Wife of Bath's Tale: Summary (Norton 226)

863     In King Arthur's time; the land is full of fairies
888     Knight commits rape; sentenced to death
899     Clemency granted to knight if he passes test within 12 months: to learn What do women most want?
919     Knight goes wandering in search of answer but finds no agreement
958     Story of Midas's wife, who cannot keep husband's secret
989     Knight is returning at end of year, meets old woman in forest who asks what he seeks
1011   Their agreement: she will tell the Knight what to say
1029   Return to court: Knight's answer is accepted. Women want mastery
1052   Old woman claims the Knight as her husband
1079   They wed; Knight comes complaining to bed
1115   Wife reproves him: lecture on true gentility
1183   -- and on poverty being no sin
1213   -- on on the advantage of her being old and faithful
1225   Knight is offered choice: old wife or young and faithless
1234   Knight asks wife to choose: thus she gains mastery
1245   Wife becomes young and beautiful and will be faithful
1264   So may all husbands be governed

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Document prepared March 15th 2007