Welcome to the University of Alberta's Engineering Program Plan Visualizer.
On this page, you will find all of the information found on the University Calendar, presented in an easier to understand format.
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- Left click on a course to draw arrows between that course and its prerequisites and corequisites, as well as the courses it is a prerequisite and corequisite for.
- Right click on a course to have its Calendar description stay in place.
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Fall Term 1
CHEM 103
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemistry of the elements. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30, or equivalent. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 53.5 Units
ENGG 100
★ 1.1
(fi 2)(either term,
An introduction to the Faculty of Engineering, the engineering profession, the skills required for academic success, and the fundamentals of leadership: study and life skills; time management and goal setting; interpersonal skills; career planning; engineering and society including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and public safety.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 130
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Equilibrium of planar systems. Analysis of statically determinate trusses and frames. Friction. Centroids and centres of gravity. Forces and moments in beams. Second moments of area. Note: Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Corequisite: MATH 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ENGL 199
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
This course aims to develop the student's ability to provide effective written and oral information. It will focus on instruction in fundamental writing skills, including building effective sentences and paragraphs, and on learning to communicate clearly across a range of genres and media used in academic and professional contexts, including correspondence and presentations. Students will be introduced to the principles of information gathering, analysis, and citation. Note: Restricted to students in the Faculty of Engineering only.
Accreditation Units
MATH 100
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of numbers, inequalities, functions, analytic geometry; limits, continuity; derivatives and applications, Taylor polynomials; log, exp, and inverse trig functions. Integration, fundamental theorem of calculus substitution, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144, 154, or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
PHYS 130
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Physics 30. Corequisite: MATH 100 or 113 or 114 or 117 or 134 or 144 or equivalent. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Winter Term 2
CHEM 105
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, modern applications of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 103 or 101. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamentals of computer programming with emphasis on solving engineering problems. Structure and syntax of computer programs, variables, data types, data structures, control structures, functions, input/output operations, debugging, software development process.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ENGG 160
★ 2.0
(fi 4)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Fundamental design process and theory in a multidisciplinary context. Importance, in engineering design, of communications; team work; the engineering disciplines, career fields; professional responsibilities of the engineer including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Corequisite ENGL 199. This course is delivered in a blended format.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
EN PH 131
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: MATH 100 or 117, and ENGG 130. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 118. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 26.8 Units
MATH 101
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Area between curves, techniques of integration. Applications of integration to planar areas and lengths, volumes and masses. First order ordinary differential equations: separable, linear, direction fields, Euler's method, applications. Infinite series, power series, Taylor expansions with remainder terms. Polar coordinates. Rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Parametric curves in the plane and space: graphing, arc length, curvature; normal binormal, tangent plane in 3- dimensional space. Volumes and surface areas of rotation. Prerequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 102
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 102, 125, or 127. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Fall Term 3
ECE 202
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(first term,
Circuit element definitions. Circuit laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive voltage and current dividers. Basic loop and nodal analysis. Dependent sources. Circuit theorems: linearity, superposition, maximum power transfer, Thevenin, Norton. Time domain behavior of inductance and capacitance, energy storage. Sinusoidal signals, complex numbers, phasor and impedance concepts. Magnetically coupled networks. Single phase power and power factor. Prerequisites: MATH 101, 102. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 202, E E 240, ECE 209 or E E 239, unless approved by the Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 210
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Boolean algebra, truth tables, Karnaugh maps. Switching devices and their symbology with an introduction to NAND and NOR logic. Number systems, codes, minimization procedures, synthesis of combinational networks. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters. Arithmetic circuits. Introduction to computer-aided design and simulation tools for digital design and implementation. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 210, E E 280 or CMPUT 329.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
MATH 201
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
First-order equations; second-order linear equations: reduction of order, variation of parameters; Laplace transform; linear systems; power series; solution by series; separation of variables for PDEs. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 209 or 214. Notes: (1) Open only to students in Engineering, Specialization Physics, and Specialization Geophysics. (2) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 201, MATH 334, MATH 336, or MA PH 251. (3) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 209
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Partial differentiation, derivatives of integrals. Multiple integration using rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Vector Field Theory. Prerequisite: MATH 101. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 102. Notes: (1) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 215, MATH 315, MATH 317 or MA PH 351. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 4
ECE 203
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(second term or Spring/Summer,
Nonlinear circuit analysis. Diodes: ideal and simple and models, single phase rectifiers. Ideal and finite gain op-amps. Treatment of RLC circuits in the time domain, frequency domain and s-plane. Two port networks. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240. Corequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 203 or E E 250.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 212
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, sub-routine handling, memory and input/output system and interrupt concepts. Prerequisite: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 212, E E 380 or CMPUT 229.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 220
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Architecture and basic components of computing systems. Programming environment and program development methodology. Basics of programming: from data structures and functions to communication with external devices. Principles of object-oriented programming. Good programming style. Prerequisite: ENCMP 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 240
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to linear systems and signal classification. Delta function and convolution. Fourier series expansion. Fourier transform and its properties. Laplace transform. Analysis of linear time invariant (LTI) systems using the Laplace transform. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240, MATH 201. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 240 or E E 238.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
PHYS 230
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electric fields, Gauss' Law; electric potential; capacitance and dielectrics; electric current and resistance; magnetic fields, Ampere's Law; Faraday's Law; inductance; magnetic properties of matter. Prerequisites: PHYS 130 or 144 or 146, and MATH 100 or 114 or 117 or 144. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 115 or 118. Note: Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units. Credit can normally be obtained for only one of PHYS 181, 230, or 281.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Fall Term 5
ECE 302
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
PN junction semiconductor basics, charge flow and diode equation. Zener diodes. BJT and MOSFET devices and operating regions. Amplifier basics: biasing, gain, input and output resistance, analysis and design. Large signal effects. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 302 or E E 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 312
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Design methodology. Internal and external peripherals: serial communication, timers, D/A converters, interrupt controllers. Embedded system programming: introduction to real time operating systems, basics of real time programming, real-time debugging. Power and memory management. Fault tolerance. Prerequisites: ECE 220, and ECE 212 or E E 380. Corequisite: ECE 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 26.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 330
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of power concepts, network equations, three-phase circuits, transformer and its characteristics, per-unit calculation, transmission lines and their basic operational characteristics, introduction to power system operation. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 330 or E E 330.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 340
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Discrete time signals and systems; Sampled signals and sampling theorem, aliasing, A/D converter; Z-transform, stability analysis; Discrete-time Fourier transform; Discrete Fourier transform, leakage, spectral analysis; Digital filter design, filter structure. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 340 or E E 338.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 370
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of vector calculus, electrostatics, and magnetostatics. Electric and magnetic fields in material media, including polarization mechanisms and general boundary conditions. Solutions to static field problems. Maxwell's equations and waves in free space, dielectrics and conducting media. Reflection and refraction, standing waves. Prerequisites: MATH 102, 209 and PHYS 230. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 370 or E E 315.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 19.8 Units
MATH 309
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term or Spring/Summer,
Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equation, Cauchy Theorem, power series and Laurent expansions, residues, inverse Laplace transform. Complex inner product spaces, orthogonal expansions, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization completeness, Fourier expansions applied to signals, Parseval's relation and Bessel's inequality. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Notes: (1) Restricted to Engineering students. (2) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 311 or 411.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 37.8 Units
Winter Term 6
ECE 303
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Differential amplifiers. Frequency response: active device high-frequency behaviour and circuit models; amplifier circuits and design. Feedback: concepts and structure; feedback topologies and amplifiers; open- and closed-loop response. Operational amplifiers: behaviour, circuit analysis and design. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 303 or E E 350.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 332
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Principles of electromagnetic force and torque in rotating machinery. Simple AC and DC machines. Induction motor theory. Practical aspects of induction motor use: characteristics, standards, starting, variable speed operation. Synchronous machine theory and characteristics. Fractional HP motor theory. Safety in electrical environments. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330 or consent of Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 332 or E E 332.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 342
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Deterministic and probabilistic models. Basics of probability theory: random experiments, axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence. Discrete and continuous random variables: cumulative distribution and probability density functions, functions of a random variable, expected values, transform methods. Pairs of random variables: independence, joint cdf and pdf, conditional probability and expectation, functions of a pair of random variables, jointly Gaussian random variables. Sums of random variables: the central limit theorem; basic types of random processes, wide sense stationary processes, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation, power spectrum, white noise. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 342 or E E 387.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 360
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Linear system models. Time response and stability. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Feedback control system characteristics. Dynamic compensation. Root locus analysis and design. Frequency response analysis and design. Prerequisites: ECE 203 or E E 250, and ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 360, ECE 362, E E 357, E E 462 or E E 469.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 380
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basics of analog communication: amplitude, angle, and analog pulse modulation; modulators and demodulators; frequency multiplexing. Basics of digital communication: sampling, quantization, pulse code modulation, time division multiplexing, binary signal formats. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 380 or E E 390.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Fall Term 7
ECE 490
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(first term,
The first of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year. Student teams research, propose, design, develop, document, prototype, and present a practical engineering system or device; teams exercise creativity and make assumptions and decisions based on technical knowledge. This first course includes project definition, planning, and initial prototyping. Formal reports and presentation of the project proposal is required. Prerequisite ECE 312. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 490 or E E 400.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ENGG 404
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basic concepts of risk and consequences of loss incidents; risk management principles and practices; incident investigation, causation, root cause analysis; process safety management; the roles of government agencies, professional bodies and industry associations; workplace safety; risk-based decision-making processes; leadership and the human-factors side of risk management. The course focuses on the principles and practices of leadership towards the effective application and implementation of risk management in major organizations across all engineering disciplines. Industry virtual tours, case studies, seminars and team projects specific to the student's engineering program will be used to develop competencies and proficiencies in applying leadership and organizational effectiveness for successful risk management.
Accreditation Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 8
ENG M 310
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
The application of the fundamentals of economics to engineering alternatives in planning, developing and managing industrial projects. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, 401, ENG M 310 or 401.
Accreditation Units
ENG M 401
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
The application of the fundamentals of engineering economics, financial analysis and market assessment to engineering alternatives in the planning, development and ongoing management of industrial enterprises. The course covers the use of engineering, economic, financial and market assessment information in investment and business operation decisions in technology oriented companies. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, ENGG 401, ENG M 310, or ENG M 401.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 400
★ 1.0
(fi 2)(either term,
The technical and professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. The role of the engineer in the social environment including elements of equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op engineering students. Must be taken in last term of program.
Accreditation Units
ECE 491
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(second term,
The second of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year, in which student teams develop an electronic system or device from concept to working prototype. Emphasis is placed on continued execution of the project plan developed in ECE 490. Formal interim and final reports are required; groups demonstrate and present their designs. Prerequisite: ECE 490 or E E 400 in the preceding Fall term. Co-requisite: ECE 303. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 491 or E E 401.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ITS Elective
An ITS elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 1 Electives (x2)
CH E 243
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
An introduction to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Prerequisites: MATH 101.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
MAT E 201
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
An introduction to the science of materials from the standpoint of the relationships between atomic, molecular and crystal structure to material properties. Atomic bonding, crystal structure and crystal imperfections. Structures of metallic, non-metallic and composite materials. Diffusion, electrochemical and corrosion properties; strengthening mechanisms, mechanical properties and failure; electrical conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics; thermal, magnetic, and optical properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
MEC E 250
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Moments of inertia. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid body motion, energy and momentum methods, impact, mechanical vibrations. Prerequisites: ENGG 130, EN PH 131 and MATH 101. There is a consolidated exam.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
Group 2A Electives (3 out of 6)
ECE 304
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
MOS digital circuits, logic gates, threshold voltages. MOS logic families: design and simulation. CMOS timing: propagation delay, rise and fall times. Storage elements, memory, I/O and interfacing. Prerequisites: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329, and ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 304 or E E 351.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 401
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to power electronics. AC-DC conversion. DC-AC conversion. DC-DC conversion. AC-AC conversion. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 401 or E E 431.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 402
★ 4.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to radio communications systems. Frequency selective circuits and transformers. Parallel resonant circuits including transformers. Double-tuned circuits. Impedance matching. Oscillators. Conditions for oscillation. Amplitude limitation mechanisms. Phase stability. Crystal oscillators. Mixers. Diode-ring mixers. Square-law mixers. BJT mixers. Intermodulation distortion. Modulators and demodulators. Average envelope detectors. FM demodulators. High frequency amplifiers and automatic gain control. Broadband techniques. Neutralization. Phase-lock loops. Phase detectors. Voltage-controlled oscillators. Loop filters. Phase-locked loop applications. Power amplifiers. Prerequisite: ECE 303 or E E 350. Corequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 362 or E E 357 or E E 462. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 402 or E E 451.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 56.7 Units
ECE 403
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design techniques and their application. Electrical characteristics of MOSFET devices and CMOS circuits. Use of CAD tools for simulation and integrated circuit layout. Modeling delays, advanced digital logic circuit techniques, memory. Prerequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351; corequisite: ECE 410 or CMPE 480. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 403 or E E 453.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 410
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of classical logic design methods. Introduction to the hardware description language VHDL. Logic simulation principles. Digital system design. Digital system testing and design for testability. Arithmetic circuits. State-of-the-art computer-aided design tools and FPGAs are used to design and implement logic circuits. Corequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 480 or ECE 410.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 432
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to variable speed drives. Frequency, phase and vector control of induction motors. Dynamic models for induction motors. Permanent magnet synchronous and brushless dc motor drives. Prerequisite: ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 432 or E E 432.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 433
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to power system transient states. Power system voltage stability; PV and QV curve methods. Power system angular stability; transient stability and equal area criterion; steady-state stability and power system stabilizer. Electromagnetic transients in power systems, insulation coordination and equipment protection. Methods of power system design and simulation. Prerequisites: ECE 330 or E E 330, and ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 433 or E E 433.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 440
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Extension of sampling theory and the Fourier transform to two dimensions, pixel operations including gray-level modification, algebraic and geometric transformations. The design of spatial filters for noise reduction, image sharpening and edge enhancement, and some discussion of interpolation techniques. An introduction to the concepts of image restoration from known degradations and the reconstruction of images from parallel and fan projections. Prerequisite: ECE 340 or E E 338 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of EE BE 540 or ECE 440.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 14.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 442
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Human visual/audio perception and multimedia data representations. Basic multimedia processing concepts, multimedia compression and communications. Machine learning tools for multimedia signal processing, including principle component analysis and Gaussian mixture modeling. Applications to human-computer interaction, visual-audio, and visual-text processing. Prerequisites: ECE 220 or CMPUT 275, ECE 342, MATH 102 or equivalent knowledge. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 442 or E E 442.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Group 2B Electives (3 out of 6)
ECE 449
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Intelligent systems for automatic control and data analysis. The concepts of vagueness and uncertainty, approximate reasoning, fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy control. Strategies for learning and adaptation, supervised and reinforcement learning, self-organization and the selection of neural network architectures. Discussion of the principles of search and optimization, evolution and natural selection and genetic algorithms. Introduction to hybrid intelligence. Applications of intelligent systems for pattern recognition, classification, forecasting, decision support, and control. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 449 or ECE 449.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 450
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Semiconductor device physics, device scaling trends, advanced MOSFET fabrication and the associated quantum mechanical framework in nanoscale systems. Semiconductor devices as a system of elemental components. Quantum phenomena in the evaluation of semiconductor devices. Impact of new materials such as high-k gate dielectrics, copper damascene processing and diffusion barriers on device performance. Choice of channel materials and strain condition for ultrascaled logic devices, RF and power electronic devices. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 450 or E E 450.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 457
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Microfabrication processes for CMOS, bipolar, MEMS, and microfluidics devices. Laboratory safety. Deposition processes of oxidation, evaporation and sputtering. Lithography, wet and dry etch, and device characterization. Note: Consent of Department required. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 457 or E E 457.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 16.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ECE 460
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to computer control, sample and hold, discrete-time systems. States and state space models. Linearization of nonlinear state-space models. Solving linear time-invariant state-space equations. Discretization of continuous-time systems. Controllability and observability, and their algebraic tests. Minimal state-space realizations. State feedback and eigenvalue/pole assignment, deadbeat control. Step tracking control design. State estimation and observer design. Observer based control. Introduction to linear quadratic optimal control. Prerequisites: ECE 360 or E E 357, and ECE 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 460 or E E 460.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 464
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic concepts of computer-integrated intervention. Surgical CAD/CAM, assist and simulation systems. Actuators and imagers. Medical robot design, control and optimization. Surgeon-robot interface technology. Haptic feedback in surgical simulation and teleoperation. Virtual fixtures. Time delay compensation in telesurgery. Cooperative manipulation control. Overview of existing systems for robot-assisted intervention and for virtual-reality surgical simulation. Prerequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 462 or E E 357 or E E 462 or consent of the Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 464 or E E 464.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 471
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electromagnetic wave propagation at optical frequencies and approximations. Thermal and luminescent light sources, optical beams. Ray and Gaussian optics and simple optical components. Wave optics, polarization, interference, interferometric devices. Light-matter interactions. Optics of crystals; polarizers and waveplates. Photodetectors. Photonic engineering applications. Corequisite: ECE 370 or E E 315, or PHYS 381. Note: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: ECE 471, E E 471 or PHYS 362.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 476
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electrostatics and magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations and plane waves. Analysis and characterization of waveguides, rectangular and circular waveguides, waveguide cavities. Radiation mechanism of dipoles, fundamental parameters, Friis transmission equations, link budget analysis, linear wire antennas, antenna arrays, different types of antennas, antenna measurements. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 476 or E E 476.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 478
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to RF/microwave circuits and their applications. Maxwell's Equations and basic wave-propagation concepts. Transmission-line theory and impedance-matching techniques. Practical planar transmission lines. Lumped and distributed microwave-circuit elements. Microwave network analysis using impedance/admittance parameters, scattering parameters, and transmission-matrix methods. Analysis, design, fabrication, and test of practical RF/microwave devices including power dividers/combiners, couplers, amplifiers, and filters. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 478 or E E 478.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 485
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Principles of digital communications; signal space concepts, digital modulation and demodulation, intersymbol interference, and pulse shaping. Design of optimal receivers; performance in the presence of channel noise. Introduction to source coding and channel coding. Prerequisites: ECE 342 or E E 387, and ECE 380 or E E 390. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 485 or E E 485.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Group 2 Electives (2 out of 6)
BME 513
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Introduction to basic physical and technological aspects of medical imaging. Emphasis on computed transmission and emission tomography, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound imaging. These methods are developed and contrasted in terms of how imaging information is generated, detected, and processed and how different hardware configurations and other factors limit image quality. Relative diagnostic potential of the imaging methods is also discussed in relation to future prospects of each method.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 405
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Introduction to the principles of biophysical instrumentation. Various sensors are examined including strain gauges, inductive, capacitive, thermal, and piezoelectric sensors. Methods of measuring blood pressure are discussed. Origin of biopotentials; membrane and action potentials. Measurement of bioelectrical signals such as the ECG and EMG. Electrical safety, noise, impedance matching, and analog-to-digital conversion. Applications of electrodes, biochemical sensors, and lasers. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250 or consent of the Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 405 or EE BE 512.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 408
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 409
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 412
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Defects in manufacturing, failure mechanisms, and fault modeling. Reliability and availability theory. Static and dynamic redundancy and repair. Error correcting codes and self-checking systems. Roll-back strategies. Fault-tolerant computers and network architecture. Prerequisite: ECE 342. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 425 or ECE 412.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 452
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to advanced numerical methods such as finite-difference, finite-element and spectral-domain techniques for solving partial differential equations. Simulations of nanoscale systems involving multiphysics or coupled differential equations involving electron and thermal transport phenomena, electrodynamics, MEMS, and process simulation, graphical methods for 3D visualization of simulation data. Examples from applied areas of nanoengineering to demonstrate computational methods for understanding complex physical phenomena and for designing and simulating nanoscale devices and systems. Prerequisites: ECE 341 or MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 452 or E E 445.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 487
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Network topologies. Layered architectures and the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. Peer-to-peer protocols, medium access control protocols, and local area network standards. Packet switched networks and routing, the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 487, CMPUT 313 or CMPE 487.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2A Electives (1 out of 6)
ECE 341
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to analytical solutions of partial differential equations, eigenfunctions and eigenvalue problems, special functions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Green's functions, and transform methods. These concepts provide the necessary mathematical foundation for understanding and analyzing important physical phenomena encountered at the micro and nanoscales. Examples drawn from electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, solidstate physics, photonics, thermal transport, and microelectromechanical systems. Prerequisites: ECE 240 or E E 238, and MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 341 or E E 323.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 430
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Transmission line design parameters; power flow computations; Generator control systems, load frequency control; economic operation of power systems; Symmetrical components theory; Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330. Corequisite: ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 430 or E E 430.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 25.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 434
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Short-circuit and other faults in power systems. Analysis of faulted power systems in phase domain, components of power system protection, various protection schemes and relays. Power system grounding, concepts of transient overvoltage and ground potential rise. Prerequisite: ECE 430. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 434 or E E 434.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 447
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
The course introduces basic concepts and techniques of data analysis and machine learning. Topics include: data preprocessing techniques, decision trees, nearest neighbor algorithms, linear and logistic regressions, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model evaluation, deployment methods, and emerging topics. Prerequisites: ECE 220 or CMPUT 275, and ECE 342 or STAT 235, or consent of instructor.
Accreditation Units
ECE 456
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamental concepts related to current flow in nanoelectronic devices. Energy level diagram and the Fermi function. Single-energy-level model for current flow and associated effects, such as the quantum of conductance, Coulomb blockade, and single electron charging. The Schroedinger equation and quantum mechanics for applications in nanoelectronics. Matrix-equation approach for numerical band structure calculations of transistor channel materials. k-space, Brillouin zones, and density of states. Subbands for quantum wells, wires, dots, and carbon nanotubes. Current flow in nanowires and ballistic nanotransistors, including minimum possible channel resistance, quantum capacitance, and the transistor equivalent circuit under ballistic operation. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 456 or E E 456.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 458
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems, applications of MEMS technology to radio frequency, optical and biomedical devices. Basic MEMS building blocks, cantilever and clamped-clamped beams. Actuation mechanisms of mechanical microdevices, thermal and electrostatic. The thin film fabrication process, deposition, lithography, etching and release. MEMS in circuits, switches, capacitors, and resonators. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381, and one of MAT E 201, PHYS 244, MEC E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 458 or E E 458.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2B Electives (1 out of 6)
ECE 472
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Interaction of radiation with atoms, laser oscillations and threshold conditions, 3- and 4-level laser systems, rate equations, special properties of laser light, cavity Q and photon lifetime, optical resonators and lens waveguides, Gaussian beams, gain saturation, Q-switching, mode locking, interaction of light and sound, holography. Description of various lasers: solid, gas, semiconductor, dye, Raman and chemical. Laser applications. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 472 or E E 472.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 474
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Definition of plasma. Behavior in electric and magnetic fields. Particle, kinetic and fluid description of flow and transport phenomena. Waves in plasmas. Current approaches to thermonuclear fusion. High temperature laser produced plasmas and low temperature DC and RF discharge plasmas. Applications in discharge pumping of lasers, plasma etching, thin film deposition and generation of x-rays. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 474 or E E 474.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 475
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic optical properties of crystalline and amorphous semiconductor materials: energy band diagrams, optical constants. Recombination and light emission in semiconductors. Light emitting diodes: spectral characteristics, materials, and applications. Stimulated emission and laser oscillation conditions in semiconductors. Laser diodes: modal and spectral properties, steady state rate equations, materials and structures. Light absorption, optical to electrical energy conversion. Photovoltaic cells: fill factors and efficiency, temperature effects, alternative materials and structures. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 475 or E E 475.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 486
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Characteristics of wireless channels; path loss, shadow fading and multipath propagation. Challenges in wireless system design, digital modulation techniques for wireless communications, transmitter and receiver design for fading channels. Fundamentals of cellular system design and multiple access techniques. Prerequisites: ECE 342 or E E 387, and ECE 380 or E E 390. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 486 or E E 486.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Fall Term 1
CHEM 103
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemistry of the elements. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30, or equivalent. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 53.5 Units
ENGG 100
★ 1.1
(fi 2)(either term,
An introduction to the Faculty of Engineering, the engineering profession, the skills required for academic success, and the fundamentals of leadership: study and life skills; time management and goal setting; interpersonal skills; career planning; engineering and society including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and public safety.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 130
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Equilibrium of planar systems. Analysis of statically determinate trusses and frames. Friction. Centroids and centres of gravity. Forces and moments in beams. Second moments of area. Note: Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Corequisite: MATH 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ENGL 199
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
This course aims to develop the student's ability to provide effective written and oral information. It will focus on instruction in fundamental writing skills, including building effective sentences and paragraphs, and on learning to communicate clearly across a range of genres and media used in academic and professional contexts, including correspondence and presentations. Students will be introduced to the principles of information gathering, analysis, and citation. Note: Restricted to students in the Faculty of Engineering only.
Accreditation Units
MATH 100
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of numbers, inequalities, functions, analytic geometry; limits, continuity; derivatives and applications, Taylor polynomials; log, exp, and inverse trig functions. Integration, fundamental theorem of calculus substitution, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144, 154, or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
PHYS 130
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Physics 30. Corequisite: MATH 100 or 113 or 114 or 117 or 134 or 144 or equivalent. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Winter Term 2
CHEM 105
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, modern applications of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 103 or 101. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamentals of computer programming with emphasis on solving engineering problems. Structure and syntax of computer programs, variables, data types, data structures, control structures, functions, input/output operations, debugging, software development process.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ENGG 160
★ 2.0
(fi 4)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Fundamental design process and theory in a multidisciplinary context. Importance, in engineering design, of communications; team work; the engineering disciplines, career fields; professional responsibilities of the engineer including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Corequisite ENGL 199. This course is delivered in a blended format.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
EN PH 131
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: MATH 100 or 117, and ENGG 130. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 118. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 26.8 Units
MATH 101
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Area between curves, techniques of integration. Applications of integration to planar areas and lengths, volumes and masses. First order ordinary differential equations: separable, linear, direction fields, Euler's method, applications. Infinite series, power series, Taylor expansions with remainder terms. Polar coordinates. Rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Parametric curves in the plane and space: graphing, arc length, curvature; normal binormal, tangent plane in 3- dimensional space. Volumes and surface areas of rotation. Prerequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 102
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 102, 125, or 127. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Fall Term 3
ECE 202
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(first term,
Circuit element definitions. Circuit laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive voltage and current dividers. Basic loop and nodal analysis. Dependent sources. Circuit theorems: linearity, superposition, maximum power transfer, Thevenin, Norton. Time domain behavior of inductance and capacitance, energy storage. Sinusoidal signals, complex numbers, phasor and impedance concepts. Magnetically coupled networks. Single phase power and power factor. Prerequisites: MATH 101, 102. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 202, E E 240, ECE 209 or E E 239, unless approved by the Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 210
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Boolean algebra, truth tables, Karnaugh maps. Switching devices and their symbology with an introduction to NAND and NOR logic. Number systems, codes, minimization procedures, synthesis of combinational networks. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters. Arithmetic circuits. Introduction to computer-aided design and simulation tools for digital design and implementation. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 210, E E 280 or CMPUT 329.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
MATH 201
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
First-order equations; second-order linear equations: reduction of order, variation of parameters; Laplace transform; linear systems; power series; solution by series; separation of variables for PDEs. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 209 or 214. Notes: (1) Open only to students in Engineering, Specialization Physics, and Specialization Geophysics. (2) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 201, MATH 334, MATH 336, or MA PH 251. (3) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 209
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Partial differentiation, derivatives of integrals. Multiple integration using rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Vector Field Theory. Prerequisite: MATH 101. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 102. Notes: (1) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 215, MATH 315, MATH 317 or MA PH 351. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 4
ECE 203
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(second term or Spring/Summer,
Nonlinear circuit analysis. Diodes: ideal and simple and models, single phase rectifiers. Ideal and finite gain op-amps. Treatment of RLC circuits in the time domain, frequency domain and s-plane. Two port networks. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240. Corequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 203 or E E 250.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 212
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, sub-routine handling, memory and input/output system and interrupt concepts. Prerequisite: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 212, E E 380 or CMPUT 229.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 220
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Architecture and basic components of computing systems. Programming environment and program development methodology. Basics of programming: from data structures and functions to communication with external devices. Principles of object-oriented programming. Good programming style. Prerequisite: ENCMP 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 240
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to linear systems and signal classification. Delta function and convolution. Fourier series expansion. Fourier transform and its properties. Laplace transform. Analysis of linear time invariant (LTI) systems using the Laplace transform. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240, MATH 201. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 240 or E E 238.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
PHYS 230
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electric fields, Gauss' Law; electric potential; capacitance and dielectrics; electric current and resistance; magnetic fields, Ampere's Law; Faraday's Law; inductance; magnetic properties of matter. Prerequisites: PHYS 130 or 144 or 146, and MATH 100 or 114 or 117 or 144. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 115 or 118. Note: Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units. Credit can normally be obtained for only one of PHYS 181, 230, or 281.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Fall Term 5
BIOL 107
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
An introduction to cell structure and function. Major topics include the molecules and structures that comprise prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, the mechanisms by which energy is harvested and used by cells, how cells reproduce, and how information is stored and used within a cell via the processes of DNA replication, transcription, and translation. Prerequisites: Biology 30 and Chemistry 30. Note: BIOL 107 is not a prerequisite for BIOL 108. BIOL 107 and 108 can be taken in either term.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 63.0 Units
ECE 302
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
PN junction semiconductor basics, charge flow and diode equation. Zener diodes. BJT and MOSFET devices and operating regions. Amplifier basics: biasing, gain, input and output resistance, analysis and design. Large signal effects. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 302 or E E 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 312
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Design methodology. Internal and external peripherals: serial communication, timers, D/A converters, interrupt controllers. Embedded system programming: introduction to real time operating systems, basics of real time programming, real-time debugging. Power and memory management. Fault tolerance. Prerequisites: ECE 220, and ECE 212 or E E 380. Corequisite: ECE 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 26.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 340
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Discrete time signals and systems; Sampled signals and sampling theorem, aliasing, A/D converter; Z-transform, stability analysis; Discrete-time Fourier transform; Discrete Fourier transform, leakage, spectral analysis; Digital filter design, filter structure. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 340 or E E 338.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 370
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of vector calculus, electrostatics, and magnetostatics. Electric and magnetic fields in material media, including polarization mechanisms and general boundary conditions. Solutions to static field problems. Maxwell's equations and waves in free space, dielectrics and conducting media. Reflection and refraction, standing waves. Prerequisites: MATH 102, 209 and PHYS 230. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 370 or E E 315.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 19.8 Units
MATH 309
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term or Spring/Summer,
Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equation, Cauchy Theorem, power series and Laurent expansions, residues, inverse Laplace transform. Complex inner product spaces, orthogonal expansions, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization completeness, Fourier expansions applied to signals, Parseval's relation and Bessel's inequality. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Notes: (1) Restricted to Engineering students. (2) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 311 or 411.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 37.8 Units
Winter Term 6
ECE 303
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Differential amplifiers. Frequency response: active device high-frequency behaviour and circuit models; amplifier circuits and design. Feedback: concepts and structure; feedback topologies and amplifiers; open- and closed-loop response. Operational amplifiers: behaviour, circuit analysis and design. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 303 or E E 350.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 342
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Deterministic and probabilistic models. Basics of probability theory: random experiments, axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence. Discrete and continuous random variables: cumulative distribution and probability density functions, functions of a random variable, expected values, transform methods. Pairs of random variables: independence, joint cdf and pdf, conditional probability and expectation, functions of a pair of random variables, jointly Gaussian random variables. Sums of random variables: the central limit theorem; basic types of random processes, wide sense stationary processes, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation, power spectrum, white noise. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 342 or E E 387.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 360
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Linear system models. Time response and stability. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Feedback control system characteristics. Dynamic compensation. Root locus analysis and design. Frequency response analysis and design. Prerequisites: ECE 203 or E E 250, and ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 360, ECE 362, E E 357, E E 462 or E E 469.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 380
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basics of analog communication: amplitude, angle, and analog pulse modulation; modulators and demodulators; frequency multiplexing. Basics of digital communication: sampling, quantization, pulse code modulation, time division multiplexing, binary signal formats. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 380 or E E 390.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
ENGG 404
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basic concepts of risk and consequences of loss incidents; risk management principles and practices; incident investigation, causation, root cause analysis; process safety management; the roles of government agencies, professional bodies and industry associations; workplace safety; risk-based decision-making processes; leadership and the human-factors side of risk management. The course focuses on the principles and practices of leadership towards the effective application and implementation of risk management in major organizations across all engineering disciplines. Industry virtual tours, case studies, seminars and team projects specific to the student's engineering program will be used to develop competencies and proficiencies in applying leadership and organizational effectiveness for successful risk management.
Accreditation Units
Fall Term 7
ECE 405
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Introduction to the principles of biophysical instrumentation. Various sensors are examined including strain gauges, inductive, capacitive, thermal, and piezoelectric sensors. Methods of measuring blood pressure are discussed. Origin of biopotentials; membrane and action potentials. Measurement of bioelectrical signals such as the ECG and EMG. Electrical safety, noise, impedance matching, and analog-to-digital conversion. Applications of electrodes, biochemical sensors, and lasers. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250 or consent of the Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 405 or EE BE 512.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 440
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Extension of sampling theory and the Fourier transform to two dimensions, pixel operations including gray-level modification, algebraic and geometric transformations. The design of spatial filters for noise reduction, image sharpening and edge enhancement, and some discussion of interpolation techniques. An introduction to the concepts of image restoration from known degradations and the reconstruction of images from parallel and fan projections. Prerequisite: ECE 340 or E E 338 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of EE BE 540 or ECE 440.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 14.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 490
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(first term,
The first of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year. Student teams research, propose, design, develop, document, prototype, and present a practical engineering system or device; teams exercise creativity and make assumptions and decisions based on technical knowledge. This first course includes project definition, planning, and initial prototyping. Formal reports and presentation of the project proposal is required. Prerequisite ECE 312. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 490 or E E 400.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(two-term,
Introductory course in human physiology. Students will study the function and regulation of the human body and the complexities and interactions of cells, tissues, major organs and systems. This course is offered as a classroom-based course or in an online format. Students may not transfer from one mode of instruction to the other. Prerequisites: BIOL 107; plus 6 credits in University level Chemistry. Credit may be obtained in only one of PHYSL 210 or 212 and 214. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in ZOOL 241 and/or 242.
Accreditation Units
ITS Elective
An ITS elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 8
ECE 491
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(second term,
The second of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year, in which student teams develop an electronic system or device from concept to working prototype. Emphasis is placed on continued execution of the project plan developed in ECE 490. Formal interim and final reports are required; groups demonstrate and present their designs. Prerequisite: ECE 490 or E E 400 in the preceding Fall term. Co-requisite: ECE 303. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 491 or E E 401.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
ENG M 310
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
The application of the fundamentals of economics to engineering alternatives in planning, developing and managing industrial projects. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, 401, ENG M 310 or 401.
Accreditation Units
ENG M 401
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
The application of the fundamentals of engineering economics, financial analysis and market assessment to engineering alternatives in the planning, development and ongoing management of industrial enterprises. The course covers the use of engineering, economic, financial and market assessment information in investment and business operation decisions in technology oriented companies. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, ENGG 401, ENG M 310, or ENG M 401.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 400
★ 1.0
(fi 2)(either term,
The technical and professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. The role of the engineer in the social environment including elements of equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op engineering students. Must be taken in last term of program.
Accreditation Units
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(two-term,
Introductory course in human physiology. Students will study the function and regulation of the human body and the complexities and interactions of cells, tissues, major organs and systems. This course is offered as a classroom-based course or in an online format. Students may not transfer from one mode of instruction to the other. Prerequisites: BIOL 107; plus 6 credits in University level Chemistry. Credit may be obtained in only one of PHYSL 210 or 212 and 214. This course may not be taken for credit if credit has been obtained in ZOOL 241 and/or 242.
Accreditation Units
Group 1 Electives (x2)
CH E 243
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
An introduction to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Prerequisites: MATH 101.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
MAT E 201
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
An introduction to the science of materials from the standpoint of the relationships between atomic, molecular and crystal structure to material properties. Atomic bonding, crystal structure and crystal imperfections. Structures of metallic, non-metallic and composite materials. Diffusion, electrochemical and corrosion properties; strengthening mechanisms, mechanical properties and failure; electrical conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics; thermal, magnetic, and optical properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
MEC E 250
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Moments of inertia. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid body motion, energy and momentum methods, impact, mechanical vibrations. Prerequisites: ENGG 130, EN PH 131 and MATH 101. There is a consolidated exam.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
Group 2 Electives (x3)
ECE 304
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
MOS digital circuits, logic gates, threshold voltages. MOS logic families: design and simulation. CMOS timing: propagation delay, rise and fall times. Storage elements, memory, I/O and interfacing. Prerequisites: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329, and ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 304 or E E 351.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 401
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to power electronics. AC-DC conversion. DC-AC conversion. DC-DC conversion. AC-AC conversion. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 401 or E E 431.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 442
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Human visual/audio perception and multimedia data representations. Basic multimedia processing concepts, multimedia compression and communications. Machine learning tools for multimedia signal processing, including principle component analysis and Gaussian mixture modeling. Applications to human-computer interaction, visual-audio, and visual-text processing. Prerequisites: ECE 220 or CMPUT 275, ECE 342, MATH 102 or equivalent knowledge. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 442 or E E 442.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 450
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Semiconductor device physics, device scaling trends, advanced MOSFET fabrication and the associated quantum mechanical framework in nanoscale systems. Semiconductor devices as a system of elemental components. Quantum phenomena in the evaluation of semiconductor devices. Impact of new materials such as high-k gate dielectrics, copper damascene processing and diffusion barriers on device performance. Choice of channel materials and strain condition for ultrascaled logic devices, RF and power electronic devices. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 450 or E E 450.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 457
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Microfabrication processes for CMOS, bipolar, MEMS, and microfluidics devices. Laboratory safety. Deposition processes of oxidation, evaporation and sputtering. Lithography, wet and dry etch, and device characterization. Note: Consent of Department required. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 457 or E E 457.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 16.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ECE 460
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to computer control, sample and hold, discrete-time systems. States and state space models. Linearization of nonlinear state-space models. Solving linear time-invariant state-space equations. Discretization of continuous-time systems. Controllability and observability, and their algebraic tests. Minimal state-space realizations. State feedback and eigenvalue/pole assignment, deadbeat control. Step tracking control design. State estimation and observer design. Observer based control. Introduction to linear quadratic optimal control. Prerequisites: ECE 360 or E E 357, and ECE 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 460 or E E 460.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 471
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electromagnetic wave propagation at optical frequencies and approximations. Thermal and luminescent light sources, optical beams. Ray and Gaussian optics and simple optical components. Wave optics, polarization, interference, interferometric devices. Light-matter interactions. Optics of crystals; polarizers and waveplates. Photodetectors. Photonic engineering applications. Corequisite: ECE 370 or E E 315, or PHYS 381. Note: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: ECE 471, E E 471 or PHYS 362.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 476
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electrostatics and magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations and plane waves. Analysis and characterization of waveguides, rectangular and circular waveguides, waveguide cavities. Radiation mechanism of dipoles, fundamental parameters, Friis transmission equations, link budget analysis, linear wire antennas, antenna arrays, different types of antennas, antenna measurements. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 476 or E E 476.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Program Electives
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
An introduction to the fundamental principles of biochemistry. Protein structure and function; enzymes; lipids and the structure of biological membranes; nucleotides and the structure of nucleic acids; bioenergetics and the catabolism of carbohydrates. Prerequisites: CHEM 101 and CHEM 261 or CHEM 164, or SCI 100.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 37.8 Units
BME 513
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Introduction to basic physical and technological aspects of medical imaging. Emphasis on computed transmission and emission tomography, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound imaging. These methods are developed and contrasted in terms of how imaging information is generated, detected, and processed and how different hardware configurations and other factors limit image quality. Relative diagnostic potential of the imaging methods is also discussed in relation to future prospects of each method.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
CHEM 261
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
The correlation of structure and chemical bonding in carbon compounds with the physical properties and chemical reactivity of organic molecules. Discussion will be based on functional groups with emphasis on hydrocarbons and derivatives that contain halogens, oxygen, sulfur, and the hydroxy group. Introduction to stereochemistry, three dimensional structure, reaction mechanisms, especially addition to double bonds, nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions. Prerequisite CHEM 101 or 103. Note: Students who have obtained credit for CHEM 264 cannot take CHEM 261 for credit. Engineering students who take this course will receive 4.5 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 56.7 Units
CHEM 263
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Continuation of the structural and chemical properties of the basic functional groups of organic compounds including alkynes, aromatic compounds, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives and amines. Illustration of these functional groups in natural products such as carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, nucleic acids and lipids. Discussion of the application of spectroscopic methods for the structure determination in simple organic molecules. Prerequisites: CHEM 261 or CHEM 264 and 266 or SCI 100. Students who have obtained credit for CHEM 265 cannot take CHEM 263 for credit.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 56.7 Units
ECE 330
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of power concepts, network equations, three-phase circuits, transformer and its characteristics, per-unit calculation, transmission lines and their basic operational characteristics, introduction to power system operation. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 330 or E E 330.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 332
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Principles of electromagnetic force and torque in rotating machinery. Simple AC and DC machines. Induction motor theory. Practical aspects of induction motor use: characteristics, standards, starting, variable speed operation. Synchronous machine theory and characteristics. Fractional HP motor theory. Safety in electrical environments. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330 or consent of Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 332 or E E 332.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 430
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Transmission line design parameters; power flow computations; Generator control systems, load frequency control; economic operation of power systems; Symmetrical components theory; Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330. Corequisite: ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 430 or E E 430.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 25.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 452
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to advanced numerical methods such as finite-difference, finite-element and spectral-domain techniques for solving partial differential equations. Simulations of nanoscale systems involving multiphysics or coupled differential equations involving electron and thermal transport phenomena, electrodynamics, MEMS, and process simulation, graphical methods for 3D visualization of simulation data. Examples from applied areas of nanoengineering to demonstrate computational methods for understanding complex physical phenomena and for designing and simulating nanoscale devices and systems. Prerequisites: ECE 341 or MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 452 or E E 445.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Program Electives - cont.
ECE 456
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamental concepts related to current flow in nanoelectronic devices. Energy level diagram and the Fermi function. Single-energy-level model for current flow and associated effects, such as the quantum of conductance, Coulomb blockade, and single electron charging. The Schroedinger equation and quantum mechanics for applications in nanoelectronics. Matrix-equation approach for numerical band structure calculations of transistor channel materials. k-space, Brillouin zones, and density of states. Subbands for quantum wells, wires, dots, and carbon nanotubes. Current flow in nanowires and ballistic nanotransistors, including minimum possible channel resistance, quantum capacitance, and the transistor equivalent circuit under ballistic operation. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 456 or E E 456.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 458
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems, applications of MEMS technology to radio frequency, optical and biomedical devices. Basic MEMS building blocks, cantilever and clamped-clamped beams. Actuation mechanisms of mechanical microdevices, thermal and electrostatic. The thin film fabrication process, deposition, lithography, etching and release. MEMS in circuits, switches, capacitors, and resonators. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381, and one of MAT E 201, PHYS 244, MEC E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 458 or E E 458.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 464
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic concepts of computer-integrated intervention. Surgical CAD/CAM, assist and simulation systems. Actuators and imagers. Medical robot design, control and optimization. Surgeon-robot interface technology. Haptic feedback in surgical simulation and teleoperation. Virtual fixtures. Time delay compensation in telesurgery. Cooperative manipulation control. Overview of existing systems for robot-assisted intervention and for virtual-reality surgical simulation. Prerequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 462 or E E 357 or E E 462 or consent of the Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 464 or E E 464.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 475
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic optical properties of crystalline and amorphous semiconductor materials: energy band diagrams, optical constants. Recombination and light emission in semiconductors. Light emitting diodes: spectral characteristics, materials, and applications. Stimulated emission and laser oscillation conditions in semiconductors. Laser diodes: modal and spectral properties, steady state rate equations, materials and structures. Light absorption, optical to electrical energy conversion. Photovoltaic cells: fill factors and efficiency, temperature effects, alternative materials and structures. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 475 or E E 475.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 478
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to RF/microwave circuits and their applications. Maxwell's Equations and basic wave-propagation concepts. Transmission-line theory and impedance-matching techniques. Practical planar transmission lines. Lumped and distributed microwave-circuit elements. Microwave network analysis using impedance/admittance parameters, scattering parameters, and transmission-matrix methods. Analysis, design, fabrication, and test of practical RF/microwave devices including power dividers/combiners, couplers, amplifiers, and filters. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 478 or E E 478.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Fall Term 1
CHEM 103
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemistry of the elements. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30, or equivalent. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 53.5 Units
ENGG 100
★ 1.1
(fi 2)(either term,
An introduction to the Faculty of Engineering, the engineering profession, the skills required for academic success, and the fundamentals of leadership: study and life skills; time management and goal setting; interpersonal skills; career planning; engineering and society including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and public safety.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 130
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Equilibrium of planar systems. Analysis of statically determinate trusses and frames. Friction. Centroids and centres of gravity. Forces and moments in beams. Second moments of area. Note: Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Corequisite: MATH 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ENGL 199
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
This course aims to develop the student's ability to provide effective written and oral information. It will focus on instruction in fundamental writing skills, including building effective sentences and paragraphs, and on learning to communicate clearly across a range of genres and media used in academic and professional contexts, including correspondence and presentations. Students will be introduced to the principles of information gathering, analysis, and citation. Note: Restricted to students in the Faculty of Engineering only.
Accreditation Units
MATH 100
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of numbers, inequalities, functions, analytic geometry; limits, continuity; derivatives and applications, Taylor polynomials; log, exp, and inverse trig functions. Integration, fundamental theorem of calculus substitution, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144, 154, or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
PHYS 130
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Physics 30. Corequisite: MATH 100 or 113 or 114 or 117 or 134 or 144 or equivalent. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Winter Term 2
CHEM 105
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, modern applications of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 103 or 101. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamentals of computer programming with emphasis on solving engineering problems. Structure and syntax of computer programs, variables, data types, data structures, control structures, functions, input/output operations, debugging, software development process.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ENGG 160
★ 2.0
(fi 4)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Fundamental design process and theory in a multidisciplinary context. Importance, in engineering design, of communications; team work; the engineering disciplines, career fields; professional responsibilities of the engineer including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Corequisite ENGL 199. This course is delivered in a blended format.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
EN PH 131
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: MATH 100 or 117, and ENGG 130. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 118. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 26.8 Units
MATH 101
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Area between curves, techniques of integration. Applications of integration to planar areas and lengths, volumes and masses. First order ordinary differential equations: separable, linear, direction fields, Euler's method, applications. Infinite series, power series, Taylor expansions with remainder terms. Polar coordinates. Rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Parametric curves in the plane and space: graphing, arc length, curvature; normal binormal, tangent plane in 3- dimensional space. Volumes and surface areas of rotation. Prerequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 102
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 102, 125, or 127. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Fall Term 3
ECE 202
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(first term,
Circuit element definitions. Circuit laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive voltage and current dividers. Basic loop and nodal analysis. Dependent sources. Circuit theorems: linearity, superposition, maximum power transfer, Thevenin, Norton. Time domain behavior of inductance and capacitance, energy storage. Sinusoidal signals, complex numbers, phasor and impedance concepts. Magnetically coupled networks. Single phase power and power factor. Prerequisites: MATH 101, 102. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 202, E E 240, ECE 209 or E E 239, unless approved by the Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 210
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Boolean algebra, truth tables, Karnaugh maps. Switching devices and their symbology with an introduction to NAND and NOR logic. Number systems, codes, minimization procedures, synthesis of combinational networks. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters. Arithmetic circuits. Introduction to computer-aided design and simulation tools for digital design and implementation. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 210, E E 280 or CMPUT 329.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
MATH 201
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
First-order equations; second-order linear equations: reduction of order, variation of parameters; Laplace transform; linear systems; power series; solution by series; separation of variables for PDEs. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 209 or 214. Notes: (1) Open only to students in Engineering, Specialization Physics, and Specialization Geophysics. (2) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 201, MATH 334, MATH 336, or MA PH 251. (3) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 209
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Partial differentiation, derivatives of integrals. Multiple integration using rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Vector Field Theory. Prerequisite: MATH 101. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 102. Notes: (1) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 215, MATH 315, MATH 317 or MA PH 351. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 4
ECE 203
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(second term or Spring/Summer,
Nonlinear circuit analysis. Diodes: ideal and simple and models, single phase rectifiers. Ideal and finite gain op-amps. Treatment of RLC circuits in the time domain, frequency domain and s-plane. Two port networks. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240. Corequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 203 or E E 250.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 212
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, sub-routine handling, memory and input/output system and interrupt concepts. Prerequisite: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 212, E E 380 or CMPUT 229.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 220
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Architecture and basic components of computing systems. Programming environment and program development methodology. Basics of programming: from data structures and functions to communication with external devices. Principles of object-oriented programming. Good programming style. Prerequisite: ENCMP 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 240
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to linear systems and signal classification. Delta function and convolution. Fourier series expansion. Fourier transform and its properties. Laplace transform. Analysis of linear time invariant (LTI) systems using the Laplace transform. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240, MATH 201. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 240 or E E 238.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
PHYS 230
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electric fields, Gauss' Law; electric potential; capacitance and dielectrics; electric current and resistance; magnetic fields, Ampere's Law; Faraday's Law; inductance; magnetic properties of matter. Prerequisites: PHYS 130 or 144 or 146, and MATH 100 or 114 or 117 or 144. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 115 or 118. Note: Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units. Credit can normally be obtained for only one of PHYS 181, 230, or 281.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Fall Term 5
ECE 302
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
PN junction semiconductor basics, charge flow and diode equation. Zener diodes. BJT and MOSFET devices and operating regions. Amplifier basics: biasing, gain, input and output resistance, analysis and design. Large signal effects. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 302 or E E 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 312
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Design methodology. Internal and external peripherals: serial communication, timers, D/A converters, interrupt controllers. Embedded system programming: introduction to real time operating systems, basics of real time programming, real-time debugging. Power and memory management. Fault tolerance. Prerequisites: ECE 220, and ECE 212 or E E 380. Corequisite: ECE 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 26.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 340
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Discrete time signals and systems; Sampled signals and sampling theorem, aliasing, A/D converter; Z-transform, stability analysis; Discrete-time Fourier transform; Discrete Fourier transform, leakage, spectral analysis; Digital filter design, filter structure. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 340 or E E 338.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 370
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of vector calculus, electrostatics, and magnetostatics. Electric and magnetic fields in material media, including polarization mechanisms and general boundary conditions. Solutions to static field problems. Maxwell's equations and waves in free space, dielectrics and conducting media. Reflection and refraction, standing waves. Prerequisites: MATH 102, 209 and PHYS 230. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 370 or E E 315.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 19.8 Units
ECE 471
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electromagnetic wave propagation at optical frequencies and approximations. Thermal and luminescent light sources, optical beams. Ray and Gaussian optics and simple optical components. Wave optics, polarization, interference, interferometric devices. Light-matter interactions. Optics of crystals; polarizers and waveplates. Photodetectors. Photonic engineering applications. Corequisite: ECE 370 or E E 315, or PHYS 381. Note: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: ECE 471, E E 471 or PHYS 362.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
MATH 309
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term or Spring/Summer,
Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equation, Cauchy Theorem, power series and Laurent expansions, residues, inverse Laplace transform. Complex inner product spaces, orthogonal expansions, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization completeness, Fourier expansions applied to signals, Parseval's relation and Bessel's inequality. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Notes: (1) Restricted to Engineering students. (2) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 311 or 411.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 37.8 Units
Winter Term 6
ECE 303
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Differential amplifiers. Frequency response: active device high-frequency behaviour and circuit models; amplifier circuits and design. Feedback: concepts and structure; feedback topologies and amplifiers; open- and closed-loop response. Operational amplifiers: behaviour, circuit analysis and design. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 303 or E E 350.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 341
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to analytical solutions of partial differential equations, eigenfunctions and eigenvalue problems, special functions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Green's functions, and transform methods. These concepts provide the necessary mathematical foundation for understanding and analyzing important physical phenomena encountered at the micro and nanoscales. Examples drawn from electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, solidstate physics, photonics, thermal transport, and microelectromechanical systems. Prerequisites: ECE 240 or E E 238, and MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 341 or E E 323.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 342
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Deterministic and probabilistic models. Basics of probability theory: random experiments, axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence. Discrete and continuous random variables: cumulative distribution and probability density functions, functions of a random variable, expected values, transform methods. Pairs of random variables: independence, joint cdf and pdf, conditional probability and expectation, functions of a pair of random variables, jointly Gaussian random variables. Sums of random variables: the central limit theorem; basic types of random processes, wide sense stationary processes, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation, power spectrum, white noise. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 342 or E E 387.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 456
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamental concepts related to current flow in nanoelectronic devices. Energy level diagram and the Fermi function. Single-energy-level model for current flow and associated effects, such as the quantum of conductance, Coulomb blockade, and single electron charging. The Schroedinger equation and quantum mechanics for applications in nanoelectronics. Matrix-equation approach for numerical band structure calculations of transistor channel materials. k-space, Brillouin zones, and density of states. Subbands for quantum wells, wires, dots, and carbon nanotubes. Current flow in nanowires and ballistic nanotransistors, including minimum possible channel resistance, quantum capacitance, and the transistor equivalent circuit under ballistic operation. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 456 or E E 456.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ITS Elective
An ITS elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Fall Term 7
ECE 360
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Linear system models. Time response and stability. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Feedback control system characteristics. Dynamic compensation. Root locus analysis and design. Frequency response analysis and design. Prerequisites: ECE 203 or E E 250, and ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 360, ECE 362, E E 357, E E 462 or E E 469.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 457
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Microfabrication processes for CMOS, bipolar, MEMS, and microfluidics devices. Laboratory safety. Deposition processes of oxidation, evaporation and sputtering. Lithography, wet and dry etch, and device characterization. Note: Consent of Department required. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 457 or E E 457.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 16.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ECE 490
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(first term,
The first of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year. Student teams research, propose, design, develop, document, prototype, and present a practical engineering system or device; teams exercise creativity and make assumptions and decisions based on technical knowledge. This first course includes project definition, planning, and initial prototyping. Formal reports and presentation of the project proposal is required. Prerequisite ECE 312. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 490 or E E 400.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ENGG 404
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basic concepts of risk and consequences of loss incidents; risk management principles and practices; incident investigation, causation, root cause analysis; process safety management; the roles of government agencies, professional bodies and industry associations; workplace safety; risk-based decision-making processes; leadership and the human-factors side of risk management. The course focuses on the principles and practices of leadership towards the effective application and implementation of risk management in major organizations across all engineering disciplines. Industry virtual tours, case studies, seminars and team projects specific to the student's engineering program will be used to develop competencies and proficiencies in applying leadership and organizational effectiveness for successful risk management.
Accreditation Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 8
ECE 450
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Semiconductor device physics, device scaling trends, advanced MOSFET fabrication and the associated quantum mechanical framework in nanoscale systems. Semiconductor devices as a system of elemental components. Quantum phenomena in the evaluation of semiconductor devices. Impact of new materials such as high-k gate dielectrics, copper damascene processing and diffusion barriers on device performance. Choice of channel materials and strain condition for ultrascaled logic devices, RF and power electronic devices. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 450 or E E 450.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 475
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic optical properties of crystalline and amorphous semiconductor materials: energy band diagrams, optical constants. Recombination and light emission in semiconductors. Light emitting diodes: spectral characteristics, materials, and applications. Stimulated emission and laser oscillation conditions in semiconductors. Laser diodes: modal and spectral properties, steady state rate equations, materials and structures. Light absorption, optical to electrical energy conversion. Photovoltaic cells: fill factors and efficiency, temperature effects, alternative materials and structures. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 475 or E E 475.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 491
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(second term,
The second of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year, in which student teams develop an electronic system or device from concept to working prototype. Emphasis is placed on continued execution of the project plan developed in ECE 490. Formal interim and final reports are required; groups demonstrate and present their designs. Prerequisite: ECE 490 or E E 400 in the preceding Fall term. Co-requisite: ECE 303. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 491 or E E 401.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ENG M 310
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
The application of the fundamentals of economics to engineering alternatives in planning, developing and managing industrial projects. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, 401, ENG M 310 or 401.
Accreditation Units
ENG M 401
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
The application of the fundamentals of engineering economics, financial analysis and market assessment to engineering alternatives in the planning, development and ongoing management of industrial enterprises. The course covers the use of engineering, economic, financial and market assessment information in investment and business operation decisions in technology oriented companies. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, ENGG 401, ENG M 310, or ENG M 401.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 400
★ 1.0
(fi 2)(either term,
The technical and professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. The role of the engineer in the social environment including elements of equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op engineering students. Must be taken in last term of program.
Accreditation Units
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 1 Electives (x2)
CH E 243
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
An introduction to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Prerequisites: MATH 101.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
MAT E 201
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
An introduction to the science of materials from the standpoint of the relationships between atomic, molecular and crystal structure to material properties. Atomic bonding, crystal structure and crystal imperfections. Structures of metallic, non-metallic and composite materials. Diffusion, electrochemical and corrosion properties; strengthening mechanisms, mechanical properties and failure; electrical conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics; thermal, magnetic, and optical properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
MEC E 250
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Moments of inertia. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid body motion, energy and momentum methods, impact, mechanical vibrations. Prerequisites: ENGG 130, EN PH 131 and MATH 101. There is a consolidated exam.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
Group 2A Electives (x3)
BME 513
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Introduction to basic physical and technological aspects of medical imaging. Emphasis on computed transmission and emission tomography, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound imaging. These methods are developed and contrasted in terms of how imaging information is generated, detected, and processed and how different hardware configurations and other factors limit image quality. Relative diagnostic potential of the imaging methods is also discussed in relation to future prospects of each method.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 304
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
MOS digital circuits, logic gates, threshold voltages. MOS logic families: design and simulation. CMOS timing: propagation delay, rise and fall times. Storage elements, memory, I/O and interfacing. Prerequisites: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329, and ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 304 or E E 351.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 330
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of power concepts, network equations, three-phase circuits, transformer and its characteristics, per-unit calculation, transmission lines and their basic operational characteristics, introduction to power system operation. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 330 or E E 330.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 332
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Principles of electromagnetic force and torque in rotating machinery. Simple AC and DC machines. Induction motor theory. Practical aspects of induction motor use: characteristics, standards, starting, variable speed operation. Synchronous machine theory and characteristics. Fractional HP motor theory. Safety in electrical environments. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330 or consent of Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 332 or E E 332.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 380
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basics of analog communication: amplitude, angle, and analog pulse modulation; modulators and demodulators; frequency multiplexing. Basics of digital communication: sampling, quantization, pulse code modulation, time division multiplexing, binary signal formats. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 380 or E E 390.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 401
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to power electronics. AC-DC conversion. DC-AC conversion. DC-DC conversion. AC-AC conversion. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 401 or E E 431.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 402
★ 4.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to radio communications systems. Frequency selective circuits and transformers. Parallel resonant circuits including transformers. Double-tuned circuits. Impedance matching. Oscillators. Conditions for oscillation. Amplitude limitation mechanisms. Phase stability. Crystal oscillators. Mixers. Diode-ring mixers. Square-law mixers. BJT mixers. Intermodulation distortion. Modulators and demodulators. Average envelope detectors. FM demodulators. High frequency amplifiers and automatic gain control. Broadband techniques. Neutralization. Phase-lock loops. Phase detectors. Voltage-controlled oscillators. Loop filters. Phase-locked loop applications. Power amplifiers. Prerequisite: ECE 303 or E E 350. Corequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 362 or E E 357 or E E 462. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 402 or E E 451.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 56.7 Units
ECE 403
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design techniques and their application. Electrical characteristics of MOSFET devices and CMOS circuits. Use of CAD tools for simulation and integrated circuit layout. Modeling delays, advanced digital logic circuit techniques, memory. Prerequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351; corequisite: ECE 410 or CMPE 480. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 403 or E E 453.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 405
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Introduction to the principles of biophysical instrumentation. Various sensors are examined including strain gauges, inductive, capacitive, thermal, and piezoelectric sensors. Methods of measuring blood pressure are discussed. Origin of biopotentials; membrane and action potentials. Measurement of bioelectrical signals such as the ECG and EMG. Electrical safety, noise, impedance matching, and analog-to-digital conversion. Applications of electrodes, biochemical sensors, and lasers. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250 or consent of the Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 405 or EE BE 512.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2B Electives (x3)
ECE 408
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 409
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 410
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of classical logic design methods. Introduction to the hardware description language VHDL. Logic simulation principles. Digital system design. Digital system testing and design for testability. Arithmetic circuits. State-of-the-art computer-aided design tools and FPGAs are used to design and implement logic circuits. Corequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 480 or ECE 410.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 430
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Transmission line design parameters; power flow computations; Generator control systems, load frequency control; economic operation of power systems; Symmetrical components theory; Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330. Corequisite: ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 430 or E E 430.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 25.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 440
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Extension of sampling theory and the Fourier transform to two dimensions, pixel operations including gray-level modification, algebraic and geometric transformations. The design of spatial filters for noise reduction, image sharpening and edge enhancement, and some discussion of interpolation techniques. An introduction to the concepts of image restoration from known degradations and the reconstruction of images from parallel and fan projections. Prerequisite: ECE 340 or E E 338 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of EE BE 540 or ECE 440.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 14.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 447
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
The course introduces basic concepts and techniques of data analysis and machine learning. Topics include: data preprocessing techniques, decision trees, nearest neighbor algorithms, linear and logistic regressions, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model evaluation, deployment methods, and emerging topics. Prerequisites: ECE 220 or CMPUT 275, and ECE 342 or STAT 235, or consent of instructor.
Accreditation Units
ECE 449
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Intelligent systems for automatic control and data analysis. The concepts of vagueness and uncertainty, approximate reasoning, fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy control. Strategies for learning and adaptation, supervised and reinforcement learning, self-organization and the selection of neural network architectures. Discussion of the principles of search and optimization, evolution and natural selection and genetic algorithms. Introduction to hybrid intelligence. Applications of intelligent systems for pattern recognition, classification, forecasting, decision support, and control. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 449 or ECE 449.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 452
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to advanced numerical methods such as finite-difference, finite-element and spectral-domain techniques for solving partial differential equations. Simulations of nanoscale systems involving multiphysics or coupled differential equations involving electron and thermal transport phenomena, electrodynamics, MEMS, and process simulation, graphical methods for 3D visualization of simulation data. Examples from applied areas of nanoengineering to demonstrate computational methods for understanding complex physical phenomena and for designing and simulating nanoscale devices and systems. Prerequisites: ECE 341 or MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 452 or E E 445.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 455
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Microfluidic and nanobiotechnological devices. Fabrication techniques for devices: self-assembly, lithographic technologies. Applications of nanobiotechnology in computing, electronics, human health, environment and manufacture. Prerequisites: MATH 201 or PHYS 230. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 455 or E E 455.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2C Electives (x3)
ECE 458
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems, applications of MEMS technology to radio frequency, optical and biomedical devices. Basic MEMS building blocks, cantilever and clamped-clamped beams. Actuation mechanisms of mechanical microdevices, thermal and electrostatic. The thin film fabrication process, deposition, lithography, etching and release. MEMS in circuits, switches, capacitors, and resonators. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381, and one of MAT E 201, PHYS 244, MEC E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 458 or E E 458.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 460
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to computer control, sample and hold, discrete-time systems. States and state space models. Linearization of nonlinear state-space models. Solving linear time-invariant state-space equations. Discretization of continuous-time systems. Controllability and observability, and their algebraic tests. Minimal state-space realizations. State feedback and eigenvalue/pole assignment, deadbeat control. Step tracking control design. State estimation and observer design. Observer based control. Introduction to linear quadratic optimal control. Prerequisites: ECE 360 or E E 357, and ECE 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 460 or E E 460.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 464
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic concepts of computer-integrated intervention. Surgical CAD/CAM, assist and simulation systems. Actuators and imagers. Medical robot design, control and optimization. Surgeon-robot interface technology. Haptic feedback in surgical simulation and teleoperation. Virtual fixtures. Time delay compensation in telesurgery. Cooperative manipulation control. Overview of existing systems for robot-assisted intervention and for virtual-reality surgical simulation. Prerequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 462 or E E 357 or E E 462 or consent of the Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 464 or E E 464.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 472
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Interaction of radiation with atoms, laser oscillations and threshold conditions, 3- and 4-level laser systems, rate equations, special properties of laser light, cavity Q and photon lifetime, optical resonators and lens waveguides, Gaussian beams, gain saturation, Q-switching, mode locking, interaction of light and sound, holography. Description of various lasers: solid, gas, semiconductor, dye, Raman and chemical. Laser applications. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 472 or E E 472.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 474
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Definition of plasma. Behavior in electric and magnetic fields. Particle, kinetic and fluid description of flow and transport phenomena. Waves in plasmas. Current approaches to thermonuclear fusion. High temperature laser produced plasmas and low temperature DC and RF discharge plasmas. Applications in discharge pumping of lasers, plasma etching, thin film deposition and generation of x-rays. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 474 or E E 474.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 476
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electrostatics and magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations and plane waves. Analysis and characterization of waveguides, rectangular and circular waveguides, waveguide cavities. Radiation mechanism of dipoles, fundamental parameters, Friis transmission equations, link budget analysis, linear wire antennas, antenna arrays, different types of antennas, antenna measurements. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 476 or E E 476.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 478
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to RF/microwave circuits and their applications. Maxwell's Equations and basic wave-propagation concepts. Transmission-line theory and impedance-matching techniques. Practical planar transmission lines. Lumped and distributed microwave-circuit elements. Microwave network analysis using impedance/admittance parameters, scattering parameters, and transmission-matrix methods. Analysis, design, fabrication, and test of practical RF/microwave devices including power dividers/combiners, couplers, amplifiers, and filters. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 478 or E E 478.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 486
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Characteristics of wireless channels; path loss, shadow fading and multipath propagation. Challenges in wireless system design, digital modulation techniques for wireless communications, transmitter and receiver design for fading channels. Fundamentals of cellular system design and multiple access techniques. Prerequisites: ECE 342 or E E 387, and ECE 380 or E E 390. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 486 or E E 486.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Fall Term 1
CHEM 103
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemistry of the elements. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30, or equivalent. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 53.5 Units
ENGG 100
★ 1.1
(fi 2)(either term,
An introduction to the Faculty of Engineering, the engineering profession, the skills required for academic success, and the fundamentals of leadership: study and life skills; time management and goal setting; interpersonal skills; career planning; engineering and society including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and public safety.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 130
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Equilibrium of planar systems. Analysis of statically determinate trusses and frames. Friction. Centroids and centres of gravity. Forces and moments in beams. Second moments of area. Note: Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Corequisite: MATH 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ENGL 199
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
This course aims to develop the student's ability to provide effective written and oral information. It will focus on instruction in fundamental writing skills, including building effective sentences and paragraphs, and on learning to communicate clearly across a range of genres and media used in academic and professional contexts, including correspondence and presentations. Students will be introduced to the principles of information gathering, analysis, and citation. Note: Restricted to students in the Faculty of Engineering only.
Accreditation Units
MATH 100
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of numbers, inequalities, functions, analytic geometry; limits, continuity; derivatives and applications, Taylor polynomials; log, exp, and inverse trig functions. Integration, fundamental theorem of calculus substitution, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144, 154, or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
PHYS 130
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Physics 30. Corequisite: MATH 100 or 113 or 114 or 117 or 134 or 144 or equivalent. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Winter Term 2
CHEM 105
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, modern applications of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 103 or 101. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamentals of computer programming with emphasis on solving engineering problems. Structure and syntax of computer programs, variables, data types, data structures, control structures, functions, input/output operations, debugging, software development process.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ENGG 160
★ 2.0
(fi 4)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Fundamental design process and theory in a multidisciplinary context. Importance, in engineering design, of communications; team work; the engineering disciplines, career fields; professional responsibilities of the engineer including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Corequisite ENGL 199. This course is delivered in a blended format.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
EN PH 131
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: MATH 100 or 117, and ENGG 130. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 118. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 26.8 Units
MATH 101
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Area between curves, techniques of integration. Applications of integration to planar areas and lengths, volumes and masses. First order ordinary differential equations: separable, linear, direction fields, Euler's method, applications. Infinite series, power series, Taylor expansions with remainder terms. Polar coordinates. Rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Parametric curves in the plane and space: graphing, arc length, curvature; normal binormal, tangent plane in 3- dimensional space. Volumes and surface areas of rotation. Prerequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 102
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 102, 125, or 127. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Fall Term 3
ECE 202
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(first term,
Circuit element definitions. Circuit laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive voltage and current dividers. Basic loop and nodal analysis. Dependent sources. Circuit theorems: linearity, superposition, maximum power transfer, Thevenin, Norton. Time domain behavior of inductance and capacitance, energy storage. Sinusoidal signals, complex numbers, phasor and impedance concepts. Magnetically coupled networks. Single phase power and power factor. Prerequisites: MATH 101, 102. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 202, E E 240, ECE 209 or E E 239, unless approved by the Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 210
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Boolean algebra, truth tables, Karnaugh maps. Switching devices and their symbology with an introduction to NAND and NOR logic. Number systems, codes, minimization procedures, synthesis of combinational networks. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters. Arithmetic circuits. Introduction to computer-aided design and simulation tools for digital design and implementation. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 210, E E 280 or CMPUT 329.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ENGG 299
★ 1.5
(fi 2)(first term,
An examination of the history, philosophy and objectives of Cooperative Education; introduction to the operation of the Cooperative Education Program; self-assessment of transferable skills and work values; preparation of the resume; practice of job interview skills; goal setting on the job; ethics; human rights; and public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Note: This course is only open to students registered in the Cooperative Education Program and must be taken prior to a student's first work placement.
Accreditation Units
MATH 201
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
First-order equations; second-order linear equations: reduction of order, variation of parameters; Laplace transform; linear systems; power series; solution by series; separation of variables for PDEs. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 209 or 214. Notes: (1) Open only to students in Engineering, Specialization Physics, and Specialization Geophysics. (2) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 201, MATH 334, MATH 336, or MA PH 251. (3) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 209
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Partial differentiation, derivatives of integrals. Multiple integration using rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Vector Field Theory. Prerequisite: MATH 101. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 102. Notes: (1) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 215, MATH 315, MATH 317 or MA PH 351. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 4
ECE 203
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(second term or Spring/Summer,
Nonlinear circuit analysis. Diodes: ideal and simple and models, single phase rectifiers. Ideal and finite gain op-amps. Treatment of RLC circuits in the time domain, frequency domain and s-plane. Two port networks. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240. Corequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 203 or E E 250.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 212
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, sub-routine handling, memory and input/output system and interrupt concepts. Prerequisite: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 212, E E 380 or CMPUT 229.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 220
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Architecture and basic components of computing systems. Programming environment and program development methodology. Basics of programming: from data structures and functions to communication with external devices. Principles of object-oriented programming. Good programming style. Prerequisite: ENCMP 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 240
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to linear systems and signal classification. Delta function and convolution. Fourier series expansion. Fourier transform and its properties. Laplace transform. Analysis of linear time invariant (LTI) systems using the Laplace transform. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240, MATH 201. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 240 or E E 238.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
PHYS 230
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electric fields, Gauss' Law; electric potential; capacitance and dielectrics; electric current and resistance; magnetic fields, Ampere's Law; Faraday's Law; inductance; magnetic properties of matter. Prerequisites: PHYS 130 or 144 or 146, and MATH 100 or 114 or 117 or 144. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 115 or 118. Note: Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units. Credit can normally be obtained for only one of PHYS 181, 230, or 281.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Summer Co-op Term 1
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide the student with exposure to the practical application of engineering and the general work environment. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: ENGG 299.
Accreditation Units
Fall Term 5
ECE 302
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
PN junction semiconductor basics, charge flow and diode equation. Zener diodes. BJT and MOSFET devices and operating regions. Amplifier basics: biasing, gain, input and output resistance, analysis and design. Large signal effects. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 302 or E E 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 312
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Design methodology. Internal and external peripherals: serial communication, timers, D/A converters, interrupt controllers. Embedded system programming: introduction to real time operating systems, basics of real time programming, real-time debugging. Power and memory management. Fault tolerance. Prerequisites: ECE 220, and ECE 212 or E E 380. Corequisite: ECE 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 26.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 330
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of power concepts, network equations, three-phase circuits, transformer and its characteristics, per-unit calculation, transmission lines and their basic operational characteristics, introduction to power system operation. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 330 or E E 330.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 340
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Discrete time signals and systems; Sampled signals and sampling theorem, aliasing, A/D converter; Z-transform, stability analysis; Discrete-time Fourier transform; Discrete Fourier transform, leakage, spectral analysis; Digital filter design, filter structure. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 340 or E E 338.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 370
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of vector calculus, electrostatics, and magnetostatics. Electric and magnetic fields in material media, including polarization mechanisms and general boundary conditions. Solutions to static field problems. Maxwell's equations and waves in free space, dielectrics and conducting media. Reflection and refraction, standing waves. Prerequisites: MATH 102, 209 and PHYS 230. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 370 or E E 315.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 19.8 Units
MATH 309
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term or Spring/Summer,
Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equation, Cauchy Theorem, power series and Laurent expansions, residues, inverse Laplace transform. Complex inner product spaces, orthogonal expansions, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization completeness, Fourier expansions applied to signals, Parseval's relation and Bessel's inequality. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Notes: (1) Restricted to Engineering students. (2) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 311 or 411.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 37.8 Units
Winter Co-op Term 2
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide the student with exposure to the practical application of engineering and the general work environment. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 901.
Accreditation Units
Summer Co-op Term 3
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide students with personal involvement in the practice of their engineering discipline commensurate with their level of academic preparation. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 902.
Accreditation Units
Fall Term 6
ECE 303
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Differential amplifiers. Frequency response: active device high-frequency behaviour and circuit models; amplifier circuits and design. Feedback: concepts and structure; feedback topologies and amplifiers; open- and closed-loop response. Operational amplifiers: behaviour, circuit analysis and design. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 303 or E E 350.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 332
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Principles of electromagnetic force and torque in rotating machinery. Simple AC and DC machines. Induction motor theory. Practical aspects of induction motor use: characteristics, standards, starting, variable speed operation. Synchronous machine theory and characteristics. Fractional HP motor theory. Safety in electrical environments. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330 or consent of Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 332 or E E 332.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 342
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Deterministic and probabilistic models. Basics of probability theory: random experiments, axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence. Discrete and continuous random variables: cumulative distribution and probability density functions, functions of a random variable, expected values, transform methods. Pairs of random variables: independence, joint cdf and pdf, conditional probability and expectation, functions of a pair of random variables, jointly Gaussian random variables. Sums of random variables: the central limit theorem; basic types of random processes, wide sense stationary processes, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation, power spectrum, white noise. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 342 or E E 387.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 360
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Linear system models. Time response and stability. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Feedback control system characteristics. Dynamic compensation. Root locus analysis and design. Frequency response analysis and design. Prerequisites: ECE 203 or E E 250, and ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 360, ECE 362, E E 357, E E 462 or E E 469.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 380
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basics of analog communication: amplitude, angle, and analog pulse modulation; modulators and demodulators; frequency multiplexing. Basics of digital communication: sampling, quantization, pulse code modulation, time division multiplexing, binary signal formats. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 380 or E E 390.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Co-op Term 4
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide students with personal involvement in the practice of their engineering discipline commensurate with their level of academic preparation. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 903.
Accreditation Units
Summer Co-op Term 5
★ 3.0
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide students with personal involvement in the practice of their engineering discipline commensurate with their level of academic preparation. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 904.
Accreditation Units
Fall Term 7
ECE 490
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(first term,
The first of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year. Student teams research, propose, design, develop, document, prototype, and present a practical engineering system or device; teams exercise creativity and make assumptions and decisions based on technical knowledge. This first course includes project definition, planning, and initial prototyping. Formal reports and presentation of the project proposal is required. Prerequisite ECE 312. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 490 or E E 400.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ENGG 404
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basic concepts of risk and consequences of loss incidents; risk management principles and practices; incident investigation, causation, root cause analysis; process safety management; the roles of government agencies, professional bodies and industry associations; workplace safety; risk-based decision-making processes; leadership and the human-factors side of risk management. The course focuses on the principles and practices of leadership towards the effective application and implementation of risk management in major organizations across all engineering disciplines. Industry virtual tours, case studies, seminars and team projects specific to the student's engineering program will be used to develop competencies and proficiencies in applying leadership and organizational effectiveness for successful risk management.
Accreditation Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 8
ECE 491
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(second term,
The second of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year, in which student teams develop an electronic system or device from concept to working prototype. Emphasis is placed on continued execution of the project plan developed in ECE 490. Formal interim and final reports are required; groups demonstrate and present their designs. Prerequisite: ECE 490 or E E 400 in the preceding Fall term. Co-requisite: ECE 303. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 491 or E E 401.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ENG M 310
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
The application of the fundamentals of economics to engineering alternatives in planning, developing and managing industrial projects. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, 401, ENG M 310 or 401.
Accreditation Units
ENG M 401
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
The application of the fundamentals of engineering economics, financial analysis and market assessment to engineering alternatives in the planning, development and ongoing management of industrial enterprises. The course covers the use of engineering, economic, financial and market assessment information in investment and business operation decisions in technology oriented companies. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, ENGG 401, ENG M 310, or ENG M 401.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 400
★ 1.0
(fi 2)(either term,
The technical and professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. The role of the engineer in the social environment including elements of equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op engineering students. Must be taken in last term of program.
Accreditation Units
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
ITS Elective
An ITS elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 1 Electives (x2)
CH E 243
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
An introduction to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Prerequisites: MATH 101.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
MAT E 201
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
An introduction to the science of materials from the standpoint of the relationships between atomic, molecular and crystal structure to material properties. Atomic bonding, crystal structure and crystal imperfections. Structures of metallic, non-metallic and composite materials. Diffusion, electrochemical and corrosion properties; strengthening mechanisms, mechanical properties and failure; electrical conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics; thermal, magnetic, and optical properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
MEC E 250
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Moments of inertia. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid body motion, energy and momentum methods, impact, mechanical vibrations. Prerequisites: ENGG 130, EN PH 131 and MATH 101. There is a consolidated exam.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
Group 2A Electives (3 out of 6)
ECE 304
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
MOS digital circuits, logic gates, threshold voltages. MOS logic families: design and simulation. CMOS timing: propagation delay, rise and fall times. Storage elements, memory, I/O and interfacing. Prerequisites: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329, and ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 304 or E E 351.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 401
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to power electronics. AC-DC conversion. DC-AC conversion. DC-DC conversion. AC-AC conversion. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 401 or E E 431.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 402
★ 4.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to radio communications systems. Frequency selective circuits and transformers. Parallel resonant circuits including transformers. Double-tuned circuits. Impedance matching. Oscillators. Conditions for oscillation. Amplitude limitation mechanisms. Phase stability. Crystal oscillators. Mixers. Diode-ring mixers. Square-law mixers. BJT mixers. Intermodulation distortion. Modulators and demodulators. Average envelope detectors. FM demodulators. High frequency amplifiers and automatic gain control. Broadband techniques. Neutralization. Phase-lock loops. Phase detectors. Voltage-controlled oscillators. Loop filters. Phase-locked loop applications. Power amplifiers. Prerequisite: ECE 303 or E E 350. Corequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 362 or E E 357 or E E 462. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 402 or E E 451.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 56.7 Units
ECE 403
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design techniques and their application. Electrical characteristics of MOSFET devices and CMOS circuits. Use of CAD tools for simulation and integrated circuit layout. Modeling delays, advanced digital logic circuit techniques, memory. Prerequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351; corequisite: ECE 410 or CMPE 480. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 403 or E E 453.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 410
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of classical logic design methods. Introduction to the hardware description language VHDL. Logic simulation principles. Digital system design. Digital system testing and design for testability. Arithmetic circuits. State-of-the-art computer-aided design tools and FPGAs are used to design and implement logic circuits. Corequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 480 or ECE 410.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 432
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to variable speed drives. Frequency, phase and vector control of induction motors. Dynamic models for induction motors. Permanent magnet synchronous and brushless dc motor drives. Prerequisite: ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 432 or E E 432.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 433
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to power system transient states. Power system voltage stability; PV and QV curve methods. Power system angular stability; transient stability and equal area criterion; steady-state stability and power system stabilizer. Electromagnetic transients in power systems, insulation coordination and equipment protection. Methods of power system design and simulation. Prerequisites: ECE 330 or E E 330, and ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 433 or E E 433.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 440
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Extension of sampling theory and the Fourier transform to two dimensions, pixel operations including gray-level modification, algebraic and geometric transformations. The design of spatial filters for noise reduction, image sharpening and edge enhancement, and some discussion of interpolation techniques. An introduction to the concepts of image restoration from known degradations and the reconstruction of images from parallel and fan projections. Prerequisite: ECE 340 or E E 338 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of EE BE 540 or ECE 440.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 14.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 442
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Human visual/audio perception and multimedia data representations. Basic multimedia processing concepts, multimedia compression and communications. Machine learning tools for multimedia signal processing, including principle component analysis and Gaussian mixture modeling. Applications to human-computer interaction, visual-audio, and visual-text processing. Prerequisites: ECE 220 or CMPUT 275, ECE 342, MATH 102 or equivalent knowledge. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 442 or E E 442.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Group 2B Electives (3 out of 6)
ECE 449
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Intelligent systems for automatic control and data analysis. The concepts of vagueness and uncertainty, approximate reasoning, fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy control. Strategies for learning and adaptation, supervised and reinforcement learning, self-organization and the selection of neural network architectures. Discussion of the principles of search and optimization, evolution and natural selection and genetic algorithms. Introduction to hybrid intelligence. Applications of intelligent systems for pattern recognition, classification, forecasting, decision support, and control. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 449 or ECE 449.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 450
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Semiconductor device physics, device scaling trends, advanced MOSFET fabrication and the associated quantum mechanical framework in nanoscale systems. Semiconductor devices as a system of elemental components. Quantum phenomena in the evaluation of semiconductor devices. Impact of new materials such as high-k gate dielectrics, copper damascene processing and diffusion barriers on device performance. Choice of channel materials and strain condition for ultrascaled logic devices, RF and power electronic devices. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 450 or E E 450.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 457
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Microfabrication processes for CMOS, bipolar, MEMS, and microfluidics devices. Laboratory safety. Deposition processes of oxidation, evaporation and sputtering. Lithography, wet and dry etch, and device characterization. Note: Consent of Department required. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 457 or E E 457.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 16.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ECE 460
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to computer control, sample and hold, discrete-time systems. States and state space models. Linearization of nonlinear state-space models. Solving linear time-invariant state-space equations. Discretization of continuous-time systems. Controllability and observability, and their algebraic tests. Minimal state-space realizations. State feedback and eigenvalue/pole assignment, deadbeat control. Step tracking control design. State estimation and observer design. Observer based control. Introduction to linear quadratic optimal control. Prerequisites: ECE 360 or E E 357, and ECE 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 460 or E E 460.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 464
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic concepts of computer-integrated intervention. Surgical CAD/CAM, assist and simulation systems. Actuators and imagers. Medical robot design, control and optimization. Surgeon-robot interface technology. Haptic feedback in surgical simulation and teleoperation. Virtual fixtures. Time delay compensation in telesurgery. Cooperative manipulation control. Overview of existing systems for robot-assisted intervention and for virtual-reality surgical simulation. Prerequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 462 or E E 357 or E E 462 or consent of the Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 464 or E E 464.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 471
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electromagnetic wave propagation at optical frequencies and approximations. Thermal and luminescent light sources, optical beams. Ray and Gaussian optics and simple optical components. Wave optics, polarization, interference, interferometric devices. Light-matter interactions. Optics of crystals; polarizers and waveplates. Photodetectors. Photonic engineering applications. Corequisite: ECE 370 or E E 315, or PHYS 381. Note: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: ECE 471, E E 471 or PHYS 362.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 476
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electrostatics and magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations and plane waves. Analysis and characterization of waveguides, rectangular and circular waveguides, waveguide cavities. Radiation mechanism of dipoles, fundamental parameters, Friis transmission equations, link budget analysis, linear wire antennas, antenna arrays, different types of antennas, antenna measurements. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 476 or E E 476.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 478
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to RF/microwave circuits and their applications. Maxwell's Equations and basic wave-propagation concepts. Transmission-line theory and impedance-matching techniques. Practical planar transmission lines. Lumped and distributed microwave-circuit elements. Microwave network analysis using impedance/admittance parameters, scattering parameters, and transmission-matrix methods. Analysis, design, fabrication, and test of practical RF/microwave devices including power dividers/combiners, couplers, amplifiers, and filters. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 478 or E E 478.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 485
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Principles of digital communications; signal space concepts, digital modulation and demodulation, intersymbol interference, and pulse shaping. Design of optimal receivers; performance in the presence of channel noise. Introduction to source coding and channel coding. Prerequisites: ECE 342 or E E 387, and ECE 380 or E E 390. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 485 or E E 485.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
Group 2 Electives (2 out of 6)
BME 513
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Introduction to basic physical and technological aspects of medical imaging. Emphasis on computed transmission and emission tomography, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound imaging. These methods are developed and contrasted in terms of how imaging information is generated, detected, and processed and how different hardware configurations and other factors limit image quality. Relative diagnostic potential of the imaging methods is also discussed in relation to future prospects of each method.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 405
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Introduction to the principles of biophysical instrumentation. Various sensors are examined including strain gauges, inductive, capacitive, thermal, and piezoelectric sensors. Methods of measuring blood pressure are discussed. Origin of biopotentials; membrane and action potentials. Measurement of bioelectrical signals such as the ECG and EMG. Electrical safety, noise, impedance matching, and analog-to-digital conversion. Applications of electrodes, biochemical sensors, and lasers. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250 or consent of the Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 405 or EE BE 512.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 408
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 409
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 412
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Defects in manufacturing, failure mechanisms, and fault modeling. Reliability and availability theory. Static and dynamic redundancy and repair. Error correcting codes and self-checking systems. Roll-back strategies. Fault-tolerant computers and network architecture. Prerequisite: ECE 342. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 425 or ECE 412.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 452
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to advanced numerical methods such as finite-difference, finite-element and spectral-domain techniques for solving partial differential equations. Simulations of nanoscale systems involving multiphysics or coupled differential equations involving electron and thermal transport phenomena, electrodynamics, MEMS, and process simulation, graphical methods for 3D visualization of simulation data. Examples from applied areas of nanoengineering to demonstrate computational methods for understanding complex physical phenomena and for designing and simulating nanoscale devices and systems. Prerequisites: ECE 341 or MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 452 or E E 445.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 487
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Network topologies. Layered architectures and the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. Peer-to-peer protocols, medium access control protocols, and local area network standards. Packet switched networks and routing, the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 487, CMPUT 313 or CMPE 487.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2A Electives (1 out of 6)
ECE 341
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to analytical solutions of partial differential equations, eigenfunctions and eigenvalue problems, special functions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Green's functions, and transform methods. These concepts provide the necessary mathematical foundation for understanding and analyzing important physical phenomena encountered at the micro and nanoscales. Examples drawn from electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, solidstate physics, photonics, thermal transport, and microelectromechanical systems. Prerequisites: ECE 240 or E E 238, and MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 341 or E E 323.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 430
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Transmission line design parameters; power flow computations; Generator control systems, load frequency control; economic operation of power systems; Symmetrical components theory; Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330. Corequisite: ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 430 or E E 430.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 25.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 434
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Short-circuit and other faults in power systems. Analysis of faulted power systems in phase domain, components of power system protection, various protection schemes and relays. Power system grounding, concepts of transient overvoltage and ground potential rise. Prerequisite: ECE 430. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 434 or E E 434.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 447
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
The course introduces basic concepts and techniques of data analysis and machine learning. Topics include: data preprocessing techniques, decision trees, nearest neighbor algorithms, linear and logistic regressions, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model evaluation, deployment methods, and emerging topics. Prerequisites: ECE 220 or CMPUT 275, and ECE 342 or STAT 235, or consent of instructor.
Accreditation Units
ECE 456
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamental concepts related to current flow in nanoelectronic devices. Energy level diagram and the Fermi function. Single-energy-level model for current flow and associated effects, such as the quantum of conductance, Coulomb blockade, and single electron charging. The Schroedinger equation and quantum mechanics for applications in nanoelectronics. Matrix-equation approach for numerical band structure calculations of transistor channel materials. k-space, Brillouin zones, and density of states. Subbands for quantum wells, wires, dots, and carbon nanotubes. Current flow in nanowires and ballistic nanotransistors, including minimum possible channel resistance, quantum capacitance, and the transistor equivalent circuit under ballistic operation. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 456 or E E 456.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 458
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems, applications of MEMS technology to radio frequency, optical and biomedical devices. Basic MEMS building blocks, cantilever and clamped-clamped beams. Actuation mechanisms of mechanical microdevices, thermal and electrostatic. The thin film fabrication process, deposition, lithography, etching and release. MEMS in circuits, switches, capacitors, and resonators. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381, and one of MAT E 201, PHYS 244, MEC E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 458 or E E 458.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2B Electives (1 out of 6)
ECE 472
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Interaction of radiation with atoms, laser oscillations and threshold conditions, 3- and 4-level laser systems, rate equations, special properties of laser light, cavity Q and photon lifetime, optical resonators and lens waveguides, Gaussian beams, gain saturation, Q-switching, mode locking, interaction of light and sound, holography. Description of various lasers: solid, gas, semiconductor, dye, Raman and chemical. Laser applications. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 472 or E E 472.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 474
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Definition of plasma. Behavior in electric and magnetic fields. Particle, kinetic and fluid description of flow and transport phenomena. Waves in plasmas. Current approaches to thermonuclear fusion. High temperature laser produced plasmas and low temperature DC and RF discharge plasmas. Applications in discharge pumping of lasers, plasma etching, thin film deposition and generation of x-rays. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 474 or E E 474.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 475
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic optical properties of crystalline and amorphous semiconductor materials: energy band diagrams, optical constants. Recombination and light emission in semiconductors. Light emitting diodes: spectral characteristics, materials, and applications. Stimulated emission and laser oscillation conditions in semiconductors. Laser diodes: modal and spectral properties, steady state rate equations, materials and structures. Light absorption, optical to electrical energy conversion. Photovoltaic cells: fill factors and efficiency, temperature effects, alternative materials and structures. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 475 or E E 475.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 486
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Characteristics of wireless channels; path loss, shadow fading and multipath propagation. Challenges in wireless system design, digital modulation techniques for wireless communications, transmitter and receiver design for fading channels. Fundamentals of cellular system design and multiple access techniques. Prerequisites: ECE 342 or E E 387, and ECE 380 or E E 390. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 486 or E E 486.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Fall Term 1
CHEM 103
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Atoms and molecules, states of matter, chemistry of the elements. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30, or equivalent. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 53.5 Units
ENGG 100
★ 1.1
(fi 2)(either term,
An introduction to the Faculty of Engineering, the engineering profession, the skills required for academic success, and the fundamentals of leadership: study and life skills; time management and goal setting; interpersonal skills; career planning; engineering and society including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development, environmental stewardship, and public safety.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 130
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Equilibrium of planar systems. Analysis of statically determinate trusses and frames. Friction. Centroids and centres of gravity. Forces and moments in beams. Second moments of area. Note: Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Corequisite: MATH 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ENGL 199
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
This course aims to develop the student's ability to provide effective written and oral information. It will focus on instruction in fundamental writing skills, including building effective sentences and paragraphs, and on learning to communicate clearly across a range of genres and media used in academic and professional contexts, including correspondence and presentations. Students will be introduced to the principles of information gathering, analysis, and citation. Note: Restricted to students in the Faculty of Engineering only.
Accreditation Units
MATH 100
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of numbers, inequalities, functions, analytic geometry; limits, continuity; derivatives and applications, Taylor polynomials; log, exp, and inverse trig functions. Integration, fundamental theorem of calculus substitution, trapezoidal and Simpson's rules. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1 and Mathematics 31. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 100, 113, 114, 117, 134, 144, 154, or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
PHYS 130
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Geometrical optics, optical instruments, oscillations, waves, sound, interference, diffraction. Prerequisites: Mathematics 30-1, Mathematics 31, Physics 30. Corequisite: MATH 100 or 113 or 114 or 117 or 134 or 144 or equivalent. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Winter Term 2
CHEM 105
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Rates of reactions, thermodynamics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, modern applications of chemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 103 or 101. Note: Restricted to Engineering students only. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamentals of computer programming with emphasis on solving engineering problems. Structure and syntax of computer programs, variables, data types, data structures, control structures, functions, input/output operations, debugging, software development process.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ENGG 160
★ 2.0
(fi 4)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Fundamental design process and theory in a multidisciplinary context. Importance, in engineering design, of communications; team work; the engineering disciplines, career fields; professional responsibilities of the engineer including elements of ethics, equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Corequisite ENGL 199. This course is delivered in a blended format.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
EN PH 131
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
Kinematics and dynamics of particles; gravitation; work and energy; linear momentum; angular momentum; systems of particles; introduction to dynamics of rigid bodies. Prerequisites: MATH 100 or 117, and ENGG 130. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 118. Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science: 26.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 26.8 Units
MATH 101
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Area between curves, techniques of integration. Applications of integration to planar areas and lengths, volumes and masses. First order ordinary differential equations: separable, linear, direction fields, Euler's method, applications. Infinite series, power series, Taylor expansions with remainder terms. Polar coordinates. Rectangular, spherical and cylindrical coordinates in 3-dimensional space. Parametric curves in the plane and space: graphing, arc length, curvature; normal binormal, tangent plane in 3- dimensional space. Volumes and surface areas of rotation. Prerequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 101, 115, 118, 136, 146, 156 or SCI 100. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 102
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Vectors and matrices, solution of linear equations, equations of lines and planes, determinants, matrix algebra, orthogonality and applications (Gram-Schmidt), eigenvalues and eigenvectors and applications, complex numbers. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 100. Notes: (1) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 102, 125, or 127. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Fall Term 3
ECE 202
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(first term,
Circuit element definitions. Circuit laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive voltage and current dividers. Basic loop and nodal analysis. Dependent sources. Circuit theorems: linearity, superposition, maximum power transfer, Thevenin, Norton. Time domain behavior of inductance and capacitance, energy storage. Sinusoidal signals, complex numbers, phasor and impedance concepts. Magnetically coupled networks. Single phase power and power factor. Prerequisites: MATH 101, 102. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 202, E E 240, ECE 209 or E E 239, unless approved by the Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 210
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Boolean algebra, truth tables, Karnaugh maps. Switching devices and their symbology with an introduction to NAND and NOR logic. Number systems, codes, minimization procedures, synthesis of combinational networks. Synchronous sequential circuits, flip-flops, counters. Arithmetic circuits. Introduction to computer-aided design and simulation tools for digital design and implementation. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 210, E E 280 or CMPUT 329.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ENGG 299
★ 1.5
(fi 2)(first term,
An examination of the history, philosophy and objectives of Cooperative Education; introduction to the operation of the Cooperative Education Program; self-assessment of transferable skills and work values; preparation of the resume; practice of job interview skills; goal setting on the job; ethics; human rights; and public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Note: This course is only open to students registered in the Cooperative Education Program and must be taken prior to a student's first work placement.
Accreditation Units
MATH 201
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
First-order equations; second-order linear equations: reduction of order, variation of parameters; Laplace transform; linear systems; power series; solution by series; separation of variables for PDEs. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 209 or 214. Notes: (1) Open only to students in Engineering, Specialization Physics, and Specialization Geophysics. (2) Credit can be obtained in at most one of MATH 201, MATH 334, MATH 336, or MA PH 251. (3) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
MATH 209
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Partial differentiation, derivatives of integrals. Multiple integration using rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. Vector Field Theory. Prerequisite: MATH 101. Prerequisite or corequisite: MATH 102. Notes: (1) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 215, MATH 315, MATH 317 or MA PH 351. (2) Students in all sections of this course will write a common final examination. (3) Restricted to Engineering students. Non-Engineering students who take this course will receive 3 units.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 44.1 Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 4
ECE 203
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(second term or Spring/Summer,
Nonlinear circuit analysis. Diodes: ideal and simple and models, single phase rectifiers. Ideal and finite gain op-amps. Treatment of RLC circuits in the time domain, frequency domain and s-plane. Two port networks. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240. Corequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 203 or E E 250.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 13.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 212
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Microcomputer architecture, assembly language programming, sub-routine handling, memory and input/output system and interrupt concepts. Prerequisite: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 212, E E 380 or CMPUT 229.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 220
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Architecture and basic components of computing systems. Programming environment and program development methodology. Basics of programming: from data structures and functions to communication with external devices. Principles of object-oriented programming. Good programming style. Prerequisite: ENCMP 100.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 240
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to linear systems and signal classification. Delta function and convolution. Fourier series expansion. Fourier transform and its properties. Laplace transform. Analysis of linear time invariant (LTI) systems using the Laplace transform. Prerequisites: ECE 202 or E E 240, MATH 201. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 240 or E E 238.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
PHYS 230
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electric fields, Gauss' Law; electric potential; capacitance and dielectrics; electric current and resistance; magnetic fields, Ampere's Law; Faraday's Law; inductance; magnetic properties of matter. Prerequisites: PHYS 130 or 144 or 146, and MATH 100 or 114 or 117 or 144. Corequisite: MATH 101 or 115 or 118. Note: Restricted to Engineering students. Other students who take this course will receive 3 units. Credit can normally be obtained for only one of PHYS 181, 230, or 281.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 47.2 Units
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Fall Term 5
ECE 302
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
PN junction semiconductor basics, charge flow and diode equation. Zener diodes. BJT and MOSFET devices and operating regions. Amplifier basics: biasing, gain, input and output resistance, analysis and design. Large signal effects. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 302 or E E 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 312
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Design methodology. Internal and external peripherals: serial communication, timers, D/A converters, interrupt controllers. Embedded system programming: introduction to real time operating systems, basics of real time programming, real-time debugging. Power and memory management. Fault tolerance. Prerequisites: ECE 220, and ECE 212 or E E 380. Corequisite: ECE 340.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 26.0 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 340
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Discrete time signals and systems; Sampled signals and sampling theorem, aliasing, A/D converter; Z-transform, stability analysis; Discrete-time Fourier transform; Discrete Fourier transform, leakage, spectral analysis; Digital filter design, filter structure. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 340 or E E 338.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 370
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of vector calculus, electrostatics, and magnetostatics. Electric and magnetic fields in material media, including polarization mechanisms and general boundary conditions. Solutions to static field problems. Maxwell's equations and waves in free space, dielectrics and conducting media. Reflection and refraction, standing waves. Prerequisites: MATH 102, 209 and PHYS 230. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 370 or E E 315.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 19.8 Units
ECE 471
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electromagnetic wave propagation at optical frequencies and approximations. Thermal and luminescent light sources, optical beams. Ray and Gaussian optics and simple optical components. Wave optics, polarization, interference, interferometric devices. Light-matter interactions. Optics of crystals; polarizers and waveplates. Photodetectors. Photonic engineering applications. Corequisite: ECE 370 or E E 315, or PHYS 381. Note: Only one of the following courses may be taken for credit: ECE 471, E E 471 or PHYS 362.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 21.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
MATH 309
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term or Spring/Summer,
Complex numbers, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equation, Cauchy Theorem, power series and Laurent expansions, residues, inverse Laplace transform. Complex inner product spaces, orthogonal expansions, Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization completeness, Fourier expansions applied to signals, Parseval's relation and Bessel's inequality. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Notes: (1) Restricted to Engineering students. (2) This course may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained in MATH 311 or 411.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 37.8 Units
Summer Co-op Term 1
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide the student with exposure to the practical application of engineering and the general work environment. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: ENGG 299.
Accreditation Units
Winter Co-op Term 2
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide the student with exposure to the practical application of engineering and the general work environment. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 901.
Accreditation Units
Summer Co-op Term 3
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide students with personal involvement in the practice of their engineering discipline commensurate with their level of academic preparation. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 902.
Accreditation Units
Fall Co-op Term 4
★ 0.5
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide students with personal involvement in the practice of their engineering discipline commensurate with their level of academic preparation. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 903.
Accreditation Units
Winter Term 6
ECE 303
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Differential amplifiers. Frequency response: active device high-frequency behaviour and circuit models; amplifier circuits and design. Feedback: concepts and structure; feedback topologies and amplifiers; open- and closed-loop response. Operational amplifiers: behaviour, circuit analysis and design. Requires payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 303 or E E 350.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 341
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to analytical solutions of partial differential equations, eigenfunctions and eigenvalue problems, special functions in cylindrical and spherical coordinates, Green's functions, and transform methods. These concepts provide the necessary mathematical foundation for understanding and analyzing important physical phenomena encountered at the micro and nanoscales. Examples drawn from electromagnetics, quantum mechanics, solidstate physics, photonics, thermal transport, and microelectromechanical systems. Prerequisites: ECE 240 or E E 238, and MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 341 or E E 323.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 342
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Deterministic and probabilistic models. Basics of probability theory: random experiments, axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence. Discrete and continuous random variables: cumulative distribution and probability density functions, functions of a random variable, expected values, transform methods. Pairs of random variables: independence, joint cdf and pdf, conditional probability and expectation, functions of a pair of random variables, jointly Gaussian random variables. Sums of random variables: the central limit theorem; basic types of random processes, wide sense stationary processes, autocorrelation and crosscorrelation, power spectrum, white noise. Prerequisite: MATH 209. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 342 or E E 387.
Accreditation Units
Math and Natural Sciences: 19.8 Units
Engineering Science: 24.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 24.3 Units
ECE 456
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Fundamental concepts related to current flow in nanoelectronic devices. Energy level diagram and the Fermi function. Single-energy-level model for current flow and associated effects, such as the quantum of conductance, Coulomb blockade, and single electron charging. The Schroedinger equation and quantum mechanics for applications in nanoelectronics. Matrix-equation approach for numerical band structure calculations of transistor channel materials. k-space, Brillouin zones, and density of states. Subbands for quantum wells, wires, dots, and carbon nanotubes. Current flow in nanowires and ballistic nanotransistors, including minimum possible channel resistance, quantum capacitance, and the transistor equivalent circuit under ballistic operation. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 456 or E E 456.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ITS Elective
An ITS elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Complementary Elective
A complementary elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Summer Co-op Term 5
★ 3.0
(fi 7)(either term or Spring/Summer,
A four-month work placement for Engineering students registered in the Cooperative Education Program. This work experience will provide students with personal involvement in the practice of their engineering discipline commensurate with their level of academic preparation. Evaluation will be based on the employer's performance appraisal, the student's work term report, and the student's ability to learn from the experiences of the work term. Prerequisite: WKEXP 904.
Accreditation Units
Fall Term 7
ECE 360
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Linear system models. Time response and stability. Block diagrams and signal flow graphs. Feedback control system characteristics. Dynamic compensation. Root locus analysis and design. Frequency response analysis and design. Prerequisites: ECE 203 or E E 250, and ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 360, ECE 362, E E 357, E E 462 or E E 469.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 457
★ 4.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Microfabrication processes for CMOS, bipolar, MEMS, and microfluidics devices. Laboratory safety. Deposition processes of oxidation, evaporation and sputtering. Lithography, wet and dry etch, and device characterization. Note: Consent of Department required. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 457 or E E 457.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 16.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 50.4 Units
ECE 490
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(first term,
The first of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year. Student teams research, propose, design, develop, document, prototype, and present a practical engineering system or device; teams exercise creativity and make assumptions and decisions based on technical knowledge. This first course includes project definition, planning, and initial prototyping. Formal reports and presentation of the project proposal is required. Prerequisite ECE 312. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 490 or E E 400.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ENGG 404
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basic concepts of risk and consequences of loss incidents; risk management principles and practices; incident investigation, causation, root cause analysis; process safety management; the roles of government agencies, professional bodies and industry associations; workplace safety; risk-based decision-making processes; leadership and the human-factors side of risk management. The course focuses on the principles and practices of leadership towards the effective application and implementation of risk management in major organizations across all engineering disciplines. Industry virtual tours, case studies, seminars and team projects specific to the student's engineering program will be used to develop competencies and proficiencies in applying leadership and organizational effectiveness for successful risk management.
Accreditation Units
Group 1 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Winter Term 8
ECE 450
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Semiconductor device physics, device scaling trends, advanced MOSFET fabrication and the associated quantum mechanical framework in nanoscale systems. Semiconductor devices as a system of elemental components. Quantum phenomena in the evaluation of semiconductor devices. Impact of new materials such as high-k gate dielectrics, copper damascene processing and diffusion barriers on device performance. Choice of channel materials and strain condition for ultrascaled logic devices, RF and power electronic devices. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 450 or E E 450.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 475
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic optical properties of crystalline and amorphous semiconductor materials: energy band diagrams, optical constants. Recombination and light emission in semiconductors. Light emitting diodes: spectral characteristics, materials, and applications. Stimulated emission and laser oscillation conditions in semiconductors. Laser diodes: modal and spectral properties, steady state rate equations, materials and structures. Light absorption, optical to electrical energy conversion. Photovoltaic cells: fill factors and efficiency, temperature effects, alternative materials and structures. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 475 or E E 475.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 491
★ 2.5
(fi 6)(second term,
The second of two design courses that must be taken in the same academic year, in which student teams develop an electronic system or device from concept to working prototype. Emphasis is placed on continued execution of the project plan developed in ECE 490. Formal interim and final reports are required; groups demonstrate and present their designs. Prerequisite: ECE 490 or E E 400 in the preceding Fall term. Co-requisite: ECE 303. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 491 or E E 401.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
ENG M 310
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
The application of the fundamentals of economics to engineering alternatives in planning, developing and managing industrial projects. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, 401, ENG M 310 or 401.
Accreditation Units
ENG M 401
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
The application of the fundamentals of engineering economics, financial analysis and market assessment to engineering alternatives in the planning, development and ongoing management of industrial enterprises. The course covers the use of engineering, economic, financial and market assessment information in investment and business operation decisions in technology oriented companies. Note: Credit cannot be obtained for more than one of ENGG 310, ENGG 401, ENG M 310, or ENG M 401.
Accreditation Units
ENGG 400
★ 1.0
(fi 2)(either term,
The technical and professional duties and responsibilities of the engineer; the ethics of the engineering profession; technical and professional organizations. The role of the engineer in the social environment including elements of equity, concepts of sustainable development and environmental stewardship, public and worker safety and health considerations including the context of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Act. Note: Restricted to fourth-year traditional and fifth-year co-op engineering students. Must be taken in last term of program.
Accreditation Units
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 2 Program/Technical Elective
A program/technical elective of the student's choice. Please consult the calendar for more information.
Group 1 Electives (x2)
CH E 243
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
An introduction to the first and second laws of thermodynamics. Prerequisites: MATH 101.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
MAT E 201
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
An introduction to the science of materials from the standpoint of the relationships between atomic, molecular and crystal structure to material properties. Atomic bonding, crystal structure and crystal imperfections. Structures of metallic, non-metallic and composite materials. Diffusion, electrochemical and corrosion properties; strengthening mechanisms, mechanical properties and failure; electrical conductors, semiconductors, and dielectrics; thermal, magnetic, and optical properties. Prerequisite: CHEM 105 or consent of Department.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
MEC E 250
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Moments of inertia. Kinematics and kinetics of rigid body motion, energy and momentum methods, impact, mechanical vibrations. Prerequisites: ENGG 130, EN PH 131 and MATH 101. There is a consolidated exam.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 44.1 Units
Group 2A Electives (x3)
BME 513
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Introduction to basic physical and technological aspects of medical imaging. Emphasis on computed transmission and emission tomography, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound imaging. These methods are developed and contrasted in terms of how imaging information is generated, detected, and processed and how different hardware configurations and other factors limit image quality. Relative diagnostic potential of the imaging methods is also discussed in relation to future prospects of each method.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 304
★ 4.3
(fi 6)(either term,
MOS digital circuits, logic gates, threshold voltages. MOS logic families: design and simulation. CMOS timing: propagation delay, rise and fall times. Storage elements, memory, I/O and interfacing. Prerequisites: ECE 210 or E E 280 or CMPUT 329, and ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 304 or E E 351.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 24.1 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 53.5 Units
ECE 330
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of power concepts, network equations, three-phase circuits, transformer and its characteristics, per-unit calculation, transmission lines and their basic operational characteristics, introduction to power system operation. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 330 or E E 330.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 332
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Principles of electromagnetic force and torque in rotating machinery. Simple AC and DC machines. Induction motor theory. Practical aspects of induction motor use: characteristics, standards, starting, variable speed operation. Synchronous machine theory and characteristics. Fractional HP motor theory. Safety in electrical environments. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330 or consent of Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 332 or E E 332.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 380
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term or Spring/Summer,
Basics of analog communication: amplitude, angle, and analog pulse modulation; modulators and demodulators; frequency multiplexing. Basics of digital communication: sampling, quantization, pulse code modulation, time division multiplexing, binary signal formats. Prerequisite: ECE 240 or E E 238. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 380 or E E 390.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 11.8 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 401
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to power electronics. AC-DC conversion. DC-AC conversion. DC-DC conversion. AC-AC conversion. Prerequisite: ECE 302 or E E 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 401 or E E 431.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.5 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 402
★ 4.5
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to radio communications systems. Frequency selective circuits and transformers. Parallel resonant circuits including transformers. Double-tuned circuits. Impedance matching. Oscillators. Conditions for oscillation. Amplitude limitation mechanisms. Phase stability. Crystal oscillators. Mixers. Diode-ring mixers. Square-law mixers. BJT mixers. Intermodulation distortion. Modulators and demodulators. Average envelope detectors. FM demodulators. High frequency amplifiers and automatic gain control. Broadband techniques. Neutralization. Phase-lock loops. Phase detectors. Voltage-controlled oscillators. Loop filters. Phase-locked loop applications. Power amplifiers. Prerequisite: ECE 303 or E E 350. Corequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 362 or E E 357 or E E 462. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 402 or E E 451.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 31.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 56.7 Units
ECE 403
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design techniques and their application. Electrical characteristics of MOSFET devices and CMOS circuits. Use of CAD tools for simulation and integrated circuit layout. Modeling delays, advanced digital logic circuit techniques, memory. Prerequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351; corequisite: ECE 410 or CMPE 480. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 403 or E E 453.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 405
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Introduction to the principles of biophysical instrumentation. Various sensors are examined including strain gauges, inductive, capacitive, thermal, and piezoelectric sensors. Methods of measuring blood pressure are discussed. Origin of biopotentials; membrane and action potentials. Measurement of bioelectrical signals such as the ECG and EMG. Electrical safety, noise, impedance matching, and analog-to-digital conversion. Applications of electrodes, biochemical sensors, and lasers. Prerequisite: ECE 203 or E E 250 or consent of the Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 405 or EE BE 512.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2B Electives (x3)
ECE 408
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(first term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 409
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(second term,
Intended to enable individuals or a small group of students to study topics in their particular field of interest under the supervision of a member of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering or other appropriate departments.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 410
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Review of classical logic design methods. Introduction to the hardware description language VHDL. Logic simulation principles. Digital system design. Digital system testing and design for testability. Arithmetic circuits. State-of-the-art computer-aided design tools and FPGAs are used to design and implement logic circuits. Corequisite: ECE 304 or E E 351. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 480 or ECE 410.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 35.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 430
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Transmission line design parameters; power flow computations; Generator control systems, load frequency control; economic operation of power systems; Symmetrical components theory; Symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault analysis. Prerequisite: ECE 330 or E E 330. Corequisite: ECE 332 or E E 332. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 430 or E E 430.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 25.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 440
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Extension of sampling theory and the Fourier transform to two dimensions, pixel operations including gray-level modification, algebraic and geometric transformations. The design of spatial filters for noise reduction, image sharpening and edge enhancement, and some discussion of interpolation techniques. An introduction to the concepts of image restoration from known degradations and the reconstruction of images from parallel and fan projections. Prerequisite: ECE 340 or E E 338 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of EE BE 540 or ECE 440.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 14.2 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 447
★ 3.5
(fi 6)(either term,
The course introduces basic concepts and techniques of data analysis and machine learning. Topics include: data preprocessing techniques, decision trees, nearest neighbor algorithms, linear and logistic regressions, clustering, dimensionality reduction, model evaluation, deployment methods, and emerging topics. Prerequisites: ECE 220 or CMPUT 275, and ECE 342 or STAT 235, or consent of instructor.
Accreditation Units
ECE 449
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Intelligent systems for automatic control and data analysis. The concepts of vagueness and uncertainty, approximate reasoning, fuzzy rule-based systems and fuzzy control. Strategies for learning and adaptation, supervised and reinforcement learning, self-organization and the selection of neural network architectures. Discussion of the principles of search and optimization, evolution and natural selection and genetic algorithms. Introduction to hybrid intelligence. Applications of intelligent systems for pattern recognition, classification, forecasting, decision support, and control. Credit may be obtained in only one of CMPE 449 or ECE 449.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 452
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to advanced numerical methods such as finite-difference, finite-element and spectral-domain techniques for solving partial differential equations. Simulations of nanoscale systems involving multiphysics or coupled differential equations involving electron and thermal transport phenomena, electrodynamics, MEMS, and process simulation, graphical methods for 3D visualization of simulation data. Examples from applied areas of nanoengineering to demonstrate computational methods for understanding complex physical phenomena and for designing and simulating nanoscale devices and systems. Prerequisites: ECE 341 or MATH 309 or 311. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 452 or E E 445.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 455
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Microfluidic and nanobiotechnological devices. Fabrication techniques for devices: self-assembly, lithographic technologies. Applications of nanobiotechnology in computing, electronics, human health, environment and manufacture. Prerequisites: MATH 201 or PHYS 230. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 455 or E E 455.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
Group 2C Electives (x3)
ECE 458
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Overview of microelectromechanical (MEMS) systems, applications of MEMS technology to radio frequency, optical and biomedical devices. Basic MEMS building blocks, cantilever and clamped-clamped beams. Actuation mechanisms of mechanical microdevices, thermal and electrostatic. The thin film fabrication process, deposition, lithography, etching and release. MEMS in circuits, switches, capacitors, and resonators. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381, and one of MAT E 201, PHYS 244, MEC E 250. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 458 or E E 458.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 460
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to computer control, sample and hold, discrete-time systems. States and state space models. Linearization of nonlinear state-space models. Solving linear time-invariant state-space equations. Discretization of continuous-time systems. Controllability and observability, and their algebraic tests. Minimal state-space realizations. State feedback and eigenvalue/pole assignment, deadbeat control. Step tracking control design. State estimation and observer design. Observer based control. Introduction to linear quadratic optimal control. Prerequisites: ECE 360 or E E 357, and ECE 340. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 460 or E E 460.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 28.3 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 464
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Basic concepts of computer-integrated intervention. Surgical CAD/CAM, assist and simulation systems. Actuators and imagers. Medical robot design, control and optimization. Surgeon-robot interface technology. Haptic feedback in surgical simulation and teleoperation. Virtual fixtures. Time delay compensation in telesurgery. Cooperative manipulation control. Overview of existing systems for robot-assisted intervention and for virtual-reality surgical simulation. Prerequisite: ECE 360 or ECE 462 or E E 357 or E E 462 or consent of the Department. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 464 or E E 464.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 15.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 472
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Interaction of radiation with atoms, laser oscillations and threshold conditions, 3- and 4-level laser systems, rate equations, special properties of laser light, cavity Q and photon lifetime, optical resonators and lens waveguides, Gaussian beams, gain saturation, Q-switching, mode locking, interaction of light and sound, holography. Description of various lasers: solid, gas, semiconductor, dye, Raman and chemical. Laser applications. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381 or consent of Instructor. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 472 or E E 472.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 18.9 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 474
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Definition of plasma. Behavior in electric and magnetic fields. Particle, kinetic and fluid description of flow and transport phenomena. Waves in plasmas. Current approaches to thermonuclear fusion. High temperature laser produced plasmas and low temperature DC and RF discharge plasmas. Applications in discharge pumping of lasers, plasma etching, thin film deposition and generation of x-rays. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 474 or E E 474.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 12.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units
ECE 476
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Electrostatics and magnetostatics; Maxwell's equations and plane waves. Analysis and characterization of waveguides, rectangular and circular waveguides, waveguide cavities. Radiation mechanism of dipoles, fundamental parameters, Friis transmission equations, link budget analysis, linear wire antennas, antenna arrays, different types of antennas, antenna measurements. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 476 or E E 476.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 478
★ 3.8
(fi 6)(either term,
Introduction to RF/microwave circuits and their applications. Maxwell's Equations and basic wave-propagation concepts. Transmission-line theory and impedance-matching techniques. Practical planar transmission lines. Lumped and distributed microwave-circuit elements. Microwave network analysis using impedance/admittance parameters, scattering parameters, and transmission-matrix methods. Analysis, design, fabrication, and test of practical RF/microwave devices including power dividers/combiners, couplers, amplifiers, and filters. Prerequisites: ECE 370 or E E 315 or PHYS 381. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 478 or E E 478.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 23.6 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 47.2 Units
ECE 486
★ 3.0
(fi 6)(either term,
Characteristics of wireless channels; path loss, shadow fading and multipath propagation. Challenges in wireless system design, digital modulation techniques for wireless communications, transmitter and receiver design for fading channels. Fundamentals of cellular system design and multiple access techniques. Prerequisites: ECE 342 or E E 387, and ECE 380 or E E 390. Credit may be obtained in only one of ECE 486 or E E 486.
Accreditation Units
Engineering Design: 9.4 Units
Engineering Science and Engineering Design: 37.8 Units