
Topic: Discuss one of the stories by Poe, Bierce, Chekhov, Joyce, Mansfield, or Woolf, offering an interpretation that draws on style, point of view, narrator, or structure, as appropriate. (2000 words; worth 40%)

In effect, this requires you to design your own topic, within the constraints described. Four aspects of the short story are proposed, but it is up to you to choose which ones are relevant for your topic; you could discuss from one to four, depending on which aspect is significant in your view of the story you choose.

Probably the best procedure will be:

There is no standard style or structure of essay, except for the following general points:

Format. Papers should be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point regular type (e.g., Times Roman); provide margins of 1.25 inches on both sides; the pages stapled at the top left; your name and the course name and number, and title of essay at the top; a cover page isn't necessary. Do not use a binder. Follow MLA style in formatting the essay. If you are unclear what this is, see this website. For this essay, references to pages in your chosen story from the Geddes anthology will be sufficient: e.g., Chopin's doomed wife feels "a monstrous joy" (75). Footnotes are not required. Unless you are referring to other sources a bibliography won't be required. If you do need a bibliography, it should be printed on a separate page at the end of the essay, with items alphabetized by author (for format: see Works Cited Page on MLA-format website).

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Document prepared September 4th 2002