): P = vector(length=M) P[1] = 1 for(j in 1:(M-1)) P[j+1] = (j-1-d)*P[j]/j ## Now the residuals: resid = vector(length = M) for(t in 1:M) resid[t] = P[1:t]%*%lvarve[t:1] resid = resid[101:M] #Remove the first 100 plot(resid) acf.varve = acf(resid, lag.max = 50)