Refereed Journal and Book Chapters
(submitted and published) – April 2018
Submitted for Peer Reviewed Contribution – bold indicates students
or associates
Rabbani, A., and D.R. Schmitt, The longitudinal modulus of bitumen: Pressure
and temperature dependencies, submitted Geophysics, April 2018.
Njiekak, G., R.S. Kofman, and D.R. Schmitt, Pore systems
in carbonate formations, Weyburn Field, Saskatchewan: micro-tomography, helium porosimetry and mercury intrusion porosimetry
characterization, submitted J. Petro. Sci. Eng.,
March 28, 2018.
Wang, Z.B, D.R. Schmitt, R. Wang, Y.Zeng, The pressure
dependence of velocities and its influencing factors for carbonate rocks in
Saudi Arabia, submitted Rock Mechanics Rock Engineering, March 26, 2018.
Li, W., D.R. Schmitt, M. Tibbo, and C. Zhou, A
program to calculate the state of stress in the vicinity of an inclined
borehole through an anisotropic rock formation, submitted Geophysics, ms. Pp. 60, February 5, 2018.
Rabbani, A., and D.R. Schmitt, Ultrasonic shear wave reflectometry applied
to the determination of the shear moduli and viscosity of a viscoelastic
bitumen, ms. 40 pp, submitted Fuel, February 7,
Lofi, L., D. Smith, C. Delahunty, E. Le Ber, L. Brun, G. Henry, J. Paris, S. Tikoo,
W. Zylberman, P.A. Pezard,
B. Celeriér, D.R. Schmitt, C. Nixon, S.P.S. Gulick, J.V. Morgan, T. Bralower,
E. Chenot, G. Christeson,
P. Claeys, C. Cockell,
M.J.L. Coolen, L. Ferrière,
C. Gebhardt, K. Goto, H. Jones, D.A. Kring, X. Long, C. Lowery, C. Mellet,
S. Green, R. Ocampo-Torres, L. Perez-Cruz, A. Pickersgill,
M. Poelchau, A. Rae, C. Rasmussen, M. Rebolledo-Vieyra, U. Riller, H.
Sato, J. Smit, N. Tomioka, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, M.
Whalen, A. Wittmann, and K.E. Yamaguchi, Drilling-
and logging-induced features illustrated from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 downhole
logs and borehole imaging tools, submitted Scientific Drilling, December 7,
Massiot, C., B. Celerier, M-L, Doan, T. Little,
D. McNamara, J. Townend, D.R. Schmitt, J. Williams,
V. Toy, R. Sutherland, L. Janku-Capova, P. Upton, and
P. Pezzard, The
Alpine Fault hangingwall viewed from within:
structural analysis of acoustic image logs in the DFDP-2B borehole, New Zealand,
submitted G3, Nov. 28, 2917.
Scanlon, K., M. Hendry, C. Martin, and
D.R. Schmitt, A simulation-based
investigation into increasing the consistency of ground-penetrating
radar-derived ballast degradation estimates through winter data collection,
submitted J. Rail Rapid Trans., 15 pp., November 9, 2017.
Christeson, G.L., S.P.S. Gulick, J.V. Morgan, C. Gebhardt, D.A. Kring, E. Le Ber, J. Lofi, C. Nixon,
M. Poelchau, A.S.P. Rae, M. Rebolledo-Vieyra1, U. Riller, D.R. Schmitt, A. Wittmann, T.J. Bralower,
E. Chenot, P. Claeys, C.S. Cockell, M.J.L. Coolen, L. Ferrière, S. Green, K. Goto, H.
Jones, C.M. Lowery, C. Mellett, R. Ocampo-Torres, L.
Perez-Cruz, A.E. Pickersgill, C. Rasmussen, H. Sato,
J. Smit, S.M. Tikoo-Schantz, N. Tomioka, J. Urrutia-Fucugauchi, M.T. Whalen, L. Xiao, K.E. Yamaguchi, and W. Zylberman. Extraordinary
rocks from the peak ring of the Chixculub Impact
Crater: Physical property measurements from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364, submitted
EPSL, October 13, 2017.
10. Stork, A.L., C.G. Nixon,
C.D. Hawkes, C. Birnie, D.J. White, D.R. Schmitt, and
B. Roberts, Is CO2 injection
at Aquistore aseismic? A combined seismological and geomechanical study of
early injection operations, submitted Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control,
October 1, 2017.
Dong, X., C.
Xu, T. Mohammed, J. Sun, C. Cuichui, D.R. Schmitt, Experimental
Study on Hydrocarbon Cleaning Effect for Gas Shale with Pyrogram,
submitted Organic Geochemistry, January 6, 2017.
Accepted and/or Published Fully Peer Reviewed Contribution
Li, Y., E.C. David, S. Nakagawa, T.J. Kneafsey, D.R. Schmitt, and I. Jackson, A broadband laboratory study of the seismic
properties of cracked and fluid-saturated synthetic glass media, submitted
J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth, Accepted April 6, 2018.
2. Xie, J., D.R. Schmitt, J. Wei, and Y.
Chan, Estimation of d
and C13 of organic-rich shale from laser ultrasonic technique (LUT)
measurement, Geophysics, DOI 10.1190/geo2017-0512.1, 2018.
3. Li, W, D.R. Schmitt, C. Zhou, and X. Chen, A program to calculate pulse transmission responses through
transversely isotropic media, Computers & Geosciences, doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2018.02.002 114, 59-72, 2018.
4. Schijns, H., I. Jackson, and D.R. Schmitt, Shear modulus dispersion in cracked and
fluid-saturated quartzites: Experimental Observations, J. Geophys. Res- Solid Earth, 123, doi:10.1002/2017JB014633, pp.
16, 2018.
5. Scanlon, K., M. Hendry, C.D. Martin,
and D.R. Schmitt, The spatial correlation
between track roughness and ballast degradation as inferred from 400 MHz ground
penetrating radar measurements, J. Rail and Rapid Transit, doi/10.1177/0954409717753817, 15 pp., 2018.
6. Townend, J., R. Sutherland, V. Toy, M-L. Doan, B. Celerier, C. Massiot, J. Coussens, T. Jeppson, L. Janku-Capova, L. Remaud, P.
Upton, D.R. Schmitt, P.Pezard, J. Williams, et al (57
additional authors), Petrophysical,
geochemical, and hydrological evidence for extensive fracture-mediated fluid
and heat transport in the Alpine Fault’s hanging-wall damage zone, Geochemsitry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18, doi/10.1002/2017GC007202, 4709-4732., 2017.
7. Malehmir, R., and D.R. Schmitt, Acoustic Reflectivity from Variously
Oriented Orthorhombic Media: Analogies
to Seismic Responses from a Fractured Anisotropic Crust, J. Geophys.
Res., 122, doi: 10.1002/2017JB014160, 17 pp., 2017.
8. Ardakani, E.P., and D.R. Schmitt, Geophysical evidence for an igneous dyke
swarm, Buffalo Creek, Northeast Alberta,
GSA Bulletin, doi: 10.1130/B31602., 14 pp., 2017.
9. Toy,
V., R. Sutherland, J. Townend, M.J. Allen, L. Becroft, A. Boles, C. Boulton, B. Carpenter, A. Cooper,
S.C. Cox, C.Daube, D.R. Faulkner, A. Halfpenny, N.
Kato, S. Keys, M. Kirilova, Y. Kometani,
T. Little, E. Mariani, B. Melosh,
C.D. Menzies, L. Morales, C. Morgan, H. Mori, A. Niemeijer,
R. Norris, D. Prior, K. Sauer, A.M. Schleicher, N. Shigematsu, D.A.H. Teagle, H.Tobin, R. Valdez, J. Williams, S. Yeo, L-M. Baratin, N. Barth, A. Benson, C. Boese, B. Célérier, C.J. Chamberlain, R.Conze,
J.Coussens, L. Craw, M-L. Doan, J. Eccles, J. Grieve,
J. Grochowski, A. Gulley, J. Howarth,
K. Jacobs, L. Janku-Capova, T. Jeppson,
R. Langridge, D. Mallyon,
R. Marx, C. Massiot, L, Mathewson, J. Moore, O.Nishikawa, B. Pooley, Al. Pyne,
M.K. Savage, D. Schmitt, S. Taylor-Offord, P. Upton, K.C. Weaver, T. Wiersberg, M. Zimmer & DFDP-2 Science Team, Bedrock geology of the DFDP-2 Drill Site,
Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand, New Zealand J. Geol. Geophys.,
doi:10.1080/00288306.2017.1375533, 22 pp., 2017.
- Wang, Z.,
D.R. Schmitt, and R. Wang, Modelling
of viscoelastic properties of nonpermeable porous rocks saturated with
viscous fluid at seismic frequencies at the core scale, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 122,
doi:10.1002/2017JB013979, 20 pp., 2017.
- Rabbani, A.,
D.R. Schmitt, J. Nycz, and K. Gray, Pressure and temperature dependence of wave speeds in bitumen
saturated carbonates: Implications for seismic monitoring of the Grosmont
Formation, Geophysics, DOI: 10.1190/GEO2016-0667.1. in press, 2017.
- Malehmir, R.,
and D.R. Schmitt, An algorithm for
quantitatively modeling reflected ultrasonic bounded pulses and beams,
Ultrasonics, 10.1016/j.ultras.2017.04.013 80, 15-21, 2017.
- Scanlon, K.M.,
M.T. Hendry, C.D. Martin, and D.R. Schmitt, Evaluating the sensitivity of low-frequency ground-penetrating
radar ballast fines estimates in the presence of variable track
foundations through simulation, Proc. J. Mech. E Part F: J. Rail Rapid
Transit, doi: 10.1177/0954409717710408, 214,
173-182, 2017.
- Sutherland, R., J. Townend,
V.G. Toy, P. Upton, and the DFDP-2B Science Team, Extreme hydrothermal conditions at an active plate-boundary fault,
Nature, doi:10.1038/nature22355, published online May 17, 2017.
- Kessler,
J.A., K.K. Bradbury, J.P. Evans, M.A. Pulshiper,
D.R. Schmitt, J.W. Shervais, F.E. Rowe, and J. Varriale,
Geology and in situ stress of the
MH-2 borehole, Idaho, U.S.A.: Insights into Western Snake River Plain
structure from geothermal exploration drilling, Lithosphere, doi: 10.1130/L609.1, published online April, 2017.
- Perozzi, L., B. Giroux,
D.R. Schmitt, and R.S. Kofman, Sensitivity
of seismic response for monitoring CO2 storage in a low
porosity reservoir of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec, Canada: Part 1 -
Laboratory measurements, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 11
pp., doi: 10.1002/ghg.167, 2017.
- Perozzi, L., B. Giroux,
D.R. Schmitt, and E. Gloaguen, Sensitivity of seismic response for
monitoring CO2 storage in a low porosity reservoir of the St. Lawrence
Lowlands, Quebec, Canada: Part 2 – Synthetic modelling, in revision,
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 18 pp., doi:
10.1002/ghg.1670, 2017.
- Lay, V., S. Buske, A. Lukács, A.R. Gorman, S. Bannister, and D.R. Schmitt, Advanced seismic imaging techniques
characterize the Alpine Fault at Whataroa (New
Zealand), JGR-Solid Earth, 121, 8792-8812, doi:10.1002/2016JB013534,
- Schmitt, D.R. and B. C. Haimson,
Hydraulic Fracturing Stress
Measurements in Deep Holes, Chapter 6, in Rock Mechanics and
Engineering, Vol. 1, ed., X-T.
Feng, CRC Press, 183-225, 2016.
- Morgan, J.V., S.P. Gulick, and the IODP/ICDP
Expedition 364 Science Team, The
formation of peak rings in large impact craters, Science, 354,
878-882, 354, 2016.
- Sun, J., X.
Dong, J. J. Wang, D.R. Schmitt, C. L. Xu, L. Y. Shen, T. Mohammed,
and D. Chen, Measurement of total
porosity for gas shale by gas injection porosimetry
(GIP) method, Fuel, 186, 694-707, 10.1016/j.fuel.2016.09.010, 2016.
- Ardakani,
E., and D.R. Schmitt, Geothermal
energy potential of sedimentary formations in the Athabasca region,
Northeast Alberta,
Interpretation, 4, SR19-SR33, 10.1190/INT-2016-0031.1 ,2016.
- Malehmir, R., and
D.R. Schmitt, ARTc: Anisotropic Reflectivity and
Transmissivity Calculator, Computers and Geosciences, 93, 114-126,
10.1016/j.cageo.2016.05.008, 2016.
- Ong, O.N.,
D.R. Schmitt, R.S. Kofman, and K. Haug, Static and Dynamic Pressure Sensitivity
Anisotropy of a Calcareous Shale, Geophysical Prospecting,
64, 875-897m DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12403, 2016.
- Melendez-Martinez,
J., and D.R. Schmitt, A comparative study of the anisotropic dynamic
and static elastic moduliof unconventional
reservoir shales: Implications for
geomechanical investigations, Geophysics, 81, D245-D261,
10.1190/geo2015-0427.1, 2016.
- Wang, Z., D.R.
Schmitt, and R. Wang, Does
wettability influence seismic wave propagation in liquid-saturated porous
rocks? Geophys. J. Int., 203, 2182-2188, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv434,
- Schmitt, D.R., INVITED PAPER, Seismic
Properties, in Slater, L, ed.,
Geophysical Properties of the Near Surface Earth, in Schubert, G.,
ed., ‘Treatise on Geophysics’, 2nd Edition, Vol. 11, 48-87,
doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53802-4.00190-1 , published online, April, 2015.
- Liberty, L.M., D.R. Schmitt, and J.W. Shervais, Seismic
imaging through the volcanic rocks of the Snake River Plain: Insights from
Project Hotspot, Geophys. Prosp, 63, 919-936, doi:
10.1111/1365-2478.12277 2015.
- Melanson, D.M., D.J.
White, C. Samson, G. Bellefleur, E. Schetselaar, and D.R. Schmitt, Mode-converted
VMS ore lens reflections in vertical seismic profiles from Flin Flon,
Manitoba, Canada, Geophys. Prosp., 63, 1-12, doi:
10.1111/1365-2478.12267, 2015.
- Chan, J.
and D.R. Schmitt, Examining
the in situ metamorphic rock in northeastern Alberta using zero-offset VSP,
Int J Earth Sci (Geol
Rundsch), 104, 1549–1562, DOI
10.1007/s00531-014-1110-x, 2015.
- Chan, J.,
and D.R. Schmitt, Elastic
Anisotropy of a Metamorphic Rock Sample of the Canadian Shield in
Northeastern Alberta, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, DOI 10.1007/s00603-014-0664-z, 48(4),
1369-1385, 2015
- Reiter, K., O. Heidbach,
D.R. Schmitt, K. Haug, M. Ziegler, and I. Moeck, A
revised crustal stress orientation database for Canada, published
online, Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2014.08.006, August, 2014.
- Weides, S., I. Moeck, D.R. Schmitt, and J. Majorowicz,
integrative resource assessment study for the siliclastic
Granite Wash Unit, northwestern Alberta, Canada, Environmental
Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3309-3ms. 14, pp., accepted April
19, 2014.
- Glombick, P., D.R. Schmitt, W. Xie, T. Bown,
B. Hathaway, and C. Banks, The
Bow City structure, southern Alberta, Canada: the deep roots of a complex
impact structure?, Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 24 pp., doi:10.1111/maps.12296, 2014.
- Ardakani, E.P., D.R. Schmitt, and T.D. Bown,
topography of the Devonian Grosmont surface from legacy high resolution
seismic profiles, northeast Alberta, Geophysics, 79 (4), pp.
B135-B149, doi: 10.1190/geo2013-0268.1, 2014.
- Majoriwicz, J., Chan,
J., Crowell, J., Gosnold, W., Heaman, L, Kueck, J., Niewenhuis, G, Schmitt, D.R., Walsh, N., and Unsworth,
M., The
first deep heat flow determination in crystalline basement rocks beneath
the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Geophysical Journal
International, pp. 17, doi:10:1093/gji/ggu065,
- Melénez-Martinez, J., and D.R.Schmitt, Anisotropic
elastic moduli of carbonates and evaporites from the Weyburn-Midale reservoir and seal rocks, Geophys. Prosp., 16, 363-379, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12032, 2013.
- Njiekak, G., D.R. Schmitt, H. Yam, and R.Kofman,
rock physics as part of the Weyburn-Midale geological storage project, 16 pp., Int. J. Greenhouse gas
16, S118-S133 2013.
- Bouzidi, Y. and D.R. Schmitt, Incidence-angle
Dependent Acoustic Reflections from Liquid Saturated Porous Solids, Geophysical
Journal International, 191, 1427-1440, doi:
10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05695.x, 14 pp., 2012.,
- Schmitt,
D.R., C.A. Currie, and L. Zhang, Crustal
stress determination from boreholes and rock cores: Fundamental principles,
INVITED REVIEW PAPER, Tectonophysics, , doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2012.08.029,
580, 1-26, 2012.
- Schijns, H., D.R.Schmitt, P.J. Heikkinen and I.T. Kukkonen, Seismic
anisotropy in the crystalline upper crust: Observations and modeling from
the Outokumpu scientific borehole, Finland, Geophys. J.
Int., 189, 541-553, doi:
10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05358.x, 2012.
- Wilson,
G. S., et al., Neogene tectonic and
climatic evolution of the western Ross Sea, Antarctica - chronology of
events from the AND-1B drill hole, Glob. Planet. Change, 96-97, 189-203, 2012.
- Majorwicz, J.,
M. Unsworth, T. Chacko, A. Gray, L. Heaman,
D.K. Potter, D.R. Schmitt, and T. Babadagli, Geothermal
energy as a source of heat for oilsands
processing in northern Alberta, Canada, in Hein, F.J., D. Leckie, J. Suter and S. Larter,
(eds) Heavy Oil/Bitumen Petroleum Systems in
Alberta and Beyond, AAPG Studies in Geology, 64, 1-22, 2012.
- Jackson,
I., H. Schijns, D.R. Schmitt, J. Mu, and
A. Delmenico, A
versatile facility for laboratory studies of viscoelastic and poroelasctic rock, Rev. Sci. Instruments, 82,
Article Number 064501, DOI: 10.1063/1.3592154,
8 p, 2011.
- Heinonen, S., I.T. Kukkonen,
P.J. Heikkinen, and D.R. Schmitt, High
resolution reflection seismics iwth deep drill hole data in Outokumpu,
Finland, in I.T. Kukkonen (ed), Outokumpu Deep Drilling
Project 2003-2010, Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 51,
105-118, 2011.
- Ogunsuyi,
F., and D.R. Schmitt, Invited
paper: Integrating
seismic velocity tomograms and seismic imaging: Application to the study
of a buried valley, in Miller, R.,D, J.D. Bradford, and K. Holliger (eds), Near
Surface Seismology and Ground Penetrating Radar, Soc. Expl. Geophysicists, Tulsa, OK, ms 44 pp 361-378, 2011.
- Sharifabadi, A.D., T.G. Joseph, and D.R. Schmitt, Active
and passive seismic as an indicator of large equipment interactions with
the oil sand, Geotech.
Geol. Eng., 28, 727-743, 2010.
- Bianco,
E., S., Kaplan, and D.R. Schmitt, Seismic
rock physics of steam injection in bituminous-oil reservoirs – Chapter 6
(revised from 2008 Leading
Edge article of same name),in Heavy Oils: Reservoir
Characterization and Production Monitoring, eds. Batzle,
M., Chopra, S., Lines, L.R., and
Schmitt, D.R., Soc. Expl. Geophysicists, Tulsa,
OK, 105-110, 2010.
- Chopra, S., L.R. Lines, D.R. Schmitt,
and M. Batzle, Heavy-oil
reservoirs: Their characterization and production – Chapter 1, ibid, 1-68, 2010.
- Lines,
L., H. Agharbarati,
P. F. Daley, J. Embleton, M. Fay, T. Settari, F. Vasheghani, T.
Wang, A. Zhang, X. Qi,
and D.R. Schmitt Collaborative
methods in enhanced cold heavy oil production, (revised from 2008 Leading Edge
article of same name), ibid, 249-255, 2010.
- Bouzidi, Y.,
and D.R. Schmitt, Measurement
of the Speed and Attenuation of the Biot Slow
Wave Using a Large Ultrasonic Transmitter, J. Geophys.Res.,
114, B08201, doi:10.1029/2008JB006018, 14 pp, 2009.
- Ahmad, J., D.R. Schmitt, C.D. Rokosh, and J.G. Pawlowicz, High
resolution seismic and resistivity profiling of a buried Quaternary
subglacial northern Alberta, Canada, GSA Bull, 121 (11/12), 1570-1583, doi: 10.1130/B26305.1, 2009.
- Schijns, H., D.R. Schmitt, I.T. Kukkonen, and P. Heikkinen, Seismic refraction traveltime inversion for static corrections in a
glaciated shield rock environment: A case study, accepted January 19,
Geophysical Prospecting, doi:
10.1111/j.1365-2478.2009.00798.x. 12 pp, 2009
- Sun, L.F., B., Milkereit,
and D.R. Schmitt, Measuring velocity dispersion and attenuation in the
exploration seismic frequency band, accepted, Geophysics74, WA113-WA122, DOI:10.1190/1.3068426,
- Wonik, T.., T. Grelle, D. Handwerger, R.D. Jarrard, A.
McKee, T. Patterson, T. Paulsen, S. Pierdominici,
D.R. Schmitt, H. Schröderm M. Speece, T.
Wilson and the SMS Science Team, Downhole
mreasurements in the AND-2A borehole, ANDRILL
South McMurdo Sound Project, Antarctica, proofs 12 pp., 2009.
- Naish, T., R. Powell, and
48 others, Late Cenozoic stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Nature,
doi:10.1038nature07867, 458, 322-328, 2009.
- Bouzidi, Y.,
and D.R. Schmitt, Quantitative
modeling of reflected ultrasonic beams and a new estimate of the Schoch
shift, IEEE – Ultrason., Ferro.,
Freq. Control, 55, 2661-2673, 2008.
- Bouzidi, Y.,
and D.R. Schmitt, Acoustic
reflectivity goniometry of bounded ultrasonic pulses: Experimental
verification of numerical model, J. Appl. Phys., 104, 064914 (8
pages), 2008.
- Wong,
R.C.K., D.R. Schmitt, D. Collis, and R. Gautam, Inherent
transversely isotropic elastic parameters of over-consolidated shale
measured by ultrasonic waves and their comparison with static and acoustic
in situ log measurements, J. Geophys.
Eng., Accepted January, 4, 2008,
- Faulkner,
S.G., M. Welz, W.M. Tonn,
and D.R. Schmitt, Effects
of simulated blasting on mortality of rainbow trout eggs,, Trans.
Amer. Fisheries Soc., accepted August 15, 2007.
- Naish, T., R. Powell, R. Levy and the
ANDRILL-MIS Science Team, Background
to the ANDRILL McMurdo Ice Shelf Project (Antarctica) and Initial Science
Volume, Terra Antartica, 14 (3), 121-130, 2007.
- R
Francese, Z Hajnal, DR Schmitt and A Zaja. High
Resolution Seismic Reflection Imaging of Complex Stratigraphic Features in
Shallow Aquifers, In R. Valloni, ed., Memorie Descrittive della Carta Geologica d'Italia, Proceedings of the Italian National
Workshop: Developments in Aquifer Sedimentology and Ground Water Flow Studies
in Italy, University of Parma., 2004. Agenzia per la protezione dell’ambiente e per
i servizi tecnici, DIPARTIMENTO DIFESA DEL SUOLO, S e r v i z i o G e o l
o g i c o d’I t a l i a,, Vol. 27, 175 – 192, 2007.
- Schmitt,
D.R., Z. Han, V. Kravchinsky, and J. Escartin, Seismic and
Magnetic Anisotropy of Serpentinized Ophiolite:
Implications for Oceanic Spreading Rate Dependent Anisotropy,
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,261 (3-4), 590-601, 2007.
- Schmitt,
D.R., B. Milkereit, T. Karp, C. Scholz, S. Danuor, D. Meilleux, and
M. Welz, In
situ seismic measurements in borehole LB-08A in the Bosumtwi
impact structure, Ghana: Preliminary interpretation, , Meteoritics and Planetary Sci.,
42, 755-768, 2007.
- Cholach,
P.Y. and D.R. Schmitt, Cholach, P.Y. and D.R. Schmitt, Intrinsic
elasticity of a textured phyllosilicate aggregate: relation to the seismic
anisotropy of shales and schists, 111 (B9):
doi:10.1029/2005JB004158, pp. 18, Art. No. B09410 SEP 30 2006.
- Schmitt,
D.R., M.S. Diallo, and F. Weichman, Quantitative
determination of stress by inversion of speckle interferometer fringe
patterns: experimental tests,
Geophys. J. Int., 167, 1425-1438, 2006.
- Faulkner,
S.G., W.M. Tonn, M. Welz,
and D.R. Schmitt, Effects
of explosives on incubating eggs of lake trout in the Canadian Arctic,
North. Amer. J. Fisheries Management, 26, 833-842, 2006.
- Bouzidi, Y. and D.R. Schmitt, A
large ultrasonic bounded acoustic pulse transducer for transmission
goniometry: Modelling and calibration, J. Acoust.
Soc. Amer., 119, 54-64, 2006.
- Theune, U., M. Sacchi,
and D. R. Schmitt, Least-squares
local Radon transforms for dip-dependent GPR image decomposition,
J. Appl. Geophysics, 59, 224-235, 2006.
- Liu,
Y. and D.R. Schmitt, The
Transition Between the Scale Domains of Ray and Effective Medium Theory
and Anisotropy: Numerical Models, Pure and Applied Geophysics,
163, 1327-1349, 2006.
- Theune, U., C.D. Rokosh,
M. Sacchi, and D. R. Schmitt, Mapping
fractures with GPR: a case study from Turtle Mountain,
Geophysics, 71, B139-B150, 2006.
- White,
D.J., Hajnal, Z., Gyorfi,
I., Takacs, E., Roberts, B., Mueller, C.,
Schmitt, D.R., Reilkoff, B., Jefferson, C.W.,
Koch, R., Powell, B.,Annesley, I.R., and Brisbin, D., Seismic methods for uranium
exploration: an overview of EXTECH IV seismic studies at the McArthur
River mining camp, Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan ;in EXTECH IV:
Geology and Uranium EXploration TECHnology of the Proterozoic Athabasca Basin,
Saskatchewan and Alberta, (ed.) C.W. Jefferson and G. Delaney; Geological
Survey of Canada, Bulletin 588 (also Saskatchewan Geological Society,
Special Publication 17; Geological Association of Canada, Mineral Deposits
Division, Special Publication 4), in press February, 2005.
- Francese, R., M. Giudici,
D. R. Schmitt, and A. Zaja, Mapping the geometry of
an aquifer system with a high resolution reflection seismic profile,
Geophysical Prospecting, 53,817-828, 2005.
- Cholach,
P.Y., J.B. Molyneux, and D.R. Schmitt, Flin Flon belt
seismic anisotropy: Elastic symmetry, heterogeneity, and shear wave
splitting, Can. J. Earth Sci., 42, 533-544, 2005
- Schmitt,
D.R., M. Welz, and C.D. Rokosh,
Resolution Seismic Imaging Over Thick Permafrost at the 2002 Mallik
Scientific Wellbore Site, in ‘Scientific Results from the Mallik 2002
Gas Hydrate Production Research Well Program, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest
Territories, Canada, (eds) S.R. Baltimore and
T.S. Collett, Geol. Surv.,
Bulletin 585, 13 p. (DVD), 2005.
- Mikereit, B., E. Adam, Z. Li, W. Qian, T. Bohlen,
D. Banerjee, D.R. Schmitt, The
Mallik Multi-Offset VSP- An Experiment to Assess Petrophysical Scale
Parameters at the JAPEX/JNOC/GSC et al. Maillik
5L-38 gas hydrate production research well, ibid., 13
p.,(DVD), 2005.
- Shareef,
S. and D. R. Schmitt, Point
load determination of static elastic moduli using laser speckle
interferometry, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 42, 511-527, 2004.
- Diallo, M. and D. R. Schmitt,
Noise reduction in interferometric fringe patterns with mean curvature
diffusion, J. of Electronic Imaging, 13, 819-831, 2004
- Liu, Y. and D.R. Schmitt, Amplitude
and AVO responses of a single thin bed, Geophysics, 68, 1161-1168,
- Beaty, K. and D.R. Schmitt, Repeatability
of multi-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion studies, Geophysics, 68,
782-790, 2003.
- Schmitt, D.R., J. Mwenifumbo, K. A. Pflug, and
I.L. Meglis, Geophysical logging for elastic
properties in hard rock: a tutorial, , in: Hardrock Seismic
Exploration (edited by D.W. Eaton, B. Milkereit,
and M.H. Salisbury), SEG Geophysical Developments 10, 20-41, 2003.
- Perron, G., Eaton, D.W.,
Elliot, B., and D.R. Schmitt, Application of downhole seismic imaging
to near-vertical structures: Normetal
(Abitibi-Greenstone Belt), Quebec,
194-206, , ibid, 2003.
- Mah, M. and D. R. Schmitt, Determination
of the complete elastic stiffnesses from ultrasonic phase velocity
measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 108(B1),
10.1029/2001JB001586, 11 pp., 2003; erratum 108 (B10): Art. No. 2490,
- Rumzan, I. and D. R. Schmitt,
Three-dimensional stress-relief displacements from blind-hole drilling: A
parametric description, Experimental Mechanics, 43, 52-60, 2003.
- Beaty, K. D.R. Schmitt, and M. Sacchi, Simulated
annealing inversion of multi-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curves for
geological structure, Geophys. J. Int., 151,
622-671, 2002.
- Bouzidi, Y., D. R. Schmitt, R. A.
Burwash, and E.R. Kanasewich: Variations
in Crustal Thickness in Alberta from Depth-Migrated Seismic Reflection
Profiles, Can. J. Earth Sci., 39, 331-350, 2002.
- Baig, A.M., F. Hron,
and D.R. Schmitt, Modelling the effect of seismic velocity gradients on
the change in geometrical spreading across a boundary, Geophys.
J. Int., 146, 679-690, 2001.
- Mah, M. and D. R. Schmitt, Experimental
determination of the elastic coefficients of anisotropic materials with theslant-stack method, Geophysics, 66, 1217-1225,
- Mah, M. and D.R. Schmitt, Near
point-source longitudinal and transverse mode ultrasonic arrays for
material characterization, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and
Frequency Control, 48, 691-698, 2001.
- Salisbury, M.H., B. Milkereit, G. Ascough, R.
Adair, L. Matthews, D.R. Schmitt, J. Mwenifumbo,
D.W. Eaton, and J. Wu, Physical
properties and seismic imaging of massive sulphides,
Geophysics, 65, 1882-1889, 2000.
- Schmitt, D.R., and R.W. Hunt, Inversion
of speckle interferometer fringes for hole-drilling residual stress
determinations, Exp. Mech., 40, 129-37, 2000.
- Molyneux, J. and D.R. Schmitt, Compressional-wave
velocities in attenuating media: A laboratory physical modeling study,
Geophysics, 65, 1162-1167, 2000.
- Schmitt, D.R. and R.W. Hunt,
Time-lapse speckle interferometry, Geophys.
Res. Lett., Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2589-2592,
- Molyneux, J.B. and D.R.
Schmitt, First
break timing: Arrival times by direct correlation, Geophysics, 64,
1492-1501, 1999.
- Schmitt, D. R., Seismic
attributes for monitoring of a shallow heated heavy oil reservoir: A case
study, Geophysics, 65, 368-377, 1999.
- Li, Y.Y., and D.R. Schmitt, Drilling
induced core fractures and in situ stress, J. Geophys.
Res., 103, 5225-5239, 1998.
- Schmitt, D.R. and R.W. Hunt,
Model Based Inversion of Speckle Interferometer Fringe Patterns, Applied
Optics, 37, 2573-2578, 1998.
- Schmitt, D.R. and R.W. Hunt,
Optimization of fringe pattern calculation using direct correlation in
speckle interferometry, Applied Optics, 36, 8848-8857, 1997
- Kebaili, A., and D.R. Schmitt,
Ultrasonic anisotropic phase velocity determination with the Radon
transformation, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 101,
3278-3286, 1997.
- Li, Y. and D. R. Schmitt,
Effects of Poisson's ratio and core stub length on bottomhole
stress concentrations, Int. J. Rock Mech.& Mining Sci., 34, 761-773,
- Li, Y. and D.R. Schmitt, Wellbore
bottom stress concentration and induced core fractures, Amer. Assoc.
Petrol. Geol. Bulletin, 81, 1909-1925, 1997.
- Huber, K., K. Fuchs, J. Palmer,
F. Roth, B.N. Khakhaev, L. van Kin, L.A. Pezner, S. Hickman, D. Moos, M.D. Zoback,
and D.R. Schmitt, Analysis of borehole televiewer
measurements in the Vorotilov Drillhole, Russia - First results, Tectonophysics,
275, 261-272, 1997.
- Eaton, D., S. Guest, B. Milkereit, W. Bleeker, D. Crick, D.R. Schmitt, and M.
Salisbury, Seismic imaging of massive sulphide
deposits: Part III. Borehole seismic imaging of near-vertical structures,
Economic Geology, 91, 835-840, 1996.
- Schmitt, D.R. and Y. Li, Three
Dimensional Stress Relief Displacements from Drilling a Blind Hole,
Experimental Mechanics, 36, 412-420, 1996.
- Kebaili, A., L. Le, and D.R. Schmitt,
Slowness surface determination from slant stack curves, in Seismic
Anisotropy, Fjaer, E., Holt, R.M., Rathore,
J.S., Eds, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
518-555, 1996.
- Dufresne, M.B., D.R. Eccles, B.
McKinstry, D.R. Schmitt, M.M. Fenton, J.G. Pawlowicz,
and W.A.D. Edwards, The Diamond Potential of Alberta, Alberta Geological
Survey Bulletin Number 63, 158 pp., 1996.
- Kebaili, A. and D.R. Schmitt, Velocity
anisotropy observed in wellbore seismic arrivals: combined effects of
intrinsic properties and layering?, Geophysics, 61, 12-20, 1996.
- Schmitt, D.R., and Y.Y. Li, A
high pressure technique for determining the microcrack porosities of
damaged brittle materials, Can. J. Phys., 73, 330-337, 1995.
- Schmitt, D.R. and Y. Y. Li,
Determination of the microcrack tensor in rock: evaluation of coring
induced damage, Rock Mechanics Models and Measurements Challenges from
Industry, Proc. First North American Symposium on Rock Mechanics, P.R.
Nelson and S.E. Laubach, eds., A.A. Balkema,
Rotterdam, 443-449, 1994.
- Zheng, B.S., F. Hron, and D. R. Schmitt, One example in the
interpretation of singular wave of reflection seismology with the high
order term effect of asymptotic ray theory, (in Chinese), Adv. in Solid
Earth Geophys. China, 8, 231-244, 1994.
- Schmitt, D.R., and Y. Li,
Influence of a stress relief hole's depth on induced displacements:
application in interferometric stress determinations, Int. J. Rock Mech.
Min. Sci. & Geomech., 30, 985-988, 1993.
- Kebaili, A., and D.R. Schmitt,
Estimation of compressional wave anisotropy using vertical seismic
profiling traveltime, Technical Program, 63rd
Annual Meeting. of the Soc. of Exploration Geophysicists 1993 Annual
Meeting, 136-139, 1993.
- Schmitt, D.R., R.J. Tait, and
H. Spann, Solutions for pore pressure and stress in a porous hollow
cylinder: application to a laboratory experiment, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min.
Sci. & Geomech. Abstr.,
30, 1057-1060, 1993.
- Schmitt, D.R., and A. Kebaili, Velocity anisotropy estimation from slant
stacks of wellbore seismics, Can. J. Expl. Geophys., 29, 236-245,
- Schmitt, D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Infiltration effects in the tensile rupture of
thin walled cylinders of glass and granite: implications for the hydraulic
fracturing breakdown equation, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr., 30,
289-303, 1993.
- Schmitt, D.R., Fracture
statistics derived from digital ultrasonic televiewer
logging, J. Can. Petr. Tech., 32, 34-43, 1993.
- Schmitt, D.R., L. Holm, and
J.S. MacKinnon, Applications of real time digital acquisition of
ultrasonic borehole televiewer data on a
personal computer, Rev. Sci. Instr., 63, 3767-3772, 1992.
- Schmitt, D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Diminished pore pressure in low porosity rock
under tensional failure: Apparent strengthening by dilatancy, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 273-286, 1992.
- Schmitt, D.R., and M.D.Zoback, Poroelastic
effects in the determination of the maximum horizontal principal stress in
hydraulic fracturing tests: a proposed breakdown equation employing a
modified effective stress relation for tensile failure, Int. J. Rock Mech.
Mining Sci. & Geomech. Abstr.,
26, 499-506, 1989.
- Schmitt, D.R., C.L. Smither,
and T.J. Ahrens, In situ holographic elastic moduli measurements from
boreholes, Geophysics, 54, 468-477, 1989.
- Schmitt, D.R., and T.J. Ahrens,
Shock temperatures in silica glass: implications for modes of shock
deformation, phase transformation, and melting with pressure, J. Geophys. Res., 94, 5851-5871, 1989.
- Smither, C.L., D.R.Schmitt, and T.J. Ahrens, Analysis and modelling
of holographic measurements of in situ stress, Int. J. Rock Mech. Mining
Sci. & Geomech. Abstr.,
25, 353-369, 1989.
- Schmitt, D.R., T.J. Ahrens, and
B. Svendsen, Shock induced melting and shear banding in single crystal NaCl, J. Appl. Phys., 63, 99-106, 1988.
- Bass, J.D., D.R. Schmitt, and
T.J. Ahrens, Holographic in situ stress measurements, Geophy.
J. Roy. Astr. Soc., 85, 14-41, 1986.
- Schmitt, D.R., B. Svendsen, and
T.J. Ahrens, Shock induced radiation from minerals, in Shock Waves in
Condensed Matter, Proc. 4th Amer. Phys. Soc. Topical Conference, Spokane,
261-265, 1986.
- Schmitt, D.R., C.L. Smither,
T.J. Ahrens, and B.L. Jensen, Holographic stress and elastic moduli
measurements, Proc. of the Soc. of Exploration Geophysicists 1986 Annual
Meeting, 9-12, 1986.
- Schmitt, D.R., C.L. Smither,
T.J. Ahrens, and B.L. Jensen, Holographic measurement of elastic moduli,
in Rock Mechanics: Key to Energy Production, Proc. 27th U.S. Symp. on Rock Mech., Univ.
of Alabama,
Tuscalloosa, AIME, 185-191, 1986.
- Schmitt, D.R., and T.J. Ahrens,
Emission spectra of shock compressed solids, in Shock Waves in Condensed
Matter, Proc. 3rd Amer. Phys. Soc. Topical Conference, Santa
Fe, 313-316, 1984.
- Schmitt, D.R., and T.J. Ahrens,
Temperatures of shock induced shear instabilities and their relationship
to fusion curves, Geophys. Res. Lett.,
1077-1080, 1983.
Refereed Conference
Proceedings with Review and Revisions
Schmitt, D.R., L.M. Liberty, J.E. Kessler,
J. Kück, R.S. Kofman,
R. Bishop, J.W. Shervais, J.P. Evans, D.E. Champion, The ICDP Snake River Geothermal Drilling Project: Preliminary overview
of borehole geophysics, Paper 184, Geothermal Resources
Council Trans., 36, 8 pp. in press, 2012.
Shervais, J.W., D. Nielson, J.P. Evans, T. Lachmar, E. Christiansen, L. Morgan, W.C. Shanks, C.
Delahunty, D. R. Schmitt, L.M. Liberty, D.D. Blackwell, J. M. Glen, J.E.
Kessler, K.E. Potter, M. M. Jean, C.J. Sant, T. G. Freeman, Hotspot: The Snake River Geothermal Drilling
Project – Initial report, Paper XXX, 9 pp. in press, ibid.
3. Poureslami Ardakani, E.,
and D.R. Schmitt, Regional geophysical
study toward geothermal exploration in northeastern Alberta, Canada, Paper
XXX, 8 pp., in press, ibid.
4. Schmitt, D.R., T.J.
Wilson, R.D. Jarrard, T.S. Paulsen, S. Pierdominici, T. Grelle, D. Handwerger, T. Wonik, Hydraulic fracturing stress determinations
in the ANDRILL South McMurdo Sound drill hole, Antarctica, Paper
ARMA12-168, in 46th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Chicago, 7 pp.,
CDROM, June 2012.
5. Njiekak, G., H. Yam, R.S. Kofman, and D.R. Schmitt, Effect of CO2’s varying phase on static and dynamic moduli
of a fully saturated dolostone, Paper ARMA12-582, 8 pp., ibid.
6. Njiekak, G., H. Yam, R.S. Kofman,
and D.R. Schmitt, Laboratory investigations of seismic
signatures of CO2 saturation for geological sequestration, in
Hawkes, C., D. Kinakin, S. Proskin,
and D. Thibodeau (eds),
Proc. of Edmonton-2012 CIM Conference and Exposition, May 6-9, Edmonton,
529-535, 2012.
Melendez, J., D.R. Schmitt, and R.S. Kofman, Anisotropy measurements in a core sample by
using the pulse transmission method, 507-514, ibid.
Chan, J.S., D.R. Schmitt, J. Majorowicz, E. Poureslami-Ardakan, G. Nieuwenhuis,
M. vanderBaan, and J. Kueck,
Deep borehole study toward the
feasibility of engineered geothermal system (EGS) in Northeastern Alberta,
413-421, ibid.,
D.R., T.J. Wilson, R.D. Jarrard, T.S. Paulsen, S. Pierdominici, D. Handwerger, and
T. Wonik, Wireline
hydraulic mini-frac testing: Experiences in the
ANDRILL SMS borehole, McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 561-568, ibid.
10. Shervais, J.W., J.P. Evans, E.J. Christiansen, D.R.
Schmitt, L.M. Liberty, J.E. Kessler,
K.E. Potter, M.M. Jean, C.J., Sant, and T.G. Freeman, Hotspot: The Snake River geothermal drilling project, Geothermal
Resources Council Trans., 35, 995-1003, 2011.
Ortiz-Orsonio, M., and D.R. Schmitt, The reflectivity and transmissivity of anisotropic materials: A
physical model study, Paper ARMA
10-330, in 44th U.S.
Rock Mechanics Symposium, Salt Lake City. 5 pp. CDROM, June 2010.
12. Bakhorji, A. and D.R. Schmitt, Laboratory measurements of the static and
dynamic bulk moduli in carbonate, Paper ARMA 10-465, in Proc. 44th
U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Salt Lake City. 5 pp.
CDROM, June 2010
13. Rumzan, I., and D.R. Schmitt, The
influence of well-bore pressure on drilling penetration rate and stress
dependent strength, in D. Elsworth, J.P. Tinucci, and K.A. Heasley, (eds.)
Rock Mechanics in the National Interest, Vol II, Proc. 38th U.S. Rock
Mechanics Symposium, Washington, D.C., 911-918, 2001.
Some Recent Non-refereed Contributions including Editorially Refereed
Expanded Abstracts
or Editorial Refereed Contributions
Popular Media
Rocks, Dr Doug Schmitt explains his team’s work on rock physics, International Innovation, 114-116, August 2012.
Papers, Articles, and Initial Reports
- Schmitt,
D.R., Basic geomechanics for induced
seismicity: a tutorial, CSEG Recorder, 39(11), 20-27, 2014.
- Ardakani, E.P., T. J. Podvinsky, and D.R. Schmitt, Lithology determination using elastic rock properties and simultaneous
seismic inversion in the Leduc reservoir, NE Alberta, CSEG Recorder,
39 (6), 42-46, 2014.
- Muraoka, H., H. Asanuma, N. Tsuchiya, T.
Ito, T. Mogi, H. Ito, and the participants of the ICDP/JBBP Workshop, The Japan beyond-brittle workshop, Scientific
Drilling, doi:10.5194/sd-17-51-2014, 17, 51-59, 2014.
- Schmitt, D.R., S.
Aqil, A. Bakhorji, Y. Bouzidi,
M.H. Chowdhury, R. Kofman, J. Melendez, G. Njikekak, M. Ortiz-Orsonio,
H. Schijns, B.C. Snow, and H. Yam, Rock
Physics Facilities and Research in the Experimental Geophysics Group at
the University of Alberta, , CSEG Recorder, 37(1), 40-46. 2012.
- Melendez, J.,
and D.R. Schmitt, Investigating anisotropy in rocks by using pulse
transmission method, CSEG Recorder, 36(10), 38-42, 2011.
- Yam, H., and D.R. Schmitt, CO2
rock physics: a laboratory study, Can. Well Logging Soc., InSite
Magazine, 30, 13-16, 2011
- Florindo, F., D. Harwood, R. Levy, and the SMS Project
Science Team, ANDRILL’s success during the 4th International
Polar Year, Scientific Drilling, doi:10.2204/, No 6, July, 29-31, 2008.
- Bianco,
E., S., Kaplan, and D.R. Schmitt, Seismic rock physics of steam
injection in bituminous-oil reservoirs, Soc. Expl. Geophysicists, The Leading Edge Magazine,
27 (9), 1132-1137, 2008.
- Lines,
L., H. Agharbarati,
P. F. Daley, J. Embleton, M. Fay, T. Settari, F. Vasheghani, T.
Wang, A. Zhang, X. Qi, and D.R. Schmitt Collaborative methods in enhanced cold heavy oil production, ,
Soc. Expl. Geophysicists, The Leading Edge
Magazine, 27 (9), 1152-1156, 2008.
- Schmitt,
D.R., Heavy and Bituminous Oils: Can Alberta Save the World,
invited, Australian SEG Preview magazine, Issue 118, 22-29, Oct. 2005.
- Theune, U., D.R. Schmitt, and M. Sacchi, Looking inside Turtle Mountain: Mapping
fractures with GPR, CSEG Recorder, 30 (9), 34-38, 2005.
- Ahmad,
J., and D.R. Schmitt, Seismic and resistivity imaging for
Quaternary channels: Rainbow Lake, Northwest Alberta, Canada, CSEG
Recorder, 30 (9), 40-43, 2005.
- Schmitt,
D.R., Oil
sands and geophysics, CSEG Recorder, 29(11), 5-11, 2004.
- Cholach,
P.Y. and D.R. Schmitt, Seismic
anisotropy of shales, CSEG Recorder, Vol. 28 (Sept.), 39-42, 2003.
- Rumzan, I., and D.R. Schmitt, Application
of parametric equations to strain gauge hole drilling technique, in
Proc. Soc. Exp. Mech. Ann. Conf. on Experimental and Applied
Mechanics, A. Shukla, E.W. O'Brien, R. M. French, K.M. Ramsay, eds.,
Portland, Or, 600-603, 2001.
- Salisbury,
M.H., B. Milkereit, G. Ascough,
R. Adair, D. R. Schmitt, and L. Matthews, Physical properties and seismic
imaging of massive sulphides, in Goblins, A., Ed., Proc. Exploration '97,
4 the Decennial Int. Conf. on Mineral Exploration, Toronto, 383-390,
- Schmitt,
D.R., and Y.Y. Li, Wellbore bottom stress concentrations and
induced core fractures, Lithoprobe 1994 Alberta
Basement Transect Report #51, 71-112, 1996.
- Huber,
K., K. Fuchs, S. Hickman, D. Moos, B.N. Khakhaev,
L. van Kin, L.V. Pezner, J. Palmer, F. Roth, D.
R. Schmitt, M.D. Zoback, Analysis of wellbore
breakouts in the Vorotilov drill hole, Russia,
in A decade of drilling discoveries, Proc. Viet Int. Symp.
on the Observation of the Continental Crust Through Drilling, Santa Fe,
NM, 252-255, 1994.
- Schmitt,
D.R., Holographic stress measurement method, in Modern in situ stress
measurement methods, short course presented prior to the 34th U.S.
Symposium on rock mechanics, Madison, WI, 25 pages, June, 1993.
- Schmitt,
D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Role of pore pressure in
tensile rupture of low porosity rock: hydrofracturing test data, in
Stanford Rockphysics and Borehole Geophysics
Project, Vol 40, pages T1-T21, 1990.
- Schmitt,
D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Laboratory tests of the
effects of pore pressure on tensile failure, in Proc. of the Int. Symp. on Rock at Great Depth, Paul, France, V. Mary
and D. Fourmaintraux, eds., 883-889, 1989.
- Schmitt,
D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Laboratory tests of the
effects of pore pressure on tensile failure and proposed modifications for
the hydraulic fracturing breakdown equations in low porosity crystalline
rock, in Stanford Rockphysics and Borehole
Geophysics Project, Vol 37, pages Q1-Q17, 1989.
- Schmitt,
D.R., and M.D. Zoback, The effect of an exact
effective stress law on the hydraulic fracturing breakdown equations, in
Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop on Hydraulic Fracturing Stress Measurements,
Minneapolis, 425-450, 1988.
- Sun,
L.F., B. Milkereit, and D.R. Schmitt, Frequency
dependent attenuation and velocity dispersion in the seismic band, Rainbow
in the Earth - 3rd International Conference in
Scale-Frequency Phenomena in Geophysics, August 2007.
- Sun,
L.F., B. Milkereit, and D.R. Schmitt, Measuring
attenuation and velocity dispersion using vibrator sweeps, Soc. Of Expl. Geophysicist, 77th Ann. Meeting, San Antonio,
Sept, 4 pp. CDROM, 2007.
- Meillieux, D., D.R. Schmitt, B. Milkereit,
and S. Danour, Integrated petrophysical and
borehole seismic studies of Lake Bosumtwi impact carter, Ghana, 447-451,
CDROM, ibid.
- White,
D.J., C.J. Mwenifumbo, M. Salisbury, G. Bellefleur, D.R. Schmitt, D., and B. Dietiker, Seismic exploration within the Flin Flon VMS mining camp, Manitoba,
Canada, submitted to
Exploration07, Toronto,
- Sun,
L.F., B. Milkereit, and D.R. Schmitt,
Detecting heterogeneity near a borehole using Vibroseis
data, submitted to Exploration07, Toronto,
- Schjins, H., D. Meillieux,
D.R. Schmitt, E. Bianco, M. Welz, L.T. Kukkonen, P. Heikkinen, F. Sun, and B. Milkereit, Overview of high resolution VSP surveys in
the International Continental Drilling Program borehole, Finland:
Preliminary results, in Kukkonen, I.T. (ed) Outokumpu Deep Drilling
Project, 2nd Int. Workshop, May 21-22, 2007, Espoo, Finland. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Geological Survey of
Report Q10.2/2007/29, 21-26, 2007.
- Hemsing, D. and D. R. Schmitt, Laboratory
determination of elastic anisotropy in shales from Alberta, 12th
Int. Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy, Beijing, Oct., 2 pp. CD-ROM,
- Ahmad,
J. and D. R. Schmitt, High resolution seismic imaging of a shallow gas
reservoir, Alberta, Canada,
Soc. Of Expl. Geophysicist, 76th Ann.
Meeting, New Orleans,
Oct., 4 pp. CDROM, 2006.
- Hemsing, D. and D. R. Schmitt, Laboratory
determination of elastic anisotropy of shales from Alberta, ibid, 4 pp., CDROM,
- He,
T., and D. R. Schmitt, Velocity measurements of conglomerates and pressure
sensitivity analysis of AVA response, ibid, 4 pp., CDROM, 2006.
- Zhang,
Y. and D.R. Schmitt, Quantitative evaluation of the quality of seismic
repeatability: A case study using differing metrics, 2006 CSPG-CSEG-CWLS
Convention, Calgary, May, 4 pp., CD-ROM, 2006.
- He,
T. and D.R. Schmitt, P- and S-wave velocity measurements and pressure
sensitivity analyis of AVA response, 4 pp.,
CD-ROM, ibid.
- Schmitt,
D.R., D. Meillieux, M. Brown, M. Welz, T. He, B. Milkereit,
T. Karp, C. Scholz, and S. Danour, Porosity of
meteorite impact rocks: Inferences from geophysical and petrophysical
studies from the Lake Bosumtwi impact crater,
Ghana, 4 pp., CD-ROM, ibid.
- Hemsing, D. and D.R. Schmitt, Experimental
anisotropy results in Alberta
shales, 4 pp., CD-ROM, ibid.
- Lines,
L, J. Embleton, M. Fay, S. Larter,
T. Settari, B. Palmiere,
C. Reine, and D.R. Schmitt, Reservoir characterization of Plover
Lake heavy-oil field, 4 pp.,
CD-ROM, ibid.
- Ahmad,
J. and D.R. Schmitt, Reservoir characteristics of a Quarternary
channel: Incorporating rock physics in seismic and DC resistivity surveys,
4 pp. CD-ROM, ibid.
- Koeberl, C., B. Milkereit, J.T. Overpeck,
C.A. Scholz, W.U. Reimold, P.Y.O. Amoako, D.
Boamah, P. Claeys, S. Danuor,
A. Deutsch, R.E. Hecky, J. King, H. Newsom, J.
Peck, and D.R. Schmitt, An international and multidisciplinary drilling
project into a young complex impact structure: The 2004 ICDP Bosumtwi impact crater, Ghana, drilling project, – An overview. Lunar and
Planetary Science 37, abs. No. 1859 (2 pp., CD-ROM).
- Milkereit, B., H. Ugalde, T. Karp, C.A.
Scholz, D. Schmitt, S. Danuor, N. Artemieva, J. Kück, W. Qian
and E. L'Heureux, Exploring the Lake Bosumtwi Crater – Geophysical surveys, predictions,
and drilling results, ibid, abs No. 1687, (2 pp., CD-ROM)
- Brown,
M., D. R. Schmitt, B. Milkereit, and P. Claeys, Porosity in impact damaged rocks: Inferences
from scientific drilling in the Lake
impact structure, ibid., abs. No. 1507 (2 pp., CD-ROM).
- Schmitt,
D.R., B. Milkereit, T. Karp,
C. Scholz, S. Danour5, D. Meilleux, and M. Welz, Wellbore seismic studies in the Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana, impact structure, ibid, abs
no. 1503, (2 pp. CD-ROM).
- Schmitt,
D.R., Heavy
and bituminous oils: can Alberta save the world?, Preview, Australian
Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Issue 118, 22-29, Oct. 2005.
- Schmitt,
D.R., Rock
physics and time-lapse monitoring of heavy oil reservoirs, SPE-98075, Int.
Thermal Operations and Heavy Oil Symposium, Soc. Petr. Engs.,
Calgary, Nov., 6 pp-CRDROM, 2002.
- Theune, U., D.R. Schmitt, and M. Sacchi, Looking inside Turtle
Mountain: Mapping fracture with
GPR, CSEG Recorder, 30 (9), submitted Aug. 05.
- Ahmad,
J., and D.R. Schmitt, Seismic
and resistivity imaging for Quaternary channels: Rainbow Lake, Northwest
Alberta, Canada, CSEG Recorder, 30 (9), 40-43, 2005.
- Han,
Z. , D. R. Schmitt, V. V. Kravachinsky, and J. Escartin, Laboratory
comparison between seismic and magnetic anisotropy, Technical Program,
2005 CSEG Annual Meeting, 4 pp. – CDROM, 2005.
- Ahmad, J., D.R. Schmitt, C.D. Rokosh, J.G. Pawlowicz, M.M.
Fenton, and A. Plouffe, Seismic
Imaging of Quaternary Channels, Rainbow Lake, Northern Alberta, Canada,
- He, T., M. Wang, F. vonHumbeck, and D.R. Schmitt, Experimental
measurement of elastic frame properties, ibid.
- Schmitt, D.R., C.D. Rokosh, and M. Welz, High
Resolution Seismic Profile in Permafrost, at the Mallik Scientific
Wellbore, MacKenzie Delta, NWT, ibid.
- Zhang, Y. and D.R. Schmitt, A
New Method to Invert Time-lapse Impedance Using Hybrid Data
Transformation. ibid.
- Theune, U., M.D. Sacchi,
and D.R. Schmitt, Generalized
deconvolution for GPR enhancement, ibid.
- Theune, U., D.R. Schmitt, and M.D. Sacchi, Mapping
fractures with GPR on Turtle
Mountain, ibid.
- Brent, T.A., D.R. Schmitt, M.
Riedel, M. Caddel, M. Clement, S.R. Dallimore, T.S. Collett,
C.D. Rokosh, and M. Welz,
Initial geophysical and geological assessment of conventional industry 3D
seismic survey and a highresolution profile
covering the JAPEX/JNOC/GSC Mallik 5L-38 gas hydrate research Well, 6 pp.
– CDROM, AAPG Annual Convention, Calgary, June 2005.
- Pawlowicz, J.G., T.J. Nicoll, A. Hickin, J. Ahmad, C.D. Rokosh,
D.R. Schmitt, M. Fenton, R. Paulen, and A.
Plouffe, Bedrock topography mapping and geophysical surveys related to
shallow gas potential in northwestern Alberta,
2 pp. ibid.
- Zhang, Y., and D.R. Schmitt,
Time-lapse impedance inversion using hybrid data transformation and the
spike deconvolution method, 74th Ann. Int. Mtg: Soc. Of Expl. Geophys., 4 pages, 2004.
- Schmitt, D.R., Oil sands
and geophysics, CSEG Recorder, 29(11), 5-11, 2004.
- Zhang, Y., and D.R. Schmitt,
Time-lapse impedance inversion using hybrid data transformation and the
spike deconvolution method, submitted 74th Ann. Int. Mtg: Soc. Of Expl. Geophys., 4 pages, 2004.
- Welz, M. and D. R. Schmitt, Attenuation
of point source airborne cultural noise, 2004 CSEG Annual Convention,
4 pp, 2004.
- Theune, U. and D.R. Schmitt,
Modelling of seismic waves with the spectral finite element method,
ibid., 4 pp. 2004.
- Cholach, P.Y. and D.R. Schmitt,
properties of shales: effects of averaging techniques, ibid., 4
pp. 2004.
- Han, J.Z., D.R. Schmitt, D.
Collis, and J. Escartin, Laboratory
determination of velocity anisotropy, ibid., 4 pp. 2004.
- He, T., and D. R. Schmitt, Measurement
of the elastic frame properties on weakly consolidated sandstone in
support of fluid substitution studies, ibid., 4 pp. 2004.
- Solano, G. and D.R. Schmitt, VSP
study of attenuation in oil sands, ibid., 4 pp. 2004.
- Zhang, Y., and D.R. Schmitt, A
case study: QC analysis of time-lapse seismic monitoring in a heavy oil
reservoir, ibid., 4 pp. 2004.
- Cholach, P. and Schmitt, D.,
2003, Intrinsic
anisotropy of shales, 73rd Ann. Internat
Mtg.: Soc. of Expl. Geophys.,
149-152, 2003.
- Zhang, Y., Schmitt, D.
and Sacchi, M., A
comparison between local and global inversion of poststack
seismic data to estimate acoustic impedance, 73rd Ann. Internat. Mtg.: Soc. of Expl.
Geophys., 738-741, 2003.
- Cholach, P.Y. and D.R. Schmitt,
anisotropy of shales, CSEG Recorder, Vol. 28 (Sept.), 39-42,
- Schmitt, D.R., Research
in Geophysics at the University of Alberta, CSEG Recorder, Vol 28
(March), 20-27, 2003.
- Rumzan, I., and D.R. Schmitt, Application
of parametric equations to strain gauge hole drilling technique, in
Proc. Soc. Exp. Mech. Ann. Conf. on Experimental and Applied
Mechanics, A. Shukla, E.W. O'Brien, R. M. French, K.M. Ramsay, eds.,
Portland, Or, 600-603, 2001.
- Rumzan, I., and D.R. Schmitt, The
influence of well-bore pressure on drilling penetration rate and stress
dependent strength, in D. Elsworth, J.P. Tinucci, and K.A. Heasley,
(eds.) Rock Mechanics in the National Interest, Vol II, Proc. 38th
U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, 911-918, 2000.
- Adam, E., Milkereit,
B., Roberts, B. and Schmitt, D., VSP surveys at a VMS deposit, Matagami,
70th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 1126-1129,
- Beaty, K. and Schmitt, D., A study
of near-surface seasonal variability using Rayleigh wave dispersion, 70th Ann.
Internat. Mtg: Soc. of
Expl. Geophys.,
- Bouzidi, Y. and Schmitt, D.,
Laboratory calibration of amplitude variation with angle using an acoustic
goniometer, 70th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 210-213, 2000.
- Liu, Y. and Schmitt, D.,
Quantitative analysis of thin layer effects: Transmission coefficients and
seismograms, 70th Ann. Internat. Mtg: Soc. of Expl. Geophys., 2464-2467, 2000.
- Molynexu, J.B. and D.R. Schmitt,
Velocity dispersion, attenuation, and resonant phenomena in unconsolidated
sands, Technical Program, 68th Annual Meeting of the SEG, 21-25,
- Schmitt, D.R., Shallow seismic
profiling over heated heavy oils: directions towards time lapse
monitoring, Technical Program, 67th Annual Meeting of the SEG, 40-43, 1998.
- Grech, M., M. Jones, and D.R.
Schmitt, Proper amplitude recovery in VSPs, Technical Program, 67th
Annual Meeting of the SEG, 385-388, 1998.
- Mah, M., and D.R. Schmitt,
Velocity anisotropy determination with the tau-p method, Technical
Program, 67th Annual Meeting of the SEG, 1000-1003, 1998.
- Salisbury, M.H., B. Milkereit, G. Ascough, R.
Adair, D. R. Schmitt, and L. Matthews, Physical properties and seismic
imaging of massive sulphides, in press, Proc.
Exploration '97, 4 th Decennial Int. Conf. on Mineral
Exploration, Toronto, in press, 1997.
- Molyneux, J. and D.R. Schmitt,
A new method of picking first breaking, Technical Program, 66th
Annual Meeting of the SEG, 1012-1015, 1997.
- Eaton, D., M. Salisbury, D.
Forsyth, B. Milkereit, S. Guest, D. R. Schmitt,
and D. Crick, Borehole seismic imaging of near vertical structures: A case
history, Technical Program, 66th Annual Meeting. of the SEG, 2072-2075,
- Molyneux, J., M. Jones, and
D.R. Schmitt, Identification of multiples contaminating surface seismic
data using a VSP analysis technique, Technical Program, 66th Annual
Meeting. of the SEG, 206-209, 1996.
- Schmitt, D.R., and Y.Y. Li,
Wellbore bottom stress concentrations and induced core fractures, Lithoprobe 1994 Alberta Basement Transect Report #51,
71-112, 1996.
- Schmitt, D.R. and Y. Li, Bottomhole stress concentrations and core fractures,
Proc. VIII Int. Symp. on the Observation of the
Continental Crust Through Drilling, Tsukuba,
200-203, 1996.
- Schmitt, D.R. and Y. Li, Bottomhole stress concentrations: Implications to core
and wellbore wall damage and quantitative stress determinations, Lithoprobe 1995 Alberta Basement Transect Report #47,
46-47, 1995.
- Roth, F., K. Fuchs, M.D. Zoback, S. Hickman, D. R. Schmitt, B.N. Khakhaev, and L.A. Pezner,
Stress field measurements in eastern Europe, in A decade of drilling
discoveries, Proc. VIIth Int. Symp. on the Observation of the Continental Crust
Through Drilling, Santa Fe,
249-251, 1994.
- Huber, K., K. Fuchs, S.
Hickman, D. Moos, B.N. Khakhaev, L. van Kin,
L.V. Pezner, J. Palmer, F. Roth, D. R. Schmitt,
M.D. Zoback, Analysis of wellbore breakouts in
the Vorotilov drillhole,
Russia, in in A decade of drilling discoveries, Proc. VIIth
Int. Symp. on the Observation of the Continental
Crust Through Drilling, Santa Fe,
252-255, 1994.
- Schmitt, D.R., J. B. Molyneux,
and C. Hickey, Seismic properties of rocks from an exposed Proterozoic
shear zone, Lithoprobe 1994 Trans-Hudson Orogen
Transect Report #38, 54-57, 1994.
- Schmitt, D.R., and Y.Y. Li, A
high pressure technique for determining the microcrack porosities of
damaged brittle materials, Lithoprobe 1994
Alberta Basement Transect Report #37, 117-138, 1994.
- Schmitt, D.R., Holographic
stress measurement method, in Modern in situ stress measurement methods,
short course presented prior to the 34th U.S. Symposium on rock mechanics,
Madison, WI, 25 pages, June, 1993.
- Schmitt, D.R., T. Chacko, J.
Molyneux, and C. Hickey, Laboratory elastic wave impedance measurements on
rocks associated with the seismic reflections near Granite Lake,
Saskatchewan, submitted, Lithoprobe 1993
Trans-Hudson Orogen Transect report, 5 pages, 1993.
- Schmitt, D.R., H. Neiman, L.
Holm, and J.S. MacKinnon, Ultrasonic borehole televiewer
logging on a PC based system, Proc. 4th Int. MGLS/KEGS Symposium for
Minerals, Geotechnical, and Groundwater Applications, Toronto, August
1991, in press.
- Schmitt, D.R., A field based
system for the digitization of ultrasonic borehole televiewer
data in real time, in Proc. Canadian Well Logging Society 13th Formation
Evaluation Symposium, Calgary, Sept. 1991, M1-M16, 1991.
- Schmitt, D.R., Fracture
statistics derived from digital ultrasonic televiewer
logging, Pet. Soc. CIM, CIM/AOSTRA 91, 64-1 to 64-10, 1991.
- Schmitt, D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Laboratory tests of the effects of pore
pressure on tensile failure, in Proc. of the Int. Symp.
on Rock at Great Depth, Pau,
V. Maury and D. Fourmaintraux, eds., 883-889,
- Schmitt, D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Role of pore pressure in tensile rupture of
low porosity rock: hydrofracturing test data, in Stanford Rockphysics and Borehole Geophysics Project, Vol 40,
pages T1-T21, 1990.
- Schmitt, D.R., and M.D. Zoback, Laboratory tests of the effects of pore
pressure on tensile failure and proposed modifications for the hydraulic
fracturing breakdown equations in low porosity crystalline rock, in
Stanford RockphysicsVol 37, pages Q1-Q17, 1989.
- Schmitt, D.R., and M.D. Zoback, The effect of an exact effective stress law on
the hydraulic fracturing breakdown equations, in Proc. 2nd Int. Workshop
on Hydraulic Fracturing Stress Measurements, Minneapolis, 425-450,
1988.and Borehole Geophysics Project,
Last update April 14, 2018