# R commands for random effect model (CRD with a single factor) y <- c(98, 91, 96, 95, 97, 90, 95, 96, 99, 93, 97, 99, 96, 92, 95, 98) looms <- as.factor(rep(1:4,times=4)) qwe <- rbind(y[looms==1],y[looms==2],y[looms==3],y[looms==4]) dimnames(qwe) <- list(c("loom1", "loom2", "loom3","loom4"),NULL) qwe g <- lm(y~looms) anova(g) # 95% CI on the intraclass correlation coefficient u <- qf(.975,3,12); l <- qf(.025,3,12) F0 <- 15.681 L <- (F0/u-1)/4; U <- (F0/l-1)/4 L/(1+L); U/(1+U) # 95% CI on sigma.sqd.epsilon u <- qchisq(.975,12); l <- qchisq(.025,12) df.MSE <- 12*1.896 L <- df.MSE/u; U <- df.MSE/l L; U