Atwood, The Blind Assassin. Students' notes

Highlights of reports from eight groups. April 11,13, 2007

1. Novel has focus on plight of women in the story's period, including old age

Women paralysed, shackled, prowling dirty-minded men; no expectations for old people, portrayed as cargo

Novel is not overtly feminist; but shows objectification of women

2. Topics of marriage, mental illness, sacrifice of children

Iris: should she have married at all? (45); marriage seems a kind of cage; wedding pictures, ring

Laura: appears to be autistic to some degree; but no effective understanding or treatment then; her plot to steal the negatives;

Reenie left to bring up the two daughters; abnormal lives; children seen as accessory of the rich; Iris at 19 looks around to see who is envying her

3. Laura exploits the impression she makes on others

Plot to steal negatives from Elwood; doesn't reveal Alex's presence to police; sitting with Alex it is Iris who gets into trouble; Erskine's supposed sexual abuse -- just a story?

4. What does title of novel signify?

"only the blind are free" --> "ignorance is bliss" (e.g., Iris with Alex?); in story child is enslaved then goes blind, hurts others -- story of Iris and Alex; blind: does not see Laura-Richard affair

5. Iris's role towards Laura: reliable, always there

Iris not encouraged to romanticize -- Laura's role; "Being Laura was like being tone deaf" -- she is more sensual and romantic, untouchable, an exception to all the rules; Iris's aspirations, but chained to family; women as inert, transfixed

6. Foreshadowing of Laura's fate

the plunge into the river (188-9), Erskine's supposed sexual abuse (206); shows her unchanging character, childhood events echoed later

Laura's character consistent: flighty, passionate and rash, detached from reality, defiant

7. The photograph from the picnic

Foreshadows relation of Laura and Iris; one sister almost cut out, hand still showing; later the sisters very distant from one another

Reenie on suicide, men more deliberate than women; but Laura's appears very deliberate -- turning the wheel.

Laura doesn't read much; unlikely as author of The Blind Assassin

8. Whether Iris is just a pawn in marriage to Richard or has reasons of her own

Does marriage fulfill Iris's conception of herself? She wants to provide support for her father and Laura, to maintain their lifestyle; note: doesn't leave Richard for Alex

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Document prepared April 14th 2007