This will be for
your Proseminar work. I suggest: your name, a little about you, your interests.
Digitize a photo of yourself if possible.
You might include your email@address
Other elements:
To give the page a title, include a background gif, or change the colour of the page, in Dreamweaver, see Modify, Page properties
If you modify this file and want this to be your first or home page, then name it index.htm when you save it. Your URL can then be something like: (as index.htm will be the default or start-up page).
Otherwise, at the end, if you have a main home page, put a link back to it:
Telnet to your directory on GPU. Lynx starts up by default, so press Q to quit Lynx. You should then drop down to your GPU directory, with an input line something like this: gpu3{yourID}: . Now input the following commands in lower case, ignoring the commentary in parenthesis, and substituting your own ID name where indicated (note that the system will make replies to a couple of these commands).
mkdir public_html fs setacl ~yourID system:anyuser l (that's a letter L) fs listacl ~yourID fs setacl public_html system:anyuser rl
That's all. Now you can ftp your home page document and any other files to
your public_html directory.
Document created December 26th 2000