David S. Miall
Mainly journal articles and book chapters. Compiled August 30th 2000 / Updated September 21, 2000.
Allen, M. L. "The Black Veil: Three Versions of a Symbol." English
Studies 47 (1966): 286-89.
Arnold, Ellen. "Deconstructing the Patriarchal Palace: Ann Radcliffe's Poetry in The Mysteries of Udolpho." Women and Language 19.2 (1996): 21-29.
Baldick, Chris. "The End of the Line: The Family Curse in Shorter Gothic Fiction." Exhibited by Candlelight: Sources and Developments in the Gothic Tradition. Eds. Valeria Tinkler-Villani, Peter Davidson, and Jane Stevenson. Amsterdam : Rodopi, 1995. 147-57.
Barker, Gerard A. "Justice to Caleb Williams." Studies in the Novel 6:4 (1974): 377-88.
Batchelor, Rhonda. "The Rise and Fall of the Eighteenth Century's Authentic Feminine Voice." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 6.4 (1994): 347-68.
Belsey, Catherine. "The Romantic Construction of the Unconscious." 1789: Reading Writing Revolution. Ed. Francis Barker, et al. Proceedings of the Essex Conference on the Sociology of Literature July 1981, 1982. 67-80.
Benedict, Barbara M. "Pictures of Conformity: Sentiment and Structure in Ann Radcliffe's Style." Philological Quarterly 68:3 (1989): 363-77.
Bernstein, Stephen. "Form and Ideology in the Gothic Novel." Essays in Literature 18.2 (1991): 151-65.
Blodgett, Harriet. "Emily Vindicated: Ann Radcliffe and Mary Wollstonecraft." Weber Studies: An Interdisciplinary Humanities Journal 7:2 (1990): 46-61.
Boone, Troy. "Narrating the Apparition: Glanvill, Defoe, and the Rise of Gothic Fiction." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 35.2 (1994): 173-89.
Botting, Fred. "The Gothic Production of the Unconscious." Readings: Towards a Gothic Geography. Eds. Byron Glennis and Punter David. New York: St.Martin's, Macmillan, 1999. 11-36.
Bowen, Arlene. "Mary Shelley's Rose-Eating Cat, Lucian, and Frankenstein." Keats-Shelley Journal 45 (1996): 16-19.
Brennan, Matthew C. "Mary Shelley's Cautionary Narrative: Frankenstein As Therapy." Lamar Journal of the Humanities 24.2 (1999): 5-11.
Bruce, Donald Williams. "Ann Radcliffe and the Extended Imagination." Contemporary Review 258.1505 (1991): 300-08.
Burgess, Miranda J. "Domesticating Gothic: Jane Austen, Ann Radcliffe, and National Romance." Lessons of Romanticism: A Critical Companion. Eds. Thomas Pfau and Robert F. Gleckner. Durham, NC: Duke UP, 1998. 392-412.
Butler, Marilyn. "Godwin, Burke, and Caleb Williams." Essays in Criticism 32:3 (1982): 237-57.
Cafarelli, Annette Wheeler. "How Theories of Romanticism Exclude Women: Radcliffe, Milton, and the Legitimation of the Gothic Novel." Milton, the Metaphysicals, and Romanticism. Eds. Anthony John Harding and Lisa Low. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. 84-113.
Caldwell, Janis McLarren. "Sympathy and Science in Frankenstein." The Ethics in Literature. Eds. Andrew Hadfield, Dominic Rainsford, and Tim Woods. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1998. 262-74 .
Campbell, Ian. "Hogg's Confessions and the Heart of Darkness." Studies in Scottish Literature 15 (1980): 187-201.
Chandler, Wayne A. "Frankenstein's Many Readers." Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy 37.1 (1996): 37-45.
Christensen, Merton A. "Udolpho, Horrid Mysteries, and Coleridge's Machinery of the Imagination." Wordsworth Circle 2:4 (1971): 153-59.
Cixous, Helene. "Fiction and Its Phantoms: A Reading of Freud's Das Unheimliche (The "Uncanny")." New Literary History 7:3 (1976): 525-48.
Clayton, Jay. "Concealed Circuits: Frankenstein's Monster, the Medusa, and the Cyborg." Raritan: A Quarterly Review 15.4 (1996): 53-69.
Cobb, Joann P. "Godwin's Novels and Political Justice." Enlightenment Essays 4:1 (1973): 15-28.
Conger, Syndy M. "Prophecy and Sensibility: Mary Wollstonecraft in Frankenstein." 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era, III. Eds. Kevin L. Cope and Laura Morrow. New York: AMS, 1997. 301-28.
Cooke, Arthur L. "Some Side Lights on the Theory of the Gothic Romance." Modern Language Quarterly 12 (1951): 429-36.
Cowell, Pattie. "Class, Gender, and Genre: Deconstructing Social Formulas on the Gothic Frontier." Frontier Gothic: Terror and Wonder at the Frontier in American Literature. Eds. David Mogen, Scott P. Sanders, and Joanne-B. Karpinski. Rutherford, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1993. 126-39.
Craciun, Adriana. "'I Hasten to Be Disembodied': Charlotte Dacre, the Demon Lover, and Representations of the Body." European Romantic Review 6.1 (1995): 75-97.
Crisman, William. "Now Misery Has Come Home': Sibling Rivalry in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." Studies in Romanticism 36.1 (1997): 27-41.
Daffron, Eric. "Male Bonding: Sympathy and Shelley's Frankenstein." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 21.3 (1999): 415-35.
Dansky, Richard. "The Wanderer and the Scribbler: Maturin, Scott, and Melmoth the Wanderer." Studies in Weird Fiction 21 (1997): 2-10.
Derry, Stephen. "Harriet Smith's Reading." Persuasions: Journal of the Jane Austen Society of North America 14 (1992): 70-72.
Doody, Margaret Anne. "Deserts, Ruins and Troubled Waters: Female Dreams in Fiction and the Development of the Gothic Novel." Genre 10:4 (1977): 529-72.
Doughty, Oswald. "Coleridge and `The Gothic Novel' of `Tales of Terror'." English Miscellany 23 (1972): 125-48.
Dunn, James A. "Charlotte Dacre and the Feminization of Violence." Nineteenth-Century Literature 53.3 (1998): 307-27.
Durant, David S. "Aesthetic Heroism in The Mysteries of Udolpho." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 22:2 (1981): 175-88.
---. "Ann Radcliffe and the Conservative Gothic." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 22:3 (1982): 519-30.
Eggenschwiler, David. "Melmoth and Wanderer: Gothic on Gothic." Genre 8:2 (1975): 165-81.
Fawcett, Mary Laughlin. "Udolpho's Primal Mystery." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 23:3 (1983): 481-94.
Fitzgerald, Lauren. "Gothic Properties: Radcliffe, Lewis and the Critics." The Wordsworth Circle 24.3 (1993): 167-70.
Foster, James R. "The Abbe Prevost and the English Novel." PMLA 42 (1927): 443-64.
Fowler, Kathleen. "Hieroglyphics in Fire: Melmoth the Wanderer." Studies in Romanticism 25:4 (1986): 521-39.
Franco, Deane. "Mirror Images and Otherness in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." Literature and Psychology 44.1-2 (1998): 80-95.
Fredricks, Nancy. "On the Sublime and Beautiful in Shelley's Frankenstein." Essays in Literature 23.2 (1996): 178-89.
Geary, Robert F. "Charting the Supernatural." Review 19 (1997): 113-24.
---. "M. G. Lewis and Later Gothic Fiction: The Numinous Dissipated." State of the Fantastic: Studies in the Theory and Practice of Fantastic Literature and Film. Ed. Nicholas Ruddick. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1992. 75-81.
Gold, Alex Jr. "It's Only Love: The Politics of Passion in Godwin's Caleb Williams." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 19:2 (1977): 135-60.
Goodall, Jane. "Frankenstein and the Reprobate's Conscience." Studies in the Novel 31.1 (1999): 19-43.
Goodson, A. C. "Frankenstein in the Age of Prozac." Literature and Medicine 15.1 (1996): 16-32.
Graham, Kenneth W. "Narrative and Ideology in Godwin's Caleb Williams." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 2:3 (1990): 215-28.
Greenfield, Susan C. "Veiled Desire: Mother-Daughter Love and Sexual Imagery in Ann Radcliffe's The Italian." The Eighteenth Century 33:1 (1992): 73-89.
Handwerk, Gary. "Of Caleb's Guilt and Godwin's Truth: Ideology and Ethics in Caleb Williams." ELH 60:4 (1993): 939-60.
Hansen, Mark. "'Not Thus, After All, Would Life Be Given': Technesis, Technology and the Parody of Romantic Poetics in Frankenstein." Studies in Romanticism 36.4 (1997): 575-609.
Harries, Elizabeth W. "Duplication and Duplicity: James Hogg's Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner." Wordsworth Circle 10:2 (1979): 187-96.
Harvey, A. D. "The Nightmare of Caleb Williams." Essays in Criticism 26:3 (1976): 236-49.
Heffernan, James A. W. "Looking at the Monster: Frankenstein and Film." Critical Inquiry 24.1 (1997): 133-58.
Hendershot, Cyndy. "The Possession of the Male Body: Masculinity in The Italian, Psycho, and Dressed to Kill." Readerly Writerly Texts: Essays on Literature, Literary Textual Criticism, and Pedagogy 2.2 (1995): 75-112.
Hennelly, Mark M. ""The Slow Torture of Delay": Reading The Italian." Studies in the Humanities 14:1 (1987): 1-17.
---. "Melmoth and Wanderer and Gothic Existentialism." Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900 21:4 (1981): 665-79.
Hetherington, Naomi. "Creator and Created in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein." Keats-Shelley Review 11 (1997): 1-39.
Hinds, Elizabeth Jane Wall. "The Devil Sings the Blues: Heavy Metal, Gothic Fiction and 'Postmodern' Discourse." Journal of Popular Culture 26.3 (1992): 151-64.
Hoeveler, Diane Long. "Charlotte Dacre's Zofloya: A Case Study in Miscegenation As Sexual and Racial Nausea." European-Romantic-Review 8.2 (1997): 185-99.
Hogle, Jerrold E. "The Ghost of the Counterfeit -- and the Closet -- in The Monk." Romanticism on the Net 8 (1997): np.
---. "The Texture of the Self in Godwin's Things As They Are." Boundary 2 7:2 (1979): 261-81.
---. "Frankenstein As Neo-Gothic: From the Ghost of the Counterfeit to the Monster of Abjection." Romanticism, History and the Possibilities of Genre: Re-Forming Literature, 1789-1837. Eds. Tilottama Rajan and Julia M. Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1998. 176-210.
Holland, Norman N., and Leona F. Sherman. "Gothic Possibilities." New Literary History 8:2 (1977): 279-94.
Hume, Robert D. "Gothic Versus Romantic: A Revaluation of the Gothic Novel." PMLA 84:2 (1969): 282-90.
Hushahn, Helga. "Sturm Und Drang in Radcliffe and Lewis." Exhibited by Candlelight: Sources and Developments in the Gothic Tradition. Eds. Valeria Tinkler-Villani, Peter Davidson, and Jane Stevenson. 1995. 89-98.
Jacobs, Edward. "Anonymous Signatures: Circulating Libraries, Conventionality, and the Production of Gothic Romances." ELH 62.3 (1995): 603-29.
Kahane, Claire. "Gothic Mirrors and Feminine Identity." Centennial Review 24:1 (1980): 43-64.
---. "The Gothic Mirror." The (M)Other Tongue: Essays in Feminist Psychoanalytic Interpretation. Ed. Claire Kahane, Madelon Sprengnether, and Shirley Nelson Garner. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1985. 334-51.
Kearns, Michael S. "Intuition and Narration in James Hogg's Confessions." Studies in Scottish Literature 13 (1978): 81-91.
Kelly, Gary. "'A Constant Vicissitude of Interesting Passions': Ann Radcliffe's Perplexed Narratives." Ariel 10:2 (1979): 45-64.
Kercsmar, Rhonda Ray. "Displaced Apocalypse and Eschatological Anxiety in Frankenstein." South Atlantic Quarterly 95.3 (1996): 729-51.
Ketterer, David. "Frankenstein's 'Conversion' From Natural Magic to Modern Science -- and a Shifted (and Converted) Last Draft Insert." Science Fiction Studies 24.1 (71) (1997): 57-78.
---. "'Furnished ... Materials': The Surgical Anatomy Content of Frankenstein." Science Fiction Studies 24.1 (71) (1997): 119-23.
Knox Shaw, Peter. "'Strange Fits of Passion': Wordsworth and Mrs. Radcliffe." Notes and Queries 45 (243).2 (1998): 188-89.
Kostelnick, Charles. "From Picturesque View to Picturesque Vision: William Gilpin and Ann Radcliffe." Mosaic 18:3 (1985): 31-48.
Kozlowski, Lisa. "A Source for Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho." Notes and Queries 44 (242).2 (1997): 228-30.
Kuczynski, Ingrid. "Reading a Landscape: Ann Radcliffe's A Journey Made in the Summer of 1794, Through Holland and the Western Frontier of Germany, With a Return Down the Rhine (1795)." British Romantics As Readers: Intertextualities, Maps of Misreading, Reinterpretations. Eds. Michael Gassenmeier, et al. Heidelberg, Germany: Carl Winter Universitatsverlag, 1998. 241-57.
Kullmann, Thomas. "Nature and Psychology in Melmoth the Wanderer and Wuthering Heights." Exhibited by Candlelight: Sources and Developments in the Gothic Tradition. Eds. Valeria Tinkler-Villani, Peter Davidson, and Jane Stevenson. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 99-106.
Laplace Sinatra, Michael. "Science, Gender and Otherness in Shelley's Frankenstein and Kenneth Branagh's Film Adaptation." European Romantic Review 9.2 (1998): 253-70.
Levine, George. "Translating the Monstrous: Northanger Abbey." Nineteenth-Century Fiction 30:3 (1975): 335-50.
Lew, Joseph W. "'Unprepared for Sudden Transformations': Identity and Politics in Melmoth the Wanderer." Studies in the Novel 26.2 (1994): 173-95.
London, April. "Ann Radcliffe in Context: Marking the Boundaries of The Mysteries of Udolpho." Eighteenth-Century Life 10: ns 1 (1986): 35-47.
Macdonald, D. L. "Bathos and Repetition: The Uncanny in Radcliffe." Journal of Narrative Technique 19:2 (1989): 197-204.
Mack, Douglas S. "Hogg's Religion and The Confessions of a Justified Sinner." Studies in Scottish Literature 8:4 (1970): 272-75.
Mackenzie, Scott. "Ann Radcliffe's Gothic Narrative and the Readers at Home." Studies in the Novel 31.4 (1999): 409-31.
Martin, Rebecca E. "'I Should Like to Spend My Whole Life in Reading It': Repetition and the Pleasure of the Gothic." Journal of Narrative Technique 28.1 (1998): 75-90.
Mason, Michael York. "The Three Buriels in Hogg's Justified Sinner." Studies in Scottish Literature 13 (1978): 15-23.
McCracken, David. "Godwin's Literary Theory: The Alliance Between Fiction and Political Philosophy." Philological Quarterly 49:1 (1970): 113-33.
McKillop, Alan D. "Mrs. Radcliffe on the Supernatural in Poetry." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 31 (1932): 352-59.
McLane, Maureen Noelle. "Literate Species: Populations, 'Humanities,' and Frankenstein." ELH 63.4 (1996): 959-88.
McNutt, Dan J. The Eighteenth-Century Gothic Novel: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism and Selected Texts. New York and London: Garland Publishing Inc, 1975.
Mellor, Anne K. "A Novel of Their Own: Romantic Women's Fiction, 1790-1830." The Columbia History of the British Novel. Eds. John Richetti, et al. New York: Columbia UP, 1994. 327-51.
Miall, David S. "The Preceptor as Fiend: Radcliffe's Psychology of the Gothic." Jane Austen and Mary Shelley and Their Sisters. Ed. Laura Dabundo. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2000. 31-43.
Michasiw, Kim Ian. "Ann Radcliffe and the Terrors of Power." Eighteenth-Century Fiction 6.4 (1994): 327-46.
Miles, Robert. "The Gothic Aesthetic: The Gothic As Discourse." The Eighteenth Century 32:1 (1991): 39-57.
Moers, Ellen. "Traveling Heroinism: Gothic for Heroines." Literary Women. New York: Doubleday, 1976. 122-140.
Morrison, Paul. "Enclosed in Openness: Northanger Abbey and the Domestic Carceral." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 33.1 (1991): 1-23.
Mudge, Bradford K. "The Man With Two Brains: Gothic Novels, Popular Culture, Literary History." PMLA 107:1 (1992): 92-104.
Mulvey Roberts, Marie, Ed. The Handbook to Gothic Literature. New York: New York UP, 1998.
Murrah, Charles C. "Mrs. Radcliffe's Landscapes: The Eye and the Fancy." University of Windsor Review 18:1 (1984): 7-23.
Napier, Elizabeth R. "Ann Radcliffe." Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 39: British Novelists, 1660-1800. Ed. Martin C. Battestin. Detroit: Gale Research, 1985. 363-72.
Neff, D. S. "Hostages to Empire: The Anglo-Indian Problem in Frankenstein, The Curse of Kehama, and The Missionary." European Romantic Review 8.4 (1997): 386-408.
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Null, Jack. "Structure and Theme in Melmoth the Wanderer." Papers on Language and Literature 13:2 (1977): 136-47.
O'Connor, Robert H. "Matthew Gregory Lewis and the Gothic Ballad." Lamar Journal of the Humanities 18.2 (1992): 5-26.
Oost, Regina B. "Marketing Frankenstein: The Shelleys' Enigmatic Preface." English Language Notes 35.1 (1997): 26-35.
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Parkin Gounelas, Ruth. "Learning What We Have Forgotten: Repetition As Remembrance in Early Nineteenth-Century Gothic." European Romantic Review 6.2 (1996): 213-26.
Paulson, Ronald. "Gothic Fiction and the French Revolution." ELH 48:3 (1981): 532-53.
Poovey, Mary. "Ideology and The Mysteries of Udolpho." Criticism 21:4 (1979): 307-30.
Punter, David. "Frankenstein and Dracula: Prehistories of the Mind." Questione Romantica: Rivista Interdisciplinare Di Studi Romantici 3-4 (1997): 113-26.
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Ray, Joan Klingel. "Austen's Northanger Abbey." Explicator 54.3 (1996): 142-44.
Redekop, Magdalene. "Beyond Closure: Buried Alive With Hogg's Justified Sinner." ELH 52:1 (1985): 159-84.
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Rickels, Laurence A. "Cryptology." Hi-Fives: A Trip to Semiotics. Ed. Roberta Kevelson. New York: Peter Lang, 1998. 191-204.
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Roberts, Adam. "Coleridge's Ancient Mariner and Mrs. Radcliffe's Mariner." Notes and Queries 42 (240).2 (1995): 177-78.
Roberts, Bette B. "Sophia Lee's The Recess (1785): The Ambivalence of Female Gothicism." Massachusetts Studies in English 6:3-4 (1978): 68-82.
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Russett, Margaret. "Narrative As Enchantment in The Mysteries of Udolpho." ELH 65.1 (1998): 159-86.
Sabor, Peter. "Medieval Revival and the Gothic." The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism, IV: The Eighteenth Century. Eds. H. B. Nisbet and Claude Rawson. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1997. 470-88.
Sage, Victor. "The Epistemology of Error: Reading and Isolation in The Mysteries of Udolpho." Q W E R T Y: Arts, Litteratures and Civilisations Du Monde Anglophone 6 (1996): 107-13.
Saglia, Diego. "Looking at the Other: Cultural Difference and the Traveller's Gaze in The Italian." Studies in the Novel 28.1 (1996): 12-37.
Schaff, Barbara. "Venetian Views and Voices in Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho and Braddon's The Venetians." Venetian Views, Venetian Blinds: English Fantasies of Venice. Eds. Manfred Pfister and Barbara Schaff. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999. 89-98 .
Schechter, Ronald. "Gothic Thermidor: The Bals Des Victimes, the Fantastic, and the Production of Historical Knowledge in Post-Terror France." Representations 61 (1998): 78-94.
Schmitt, Cannon. "Techniques of Terror, Technologies of Nationality: Ann Radcliffe's The Italian." ELH 61.4 (1994): 853-76.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. "The Character in the Veil: Imagery of the Surface in the Gothic Novel." PMLA 96:2 (1981): 255-70.
Smith, Amy Elizabeth. "Experimentation and 'Horrid Curiosity' in Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer." English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literature 74.6 (1993): 524-35.
Smith, Johanna M. "'Hideous Progenies': Texts of Frankenstein." Texts and Textuality: Textual Instability, Theory, and Interpretation. Ed. Philip Cohen. New York: Garland. 121-40.
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Snyder, William C. "Mother Nature's Other Natures: Landscape in Women's Writing, 1770-1830." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 21.2 (1992): 143-62.
Storch, Rudolf F. "Metaphors of Private Guilt and Social Rebellion in Godwin's Caleb Williams." ELH 34:2 (1967): 188-207.
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Thompson, Terry W. "Wrapped in Darkness: Hecate in Chapter Sixteen of Frankenstein." English Language Notes 33.3 (1996): 28-32.
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Document created August 30th 2000 / Revised September 22, 2000