days = c(1,2,3,4,5,7) oxy = c(8.3,10.3,19,16,15.6,19.8) bod = data.frame(days,oxy) # Compute starting values. The value '20' was chosen as an approximate # asymptote, upon examining the data theta1 = 20 theta2 = -1*lsfit(x=days,y=log(1-oxy/theta1),intercept=F)$coef starting.values = c(theta1,theta2) # Define the response function and its gradient V1 = function(theta2) 1-exp(-theta2*days) V2 = function(theta1,theta2) theta1*days*exp(-theta2*days) V = function(theta1,theta2) cbind(V1(theta2),V2(theta1,theta2)) oxygen = function(days,theta1,theta2) { value = theta1*(1-exp(-theta2*days)) attr(value,"gradient") = V(theta1,theta2) value } # Do the nonlinear fit names(starting.values) = c("theta1","theta2") fit.bod = nls(oxy~oxygen(days,theta1,theta2),bod,start = starting.values,trace=T) print(summary(fit.bod)) coefs = coef(fit.bod) resids = residuals(fit.bod) theta1=coefs[1]; theta2=coefs[2] opar = par(mfrow = c(1,2), oma = c(3, 0, 0, 0), las = 1) plot(days, oxy) newdata = seq(from = 1, to = 7, length = 50) lines(newdata, predict(fit.bod, list(days=newdata))) # Plot S(theta) grid1 = seq(0,60,length=50); grid2 = seq(0,6,length=50) S.theta = function(,theta.two) { sum((*(1-exp(-theta.two*days)))^2) } # S.theta is the sum of squares function S.mat = matrix(0,length(grid1),length(grid2)) for (i in 1:length(grid1)) { for (j in 1:length(grid2)) S.mat[i,j] = S.theta(grid1[i],grid2[j]) } p = length(coefs); n = length(oxy) S.max = function(conf.level) { S.theta(theta1,theta2)*(1+(p/(n-p))*qf(conf.level,p,n-p)) } contour(grid1,grid2,S.mat,levels=c(S.max(.95)),xlab="",ylab="theta2") points(theta1,theta2,pch="+") title(sub="\n theta1 \n 80% and 95% l'hood regions;\n LSE shown as '+'", line=4) contour(grid1,grid2,S.mat,levels=c(S.max(.80)),add=T, lty=4) par(opar) win.graph() pr.bod = profile(fit.bod) opar = par(mfrow = c(2,2), oma = c(1.1, 0, 1.1, 0), las = 1) plot(pr.bod, conf = c(95, 90, 80, 50)/100) plot(pr.bod, conf = c(95, 90, 80, 50)/100, absVal = FALSE) mtext("Confidence intervals based on the profile sum of squares", side = 3, outer = TRUE) mtext("BOD data - confidence levels of 50%, 80%, 90% and 95%", side = 1, outer = TRUE) par(opar)