Milton (1608-1674)

Review Norton introduction:






Paradise Lost

Milton unavoidable, a central part of the canon of English, or world literature.

Don't have to accept its theology to find it's narrative powerful, true in some sense; as with other powerful myths from Greek or Roman literature (or cf. Beowulf, Twelfth Night).

Cf. Areopagitica: "For books are not absolutely dead things…" (712). The power of the mind -- here, Milton's.

Previous myths: most obviously Genesis in the Bible; but many other sources, such as Ovid, Homer,Vergil, Tasso.

Illustrations (note poem's imaginative appeal to visual artists, here Romantic period)

Poem shows two ways beyond primary sin: to further evil (Satan) or redemption (Adam and Eve).

That good will come from the Fall, by showing God's mercy, the role of the Son of God.


So what happens? -- Quick summary:

Book I: that Milton's Muse is the Holy Spirit. Invocation typical of epics, but Milton showing that while he includes himself in this tradition he will surpass it.

-- and compare earlier epics, journeys of one or a few men, but with Milton's epic all mankind are implicated.

Primary focus in first three books on Satan, as if he is the protagonist -- he isn't: Adam is. But use of epic similes to suggest his power and significance. His great size - but only at first (later takes the form of a toad, a serpent).

Satan's defiance, speeches to the assembly: celebrate martial values -- but a contrast to the Christian virtues of mercy, humility, obedience. Note solipsism of:


Lines 1-26, Invocation

-- look over following section --

Lines 84-124, first speech of Satan / to summarize:

(Satan finds Beelzebub by his side) Satan. How you have changed in this fall, who once was joined with me! But despite this dire outcome of the enemy’s greater power (who would have guessed it?), I repent nothing, and not the pride that led us and our companions to oppose him in Heaven. We haven’t lost our determination, and to seek reconcilation would be the worst shame. Through our strength we can wage war overtly or subtly, even though he lords it still in Heaven.

Lines 128-155 Beelzebub's reply / to summarize

Beelzebub. O Prince, who challenged Heaven’s King! although we suffer this terrible defeat, yet in spirit we are invincible. But what if our strength is left us only to bear further suffering or to do his bidding?

David Daiches, Milton (1957):

Attractiveness of evil, as in the magnificent speeches of Satan and his colleagues; “they represent the attractiveness of plausible evil” (153-4). Their high rhetoric: we easily thrill “to grandiose rantings about honour and revenge uttered with all the mock passion and the theatricality of a Nuremberg rally” (154).

Satan’s first speech, “a magnificent set-piece, beginning with the broken cadences of elegy” (157). But irony of Satan’s determination not to change: he has changed already, as opening of speech shows; and he is to change further (toad, serpent, etc.). His commitment to “study of revenge, immortal hate”: this “suggests no action at all but simply brooding on revenge and hate” (158).

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Document prepared February 12th 2007 / updated February 17th 2007