To accompany ENGL 450: Romantic Travellers (Winter Term 2003)
David S. Miall, Department of English, University of Alberta
Adickes, Sandra. The Social Quest: The Expanded Vision of Four Women Travelers in the Era of the French Revolution. New York: Peter Lang, 1991.
Andrews, Malcolm. The Search for the Picturesque: Landscape Aesthetics and Tourism in Britain, 1760-1800. Aldershot: Scolar Press, 1990.
Ashfield, Andrew, and Peter De Bolla (eds.). The Sublime: A Reader in 18th-Century Aesthetic Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.
Aubrey, James R. Alexander Pope and Picturesque Landscape. Bucknell Review: A Scholarly Journal of Letters, Arts and Sciences, 29:1 (1984): 73-86.
Barbier, Carl Paul. William Gilpin. His Drawings, Teaching, and Theory of the Picturesque. Oxford: Clarendon P, 1963.
Barrell, John. The Dark Side of the Landscape: The Rural Poor in English Painting, 1730-1840. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1980.
Bate, Jonathan. Romantic Ecology: Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition. London: Routledge, 1991.
Bate, Jonathan. Living with the Weather. Studies in Romanticism, 35.3 (1996 Fall), 431.
Bending, Stephen. Re-Reading the Eighteenth Century English Landscape Garden. In An English Arcadia: Landscape and Architecture in Britain and America (pp. 379-99). San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 1992.
Bermingham, Ann. Landscape and Ideology: The English Rustic Tradition, 1740-1860. London: Thames & Hudson, 1987.
Bermingham, Ann. The Popularisation of the Picturesque Taste. Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, 265 (1989): 1212-1213.
Bicknell, Peter; Woof, Robert. The Discovery of the Lake District 1750-1810: A Context for Wordsworth. Grasmere: The Trustees of Dove Cottage, 1982.
Black, Jeremy. Italy and the Grand Tour: The British Experience in the Eighteenth Century. Annali d'Italianistica, 14 (1996): 532-41.
Blythe, Ronald. An Inherited Perspective: Landscape and the Indigenous Eye. In Hallberg Paul (ed.). The Feeling for Nature and the Landscape of Man (pp. 12-25). Gothenburg: Kungl. Vetenskaps- & Vitterhets-Samhallet, 1980.
Bodenheimer, Rosemarie. Looking at the Landscape in Jane Austen. SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 21:4 (1981 Autumn): 605-623.
Bohls, Elizabeth A. Women Travel Writers and the Language of Aesthetics 1716-1818. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.
Breitinger, Eckhard. Travels into the Interior of Africa: The 'Discovery' of a Continent. Komparatistische Hefte, 3 (1981): 11-27.
Brennan, Matthew C. The Landscape of Grief in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Studies in the Humanities, 15:1 (1988 June): 33-44.
Brennan, Matthew C. The Wordsworth of Landscape: Constable, or Turner? South Atlantic Quarterly, 85:3 (1986 Summer): 252-260.
Brennan, Matthew. Wordsworth, Turner, and Romantic Landscape: A Study in the Traditions of the Picturesque and the Sublime. Columbia, SC: Camden, 1987.
Brinkley, Robert. On the Composition of 'Mont Blanc': Staging a Wordsworthian Scene. English Language Notes, 24:2 (1986): 45-57.
Brinkley, Robert. Documenting Revision: Shelley's Lake Geneva Diary and the Dialogue with Byron in History of a Six Weeks' Tour. Keats-Shelley Journal, 39 (1990): 66-82.
Brownell, Morris R. William Gilpin's 'Unfinished Business': The Thames Tour (1764). Walpole Society, 57 (1993-1994): 52-78.
Buzard, James. The Uses of Romanticism: Byron and the Victorian Continental Tour. Victorian Studies, 35:1 (1991 Autumn): 29-49.
Buzard, James. The Beaten Track: European Tourism, Literature, and the Ways to Culture, 1800-1918. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Cardinal, R. Romantic Travel. In Rewriting the Self: Histories from the Renaissance to the Present, R. Porter (ed.). New York: Routledge, 1997.
Chandler, David. Vagrancy Smoked Out: Wordsworth 'betwixt Severn and Wye'. Romanticism On the Net 11 (August 1998).
Chard, Chloe; Langdon, Helen (eds). Transports: Travel, Pleasure, and Imaginative Geography, 1600-1830. New Haven, NJ: Yale UP, 1996.
Chew, Shirley. Wordsworth's Prelude: A Prospect in the Mind. In Hyland Peter (ed.). Discharging the Canon: Cross Cultural Readings in Literature (pp. 133-146). Singapore: Singapore UP, 1986.
Clark, Michael; Nicholas, Penny (eds.). The Arrogant Connoisseur: Richard Payne Knight, 1754-1824. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1982.
Cosgrove, Denis; Daniels, Stephen (eds.). The Iconography of Landscape. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988.
Dangerfield, Anthony. 'The Faded Plain': Memory and Experience in Wordsworth's An Evening Walk. The Wordsworth Circle, 17:3 (1986 Summer): 164-168.
Ellison, Julie. Redoubled Feeling: Politics, Sentiment, and the Sublime in Williams and Wollstonecraft. Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture, 20 (1990): 197-215.
Fabricant, Carole. The Aesthetics and Politics of Landscape in the Eighteenth Century. In Cohen Ralph (ed.). Studies in Eighteenth Century British Art and Aesthetics (pp. 49-81). Berkeley: U of California P, 1985.
Fabricant, Carole. The Literature of Domestic Tourism and the Public Consumption of Private Property. In Nussbaum, Felicity; Brown, Laura (eds.). The New Eighteenth Century: Theory, Politics, English Literature (pp. 254-275). NY: Methuen, 1987.
Ferguson, Francis. Solitude and the Sublime: Romanticism and the Aesthetics of Individuation. NY: Routledge, 1992.
Fothergill, Brian. The Influence of Landscape and Architecture on the Composition of Vathek. In Graham Kenneth W. (ed.). Vathek and the Escape from Time: Bicentenary Revaluations (pp. 33-47). New York: AMS, 1990.
Frey, Heather. Defining the Self, Defiling the Countryside: Travel Writing and Romantic Ecology. The Wordsworth Circle, 28.3 (1997), 162-66.
Ferris, Ina Mobile. Words: Romantic Travel Writing and Print Anxiety. Modern Language Quarterly, 60:4 (1999): 451-68.
Fulford, Tim. Landscape, Liberty, and Authority: Poetry, Criticism, and Politics from Thomson to Wordsworth. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996.
Galperin, William. The Return of the Visible in British Romanticism. Baltimore & London: John Hopkins UP, 1993.
Garrard, Greg. Radical Pastoral? Studies in Romanticism, 35.3 (1996 Fall), 449-65.
Gay, Penny. A Changing View: Jane Austen's Landscape. Sydney Studies in English, Sydney, 15 (1989-1990): 47-62.
Giddey, Ernest. 1816: Switzerland and the Revival of the 'Grand Tour'. The Byron Journal, 19 (1991): 17-25.
Gilroy, Amanda, Ed. Romantic Geographies: Discourses of Travel, 1775-1844. Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press, 2000.
Glendening, John. The High Road: Romantic Tourism, Scotland, and Literature, 1720-1820. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1997.
Guenter, Wendelin. The Sketch as Literary Metaphor: The British Romantic Travel Narrative. European Romantic Review, 7 (1997), 125-33.
Hall, Collette; Perreten, Peter; Shinehouse, Jane; Visser, Derk. Paradox in Paradise: Nature and Art in the Eighteenth Century Landscape Garden. In Mell Donald C. Jr.; Braun Theodore E. D.; Palmer Lucia M. (eds.). Man, God, and Nature in the Enlightenment (pp. 107-19). East Lansing, MI: Colleagues, 1988.
Heffernan, James A. W. The Re-Creation of Landscape: A Study of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Constable, and Turner. Hanover, NH: University Presses of New England, 1984.
Heffernan, James A. W. Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Turner: The Geometry of the Infinite. Bucknell Review, 29:1 (1984): 49-72.
Hickey, Alison. 'Extensive Views' in Johnson's Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 32:3 (1992 Summer): 537-53.
Hipple, Walter John. The Beautiful, the Sublime, and the Picturesque in Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetic Theory. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1957.
Holmes, Richard. Footsteps; Adventures of a Romantic Biographer. New York: Random House, Inc., 1996.
Huftel, Sheila. Reflections on a Tour Made in Scotland: August 1803. Contemporary Review, 249:1447 (1986 Aug.): 89-93.
Hunt, John Dixon. Gardens and the Picturesque: Studies in the History of Landscape Architecture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992.
Hussey, Christopher. The Picturesque: Studies in a Point of View. London: F. Cass, 1927.
Irwin, David. Naples and the Grand Tour Artist; Actes du colloque internat. tenu a Aix en Provence les 4, 5, 6 Sept. 1985. In Paknadel F. (ed.). La Mediterranee au XVIIIe siecle (pp. 113-135). Aix en Provence: Univ. de Provence, 1987.
Janowitz, Anne. England's Ruins: Poetic Purpose and the National Landscape. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990.
Jarvis, Robin. Romantic Writing and Pedestrial Travel. Basingstoke: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997.
Jones, Angela Dawn. Romantic Women Travel Writers and the Representation of Everyday Experience. Women's Studies, 26.5 (1997), 497-521.
Kadish, Doris. The Literature of Images: Narrative Landscape from Julie to Jane Eyre. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1986.
Kennedy, Deborah. Wordsworth, Turner, and the Power of Tintern Abbey. The Wordsworth Circle, 33:2 (2002 Spring): 79-84.
King, Francis. Love and Landscape in Wordsworth. The Wordsworth Circle, 18:1 (1987 Winter): 12-18.
Kostelnick, Charles. From Picturesque View to Picturesque Vision: William Gilpin and Ann Radcliffe. Mosaic, 18:3 (1985): 31-48.
Kroeber, Karl. Ecological Literary Criticism: Romantic Imagining and the Biology of Mind. New York: Columbia UP, 1994.
Labbe, Jacqueline M. Romantic Visualities: Landscape, Gender, and Romanticism. New York: St. Martin's P, 1997.
Lindsay, Maurice. The Eye is Delighted: Some Romantic Travellers in Scotland. London: F. Muller, 1971.
Litz, A. Walton. The Picturesque in Pride and Prejudice. Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America, 13-15 (1979 Dec. 1): 20-24.
Liu, Alan. Wordsworth: The Sense of History. Stanford, CA: Stanford UP, 1989.
MacLaren, I. S. Samuel Hearne and the Landscapes of Discovery. Canadian Literature, 103 (1984 Winter): 27-40.
Maleckova, Jitka. European Travel Books about the Ottoman Empire in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries as Historical Sources. Archiv Orientalni: Quarterly Journal of African, Asian, and Latin American Studies, 60:2 (1992): 147-56.
McCormick, E. Allen. Young Goethe in the Landscape. Modern Language Studies, 18:4 (1988 Fall): 61-67.
McKusick, James C. Introduction: Romanticism and Ecology. The Wordsworth Circle, 28.3 (1997), 123-24 (see whole issue).
McMillan, Dorothy. Some Early Travellers. In Gifford Douglas; McMillan Dorothy (eds.). A History of Scottish Women's Writing (pp. 119-42). Edinburgh, Great Britain: Edinburgh UP, 1997.
Meoli, Rachel Toulmin. The Rhetoric of the Picturesque: The Language of Landscape Description in Eighteenth Century England. In Blank Claudia (ed.). Language and Civilization: A Concerted Profusion of Essays and Studies in Honor of Otto Hietsch, I & II (II, pp. 736-54). Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1992.
Miall, David S. The Alps Deferred: Wordsworth at the Simplon Pass. European Romantic Review, 9 (1998): 87-102.
Miall, David S. Locating Wordsworth: 'Tintern Abbey' and the Community with Nature. Romanticism on the Net 20 (November 2000).
Michasiw, Kim Ian. Nine Revisionist Theses on the Picturesque. Representations, 38 (1993): 76-100.
Modiano, Raimonda. Coleridge and the Concept of Nature. London & Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1985.
Moir, Esther. The Discovery of Britain: The English Tourists 1540-1840. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964.
Monk, Samuel H. The Sublime: A Study of Critical Theories in XVIII-Century England. NY: MLA, 1935.
Moore, Hugh. The Southern Landscape of William Bartram: A Terrible Beauty. Essays in Arts and Sciences, 10:1 (1981 May): 41-50.
Morris, David B. The Religious Sublime: Christian Poetry and Critical Tradition in Eighteenth-Century England. Lexington, KY: UP of Kentucky, 1972.
Morton, Timothy. Shelley's Green Desert. Studies in Romanticism, 35.3 (1996 Fall), 409-30.
Murdoch, John. The Discovery of the Lake District: A Northern Arcadia and Its Uses. London: Victoria and Albert Museum, 1984.
Murdoch, John. The Landscape of Labor: Transformations of the Georgic. In Johnston, Kenneth R.; Chaitin, Gilbert; Hanson, Karen; Marks, Herbert (eds.). Romantic Revolutions: Criticism and Theory (pp. 176-193). Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1990.
Murrah, Charles C. Mrs. Radcliffe's Landscapes: The Eye and the Fancy. University of Windsor Review, 18:1 (1984 Fall-Winter): 7-23.
Nichols, Ashton. Towards 'Spots of Time': 'Visionary Dreariness' in 'An Evening Walk'. The Wordsworth Circle, 14:4 (1983 Autumn): 233-237.
Nicolson, Marjorie. Mountain Gloom and Mountain Glory: The Development of the Aesthetics of the Infinite. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1959.
Noyes, Russel. Wordsworth and the Art of Landscape. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1986.
Owen, W. J. B. The Poetry of Nature. The Wordsworth Circle, 18:1 (1987 Winter): 2-11.
Parks, G. P. The Turn to the Romantic in the Travel Literature of the Eighteenth Century. Modern Language Quarterly, 25 (1964): 23-26.
Pearce, Donald. 'Kubla Khan' in Context. SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 21:4 (1981 Autumn): 565-583.
Pinkerton, James. Enviromanticism: The Poetry of Nature as a Political Force. Foreign Affairs, 76.3 (1997), 2-7.
Pite, Ralph. How Green Were the Romantics. Studies in Romanticism, 35.3 (1996 Fall), 357-74.
Ponder, Melinda M. Echoing Poetry with History: Wordsworth's Duddon Sonnets and Their Notes. Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture, 21:2 (1988 Summer): 157-178.
Price, Martin. The Picturesque Moment. In Hilles, F.W; Bloom, Harold (eds.), From Sensibility to Romanticism (pp. 259-292). Oxford: Oxford UP, 1965.
Pugh, Simon (ed). Reading Landscape: Country-City-Capital. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1990.
Quennel, Peter. Romantic England: Writing and Painting 1717-1851. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970.
Redford, Bruce. Venice and the Grand Tour. New Haven, NJ: Yale UP, 1997.
Rieder, John. Shelley's 'Mont Blanc': Landscape and the Ideology of the Sacred Text. ELH, 48:4 (1981 Winter): 778-798.
Robinson, Jeffrey Cane. The Walk: Notes on a Romantic Image. Tulsa: U Oklahoma P, 1989.
Robinson, Sidney K. Inquiry into the Picturesque. Chicago: U Chicago P, 1991.
Ross, Marlon B. Naturalizing Gender: Woman's Place in Wordsworth's Ideological Landscape. ELH, 53:2 (1986 Summer): 391-410.
Rudy, John G. Beyond Vocation and Ego: Self Displacement in Wordsworth's 1803 Memorials. SEL: Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, 29:4 (1989 Autumn): 637-653.
Rudy, John G. Wordsworth's 1820 Memorials: Emergent Unities in the Selfless Way. Massachusetts Studies in English, 10:4 (1986 Fall): 237-253.
Schulz, Max F. The Circuit Walk of the Eighteenth Century Landscape Garden and the Pilgrim's Circuitous Progress. Eighteenth Century Studies, 15:1 (1981 Fall): 1-25.
Snyder, William C. Mother Nature's Other Natures: Landscape in Women's Writing, 1770-1830. Women's Studies, 21:2 (1992): 143-162.
Spittler, Gerd. European Explorers as Caravan Travellers in the West Sudan: Some Thoughts on the Methodology of Journeys of Exploration. Paideuma: Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, 33 (1987): 391-406.
Stafford, Barbara Maria. Toward Romantic Landscape Perception: Illustrated Travels and the Rise of 'Singularity' as an Aesthetic Category. Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture, 10 (1981): 17-75.
Stafford, Barbara Stafford. Voyage into Substance: Art, Science, Nature, and the Illustrated Travel Account, 1760-1840. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1984.
Thomson, John. Seasonal and Lighting Effects in Ann Radcliffe's Fiction. AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Language and Literature Association, 56 (1981): 191-200.
Tompkins, J. M. S. Ramond de Carbonnieres, Grosley and Mrs. Radcliffe. Review of English Studies, 5 (1929): 294-301.
Trott, Nicola. Wordsworth and the Picturesque: A Strong Infection of the Age. The Wordsworth Circle, 18:3 (1987 Summer): 114-121.
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Walker, Carol Kyros, introd. D. Wordsworth, Recollections of a Tour Made in Scotland. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1997.
Wallace, Anne D. Walking, Literature, and English Culture: The Origins and Uses of Peripatetic in the Nineteenth Century. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994.
Watkin, David. The English Vision: The Picturesque in Architecture, Landscape and Garden Design. London: John Murray, 1982.
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Weiskel, Thomas. The Romantic Sublime: Studies in the Structure and Psychology of Transcendence. Baltimore: John Hopkins UP, 1976.
Werner, Bette Charlene. Romantic Lyrics in Landscape: Constable and Wordsworth. Comparative Literature, 36:2 (1984 Spring): 110-129.
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Document first created November 28th 1998 / Revised November 14th 2002