Project Guidelines

Project presentations: March 29 - April 5 (four class sessions)

Topic: Theory of the short story. Present some significant aspect of the short stories you have studied during the course (this can include those discussed in essays). You don't need to encompass all short stories: some important subset of stories or an aspect of the stories would be fine. The stories you refer to should be confined to those in the Geddes anthology, but can include any of the stories, not just those we studied in class. The presentation should show evidence of secondary reading in the critical literature, whether on individual authors or on the theory and history of the short story (show this in a group bibliography: for MLA formatting see this website).

In thinking about a project topic, you might choose to consider one of the following aspects:

Presentations can take the form of a poster presentation, a Powerpoint, or web pages (using the computer in the classroom), or a dramatization. Aim for not more than 15-20 minutes (we will likely have 8 or 9 groups presenting in under 4 hours). Bear in mind that this is not a collection of three or four short essays: a presentation should integrate the work of all the students involved and provide a coherent statement of the theoretical position being discussed. Conflicting perspectives are acceptable: you don't all have to agree. Presentations that prompt discussion by the class will be particularly welcome. Please arrange to give me the presentation materials afterwards (by April 5) so that I can comment on them.

Project narrative: Each student will also write an individual project report (500 words). This should be a narrative of your own participation in the project: what you did, why you did it, how effective (or not) it was. The report is not a repetition of the theoretical discussion presented in class, nor a conventional essay. It is due on April 5.

For example projects from a previous course (on the Shelleys) see this page.

For reading, most of the general books on the short story are shelved in the Rutherford at PN 3373; some others are located at PR 829. For an extensive collection on particular authors, see the volumes of Short Story Criticism (1988-). PN 3373 S559 in Reference (1st floor). You might also look at the journal Studies in Short Fiction: PN 3311 S8 (up to 1997; 1999 issues and earlier also available on the Internet).

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Document prepared October 7th 2002 / updated March 2nd 2004