Diane's Publications

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Refereed Publications


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Academic Conferences

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Conrad, D. & Sinner, A. (Eds.) (2015). Creating together: Participatory, community-based and collaborative arts practices
and scholarship across Canada.
Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Creating Together explores an emerging approach to research that combines arts practices and scholarship in participatory, community-based, and collaborative contexts in Canada across multiple disciplines. Looking at a variety of art forms, from photography and mural painting to performance art and poetry, the contributors explore how the process of creating together generates and disseminates collective
knowledge. The artistic processes and works in an arts-based approach to scholarship make use of aesthetic, experiential, embodied,
and emotional ways of knowing and creating knowledge in addition to traditional intellectual ways. The anthology also addresses the
growing trend in arts-based research that takes a participatory, community-based, or collaborative focus, and encourages scholars to
work together, with other professionals, and with community groups to explore questions, create knowledge, and express shared
understandings. The collection highlights three forms of research: participatory arts-based research that engages participants in all
stages of the inquiry and aims to produce practical knowing to benefit the community; community-based arts research that has community
/public space at the heart of practice; and collaborative arts approaches involving multi-leveled, multi-layered, and interdisciplinary collaboration
from diverse perspectives. To illustrate how such innovative work is being accomplished in Canada, the collection includes examples from British
Columbia to Newfoundland and across disciplines, including the fine arts, education,the health sciences, and social work.

Conrad, D. (2012). Athabasca’s going unmanned: An ethnodrama about incarcerated youth. Rotterdam,
The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Preview available: https://www.sensepublishers.com/files/9789460917745PR.pdf

Conrad, D. (2010). Ads that talk back: Exploring media advertising through drama with inner-city students. Saarbrücken,
Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. (published master’s thesis)


Refereed Publications

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Conrad, D. (accepted). When applied theatre in community-based educational contexts meets community-service learning in a drama teacher education program. In M. Prendergast,G. Belliveau & M. Carter (Eds.), Drama and theatre education: Canadian perspectives. (15 pgs.)

Conrad, D. (accepted). The lives of incarcerated youth in Athabasca’s Going Unmanned. In G. Belliveau & G. Lea (Eds.)Research-based theatre as methodology: An artisticapproach to research. Bristol, UK: Intellect. (16 pgs.)

Conrad, D., Hogeveen, B., Minaker, J., Masimira, M. & Crosby, D. (in press).Involving children and youth in participatory research. In G. Higginbottom & P. Liamputtong (Eds.),Using Participatory Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health. London, UK: Sage. (43 pages)

Conrad, D. & Beck, J. (in press). Towards articulating an arts-based research paradigm: Growing deeper. UNESCO
Observatory Multidisciplinary Journal in the Arts. (25 pages)

Conrad, D., Smyth, P. & Kendal, W. (2015). Uncensored: Participatory arts-based research with youth. In D. Conrad &
A. Sinner (Eds.), Creating together: Participatory, community-based and collaborative arts practices and scholarship across Canada (pp. 21-38).
Waterloo, ON: Wilfred Laurier University Press.

Conrad, D. (2015). Education and social innovation: The Youth Uncensored Project – a case study of youth participatory research and cultural democracy in action. Canadian Journal of Education, 38(1) [Online].

Conrad, D. (2013). "Lock'em up" but where's the key?: Drama with incarcerated youth. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education,
8(2) [Online].

Conrad, D. & Unger, D. (2011). Violence at school, the violence of schooling: Restorative alternatives. In J.
Charlton, P. Verrecchia & D. Polizzi (Eds.), International Perspectives on Restorative Justice in Education
(pp. 30-68). Richmond, ON: Centre for the Study of Crime, Restorative Justice and Community Safety.

den Heyer, K. & Conrad, D. (2011). Using Alain Badiou's ethic of truths to support an 'eventful' social justice teacher
education program. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, 27(1), 7-19.

Conrad, D. (2010). In search of the radical in performance: Theatre of the Oppressed with Incarcerated youth. In P. Duffy
& E. Vettraino (Eds.) Youth and Theatre of the Oppressed (pp. 125-141). New York: Palgrave.

Conrad, D., McCaw, K. & Gusul, M. (2009). Ethnodramatic playwriting as collaborative work. In W. Gershon (Ed.)
Working together in qualitative research: A turn towards the collaborative (pp. 165-184). Rotterdam, The
Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Conrad, D. & Kendal, W. (2009). Making space for youth: ihuman Youth Society & arts-based participatory
research with street-involved youth in Canada. In D. Kapoor & S. Jordan (Eds.) Education, participatory
action research and social change: International perspectives (pp. 251-264). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Conrad D. & Campbell, G. (2008). Participatory research – An empowering methodology with marginalized populations.
In P. Liamputtong & J. Rumbold (Eds.) Knowing differently: Arts-based & collaborative research
methods (pp. 247-263). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Conrad, D. (2008). Performance ethnography. In L. Given (Ed.), Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods
(pp. 607-611). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Conrad, D. (2007). Drama, role theory & youth: Implications for teacher education. Theatre Research in
Canada, 28(2), 1-10.

Conrad, D. (2006). Justice for youth versus a curriculum of conformity in schools and prisons. Journal of the Canadian
Association for Curriculum Studies, 4(2), 1-20.

Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (2006). Arresting change: Popular theatre with young offenders. In L. McCammon & D.
McLauchlan (Eds.), The universal mosaic of drama and theatre: The International Drama/Theatre Education
Association 2004 Dialogues (pp.375-391). Welland, ON: IDEA Publications/Soleil.

Conrad, D. (2006). Entangled in the sticks: Ethical conundrums of popular theatre as pedagogy and research.
Qualitative Inquiry, 12(3), 437-458.

Conrad, D. (2005). Rethinking “at-risk” in drama education: Beyond prescribed roles. Research in Drama Education,
10(1), 27-41.

Conrad, D. (2004). When autobiography and research topics collide: Two risky school dance stories. Taboo: The
Journal of Culture and Education, 8(1), 85-95.

Conrad, D. (2004). Popular theatre: Empowering pedagogy for youth. Youth Theatre Journal, (18), 87-106.

Conrad, D. (2004). Exploring risky youth experiences: Popular theatre as a participatory, performative research
method. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 3(1) Article 2 [Online].

Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (2003) Drama & incarcerated youth: Coming to terms with sensitive subject matter in
improvised drama. Stage of the Art, 15(3), 25-29.

Conrad, D. (2003). Unearthing personal history: Autoethnography & artifacts inform research on youth risk-taking.
The Journal of Social Theory in Art Education, (23), 44-58.

Conrad, D. (2002). Drama as arts-based pedagogy & research: Media advertising and inner-city youth. The Alberta
Journal of Educational Research, 48(3), 254-268.

Conrad, D. (2002). Drama, media advertising, and inner-city youth, Youth Theatre Journal, (16), 71-87.



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Conrad, D. (2004). “Life in the sticks”: Youth experiences, risk & popular theatre process. Unpublished doctoral
dissertation. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D. (2001). Exploring media advertising through drama with inner-city students. Unpublished master’s thesis.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.


Creative Activities

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Conrad, D. (February 17-19, 2010). Athabasca's Going Unmanned [Play production]. Canadian Centre for Theatre
Creation, Department of Drama, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.



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Research Media Ltd. (Nov., 2013). Dramatis personae, Meaningful expression. International Innovation, 116(North America), 15-17. Bingley, UK: Author.

CBC Radio. (March 26, 2007). Drama is making a difference in the lives of young offenders.Sounds Like Canada.

Other Selected Publications

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Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (2010). Participatory research – An empowering methodology with marginalized populations.
In K. Horvath (Ed.) Drama as social research (pp. 43-63). Budapest, Hungary: Káva Cultural Group. (translation)

Conrad, D. (2010). Exploring risky youth experiences: Popular theatre as a participatory, performative research method.
In K. Horvath (Ed.) Drama as social research (pp.64-80). Budapest, Hungary Káva: Cultural Group. (translation)

Conrad, D. (2008). Exploring risky youth experiences: Popular theatre as a participatory performative research
method. In P. Leavy (Ed.) Method meets art: Social research and the creative arts (pp. 162-178).
New York: Guilford Publications. (Re-printed.)

Conrad, D. (2007). Popular theatre on the inside: Drama with incarcerated youth. Theatre Alberta News, (Summer), 10.

Boora, R., Conrad, D. & Spence-Campbell, S. (2006). Flattening the world from the inside: Digital storytelling with
incarcerated youth. In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning
in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2006 (pp. 371-376). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
(Available online: www.editlib.org)

Conrad, D. (2006). [Review of the book Ethnodrama: An anthology of reality theatre]. Stage of the Art, 17(3), 12-13.

Conrad, D. (2000). We’re all in this fishbowl together. In L. McCammon, C. Miller, & J. Norris (Eds.), Learning to
teach drama: A case narrative approach (pp. 28-30). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Conrad, D. (2000). Using drama to explore media advertising [Online]. In Alberta Teacher’s Association, Safe
and Caring Schools Program, Towards a Safe and Caring Secondary Curriculum: Resources for Integration.
Available: www.teachers.ab.ca (see Safe & Caring Schools, Secondary Lesson Plans, Drama).

Alberta Teacher’s Association, Safe and Caring Schools Project: Toward a Safe and Caring Community (2000).
Respecting diversity and preventing prejudice, Dealing with bullying and Resolving conflict peacefully
[videos]. Available: ATA's SACS Project office, Barnett House, 11010 142 Street NW, Edmonton,
AB T5N 2R1, sacs@teachers.ab.ca., (780) 447-9487 or 1-800-232-7208. Co-author, performer.


Academic Conferences

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Conrad, D., Donald, D. & Krahn, M. (Feb. 2015). Provoking understanding through community mapping curriculum inquiry.
Provoking Curriculum. Vancouver, BC.

Conrad, D panel member with Guiney Yallop, J. (May, 2014).  Approaches and processes of arts-based researchers:
A panel  of Arts Researchers and Teachers Society (ARTS) members.Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). St. Catharines, ON.

Donald, D., Conrad, D. & Krahn, M. (May, 2014). Addressing Aboriginal education: Conditions, viewpoints, and aspirations
across two diverse communities. CSSE. St. Catharines, ON.

Tomczky, P. & Conrad, D. (May, 2014). Drama education, drama therapy and applied theatre:Implications for change through
education. CSSE. St. Catharines, ON.

Conrad, D. (June, 2013). An arts-based social network site: Youth educating service providers about their experiences.
Arts on the Edge: arts, research, education, activism and gender informed justice, Victoria, BC.

Conrad, D. & Beck, J. (June, 2013). Articulating an arts-based research paradigm. CSSE, Victoria, BC.

Conrad, D. (May, 2013). Challenges in performance-based research creation with vulnerable youth.  
International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, Illinois.

Conrad, D. & Beck, J. (May, 2013). Articulating an arts-based research paradigm. International Congress of Qualitative
Inquiry, Urbana, Illinois.

Conrad, D. (October, 2012). Evaluating Youth Outcomes of the “High Risk Youth Uncensored: Workshops for Service Providers” Project.
Canadian Association for Art Therapy Conference. Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D., Hunt, L. & Mumtaz, N. (May 2012). Evaluating Youth Outcomes for “High Risk Youth Uncensored”. CSSE, Waterloo, ON.

Conrad, D. (May 2012). Ethnodrama: Athatbasca’s Going Unmanned. Canadian Association for Theatre Research, Waterloo, ON.

Conrad, D. & Sinner, A. (May, 2012). Creating together: Participatory, community-based and collaborative arts
practices and scholarship across Canada. CSSE, Waterloo, ON.

Conrad, D. (April, 2012). High risk youth uncensored: An educational exchange. AERA, Vancouver, BC.

Conrad, D. (Oct., 2011). Transformative Arts-based Practices in Schools?: Lessons Learned from Drama Research with Youth in Prison.
Provoking Curriculum Conference, Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D. (April, 2011). Athabasca’s Going Unmanned: An Ethnodrama about Applied Theatre Research with Incarcerated Youth.
AERA, New Orleans, LA

Conrad, D. & Coulis, M. J. (January, 2011). Performing experiential understanding: Imagining escape & cycling through
grief. Narrative, Arts-based and “Post” Approaches to Social Research, Tempe, AZ.

Conrad, D. (July, 2010). Athabasca's Going Unmanned: Applied theatre research with incarcerated youth.
International Drama/Theatre & Education Association. Belém, Brazil. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (June, 2010). In search of the radical in performance: Theatre of the Oppressed with incarcerated youth.
Panel: Theatre of the Oppressed with youth. Pedagogy & Theatre of the Oppressed, Austin, TX. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (May, 2010). Ethnodramatic playwriting as collaborative work. CERA Symposium: The Collaborative Turn:
Working Together in Qualitative Research. Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Montreal, QC.
Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. & Coulis, M. J. (May, 2010). Performing experiential understanding: Imagining escape & cycling through
grief. Canadian Society for Studies in Education, Montreal, QC. Performance.

Conrad, D. (February, 2010). A participatory arts-based approach for doing respectful research with marginalized youth.
Graduate Students’ Conference 2010: Respectful Research. Faculty of Education, Lakehead University. Thunder
Bay, ON. Keynote address.

Conrad, D. (September, 2009). Violence at school, the violence of schooling, restorative alternatives: Restorative justice
as a model for schools. International Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies. Cape Town,
South Africa. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (July, 2009). Performing incarceration: Applied theatre with incarcerated youth. International Drama in
Education Research Institute. Sydney, Australia. Dramatic reading.

Conrad, D. & den Heyer, K. (May, 2009) Becoming a social justice focused teacher education program. Canadian
Society for Studies in Education. Ottawa, ON. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (October, 2008). Lock 'em up, but where's the key? Transformative drama with incarcerated youth.
UNESCO Canadian Arts & Learning Symposium. Kingston, ON. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (June, 2008). The ethics & aesthetics of performing Incarceration: Dramatizing applied theatre-based
research with youth in prison. Canadian Society for Studies in Education. Vancouver, BC. Dramatic reading.

Conrad, D. (April, 2008). Lock 'em up, but where's the key? Transformative drama with incarcerated youth.
Researching Applied Drama Theatre and Performance. Exeter, UK. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. & Hunt, L. R. (April, 2008). Setting goals for a brighter future: Image theatre and digital photography with
incarcerated youth. Researching Applied Drama Theatre and Performance. Exeter, UK. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (September, 2007). Popular arts-based research with incarcerated youth: In search of transformative
Potential. Advances in Qualitative Methods. Banff, AB. Symposium - Developing democratic dispositions:
Qualitative methodologies as/and civic education in Canada and Northern Ireland (with Ruth Leitch, Ingrid
Johnston, Terry Carson, George Richardson).

Conrad, D. (August, 2007). The transformative potential of drama in the education of incarcerated youth. American
Alliance for Theatre and Education. Vancouver, BC. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (June, 2007). Playback theatre and new paradigm research. Playback in the Academy
Conference. Windsor, ON. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. & Krammer, D. (May, 2007). An arts-based study of incarcerated male youths’ constructions of gender
identity. Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Saskatoon, SK. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. & Spence-Campbell, S. (April, 2007). Popular arts on the inside: Digital storytelling with incarcerated youth.
American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. & Krammer, D. (Feb., 2007). Exploring visual literacy and identity through drama with
incarcerated youth. Provoking Curriculum Conference. Banff, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad. D. (Nov., 2006). Ethics & desire: When a “good girl” researches “bad boys.” An Academic
Homeplace: An International Community in Teacher Education. Centre for Teacher Education,
University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Roundtable.

Conrad, D., Boora, R., & Spence-Campbell, S. (Oct., 2006). Flattening the world from the inside: Digital
storytelling with incarcerated youth. E-Learn 2006: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate,
Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Honolulu, Hawaii. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (June, 2006). An interdisciplinary arts-based research centre at the University of Alberta. Unsettling
Conversation: An Arts and Education Practice Based Research Collaborative Inquiry. Vancouver, BC. Roundtable.

Conrad, D. (May, 2006). Justice for youth versus a curriculum of conformity in schools and prisons. Canadian
Society for Studies in Education. Toronto, ON. CACS President's Symposium.

Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (May, 2006). Arresting change: Popular theatre with young offenders. Pedagogy &
Theatre of the Oppressed Conference. Chapel Hill, NC. Performance.

Conrad, D. (July, 2005). “Life in the sticks:” Youth experiences, risk & popular theatre process. American Alliance
for Theatre and Education. Chicago, IL. Finalist presentation for AATE dissertation award.

Conrad, D. (May, 2005). Popular theatre with young offenders. Canadian Society for Studies in Education. London, ON.
Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (May, 2005). Drama, role theory and “at-risk” youth: Implications for teacher education. Association
for Canadian Theatre Research. London, ON. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (April, 2005). Re-thinking “at-risk” in drama education: Beyond prescribed roles. American Educational
Research Association. Montreal, QC. Roundtable.

Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (July, 2004). Arresting change: Popular theatre with young offenders. International
Drama/Theatre and Education Association Conference, Ottawa, ON. Performance.

Conrad, D. (May, 2004). Reframing "At risk:" Popular theatre explores youths' perceptions of their risky behavior.
Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Winnipeg, MB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (January, 2004). Two risky school dance stories: Autoethnographic narrative informs research on
risky youth behaviour. Advances in Qualitative Methods, Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (January, 2004). Arresting change: Popular theatre with young offenders. Advances in
Qualitative Methods, Edmonton, AB. Performance.

Conrad, D. & Campbell, G. (October, 2003). Arresting change: Popular theatre with young offenders. Performing the
World Conference, Montauk, NY. Performance.

Conrad, D., Campbell, G. & Kamau, O. (May, 2003). Popular theatre: A participatory, arts-based research method.
Advances in Qualitative Methods, Banff, AB. Interactive symposium.

Conrad, D. (April, 2003). Unearthing personal history: Autoethnography & artifacts inform research on youth
risk-taking. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D., Campbell, G., & Kamau, O. (April, 2003). Popular theatre as arts-based, participatory pedagogy &
research. American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL. Interactive symposium.

Conrad, D. (March, 2002). Data collection, analysis and dissemination through drama: Exploring media advertising
through drama with inner-city students. International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Edmonton, AB.
Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (October, 2001). Ethnodrama as arts-based research & pedagogy. Curriculum & Pedagogy Conference with
Arts-Based Educational Research, Victoria, BC. Workshop.

Mirror Theatre (October, 2001). Shadowing: Relationships in student teaching. Curriculum & Pedagogy Conference with
Arts-Based Educational Research, Victoria, BC. Performance.

Conrad, D. (August, 2001). Drama, media advertising and inner city students. American Alliance for Theatre and
Education, San Diego, CA. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (April, 2001). Exploring media advertising through drama with inner city students. American Educational
Research Association, Seattle, WA. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (March, 2001). Popular theatre and today’s youth. Pedagogy and Theatre of the Oppressed Conference,
Omaha, NB. Workshop.

Campbell, G., Conrad, D., Kamau, O., Smith, L. & Spence-Campbell, S. (February, 2001). Examining the construct
of desire through popular theatre and improvisational drama. Advances in Qualitative Methods, Edmonton,
AB. Performance.

Conrad, D. (February, 2001). Creating ethnodrama as a research tool. Advances in Qualitative Methods,
Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Conrad, D. (May, 2000). Popular theatre: Pedagogical implications. Canadian Society for the Study of
Education, Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Mirror Theatre (April, 2000). What’s the fine line? American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.

Mirror Theatre (April, 2000). Re-search: Re-play. Qualitative Health Research, Banff, AB. Performance.

Conrad, D., Douziech, K., Helgren, K. & Perley, M. (February, 1999). Arts-based research through arts-based
methods. Advances in Qualitative Methods, Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.


Community & Professional Development Contributions

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Conrad, D. (April, 2014). Popular theatre as social therapy. CHRTP400 Intro to Drama Therapy, St. Stephen’s College, Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D., Donald, D. & Krahn, M. (March 2014). Attending to community contexts: Understanding Aboriginal education in
three diverse communities. Faculty of Education, UA.

Conrad, D. (March, 2014). Participatory arts-based curriculum inquiry. EDSE 504 Curriculum Inquiry, UA. graduate seminar

Conrad, D. (Nov., 2013). Community-based research & evaluation (CBRE) workshop - Building CBRE partnerships. Community-University
Partnership for the Study of Children, Youth and Families, U of A.

Conrad, D. (Nov., 2013). Ethnodrama: Athabasca’s Going Unmanned. Performed Ethnograpy, CTL 1799 Performed Ethnography and Research-Informed
Theatre, OISE, UT. graduate seminar

Conrad, D. (Nov. 2013). Arts-based research performance: Margaret Scott Wright Research and Innovation Day. Faculty of Nursing, U of A.

Conrad, D. (Oct. 2013). Is teaching politically neutral? EDU 100 The Context of Education, U of A. undergraduate course

Conrad, D. (May, 2013). Uncensored project: Youth & participatory research. Critical Canadian Youth Studies. Calgary, AB.

Conrad, D. (March, 2013). Ethnodrama: Athabasca’s Going Unmanned. Performed Ethnograpy, CTL 1799 Performed Ethnography and Research-Informed
Theatre, OISE, UT. graduate seminar

Conrad, D. (Nov. 2012). The radical in performance: Drama education with incarcerated youth. Centre for Global Citizenship Education & Research,
U of A, Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D. (Nov. 22, 2012). The ethics of drama creation with youth at-risk. Arts-based Research Studio. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D. (Oct. 2012). Staging children’s literature. French 480: Children’s literature. U of A, Edmonton, AB. Undergraduate course

Conrad, D. (Sept. 2012). Participatory Research. EDSE 606 Theory & Practice in Action Research, U of A, Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D. (May 2012). High RiskYouth Uncensored. SSHRC workshop Activating the Heart: Storytelling, Knowledge Sharing and Relationship. Yellowknife, NT.

Conrad, D. (May 2012). High RiskYouth Uncensored. SSHRC workshop Creating Together: Participatory, Community-based and Collaborative Arts
Practices and Scholarship. Montreal, QC.

Conrad, D. (May 15, 2012). Alberta Education Drama Programs of Study. EDSE 405 An Introductionn to Curriculum Studies. University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB. Undergraduate Course.

Harrison McCain Foundations Awards - Visiting Professorship (Feb. 20 - March 10, 2012)
EDUC 50G3, Research Literacy - A Participatory Arts-based Research Approach with Marginalized Youth
EDUC 42F3 A2, Professional Writing in Education: Reviews, Reflections, Research - Ethnodramatic Playwriting as Collaborative Work
EDUC 4133, Elementary Language Arts - Image Theatre Activities for Elementary Language Arts - Graffiti Wall & Sculpture Wheel
EDUC 4803 Youth culture: Alcohol, Drugs and Gaming - Applied Theatre Praxis: Addressing Youth Issues
Acadia University Bookstore reading - Athabasca’s Going Unmanned: An Ethnodrama about Incarcerated Youth
Public lecture for the Acadia community - Arts-based Research: A Site for Interdisciplinary Collaboration & Research Translation
Athabasca’s Going Unmanned (Book Reading)

Conrad, D., Kendal, W., Smyth, P., Olson, B., Belcourt, T., Anand, A., Hunt, L., Robinson, L. & iHuman youth. Community workshops for participatory
research project High Risk Youth Uncensored: An Educational Exchange:

(2010, June 30). Pilot workshop – iHuman, REACH Edmonton Council for Safe Communities, etc. Edmonton, AB.
(2010, August 11). Taking Teaching to the Edges (of the classroom) and Beyond. Centre for Teaching and Learning & Community Service Learning,
University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.
(2010, Nov. 7). Homefest (homelessness event), Edmonton, AB.
2010, December 8). EDPY 523 The Practice of School Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
(2011, January 26). iHuman Youth Society & Pohna Keepers of the Fire, Native Counseling Services. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, February 2). International Week, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, February 28). EDPY 397 Mentor Children & Adolescents & EDSE 501 Theorizing Youth Culture in Curriculum and Teacher Education,
University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, March 10). Calgary visitors - Youth Criminal Defense Office, Prosecutions Unit, Calgary Police Services. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, May 13). Amiqaaq Conference, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, May 27). Edmonton Public Library. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, June 1). Alberta Harm Reduction Conference. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, June 7). Alberta School Boards Association. Red Deer, AB.
(2011, July 29). Global Youth Assembly. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, Sept. 15). Relentless Youth Worker Program – YouCan. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, Oct. 19). Tags (anti-grafitti) Conference, Edmonton, AB.
(2011, Oct. 21). Provoking Curriculum Conference, U of A, Edmonton, AB.
(2011, Nov. 4). U of Calgary Social Work Program. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, Nov. 18). Edmonton Public Library. Edmonton, AB.
(2011, Dec. 1). EDPY 397 Mentor Children & Adolescents, U of A.
(2012, Feb. 12). iCare Conference, Edmonton Ismaiil community
(2012, March, 21). Canadian Liver Foundation's - Hep C & Art project. Edmonton, AB.
(2012, May 9). Kule Dialogues - Uncensored Showcase Celebration, Edmonton, AB.
(2012, June 18-20). Research Storytelling Workshop: Activating the Heart: Storytelling, Knowledge Sharing and Relationship
(SSHRC & Trudeau Foundation), Yellowknife, NT.
(2012, Nov. 8). EDPY 397 Mentor Children & Adolescents, U of A.

Conrad, D. (June 23, 2011). A participatory arts-based approach. Thinking Qualitatively, International Institute for
Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (May 31, 2011). Alternative forms of representation in qualitative research. INT D 541 Inside Analysis,
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Conrad, D. (Apri 28l, 2011). Response to "Law & Order in Schools." U of A Chapter Phi Delta Kappa. Edmonton, AB

Conrad, D. (Nov. 13, 2010). Applied theatre praxis: Addressing youth issues. Fine Arts Council Conference.
Calgary, AB. Keynote address.

Conrad, D. (Oct. 26, 2010). Drama with high risk youth. RLS 473 – Principles and Processes in Therapeutic
Recreation. University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Undergraduate course.

Conrad, D. (Oct. 13, 2010). Graduate studies and ethics. EDSE 610 Advanced Research Seminar. University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Graduate Seminar.

Conrad, D. (Oct. 2010). Graduate studies and ethics. EDSE 501 Research Methods. University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB. Graduate seminar.

Conrad, D. (June, 2010). A participatory arts-based approach. Thinking Qualitatively, International Institute for
Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (April, 2010) Pedagogical desire in Athabasca's Going Unmanned. Curriculum @ the Edges Symposium.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Performance.

Conrad, D. (March, 2010). Issues of representation: Performance ethnography & ethnodrama. EDPY 503 Qualitative
Methods in Educational Research. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Graduate seminar.

Conrad, D. & Leitch, R. (March, 2010). Mask & personae workshop. Arts-based research collective. University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Conrad, D. (June 2009). An overview of arts-based research methods. Thinking Qualitatively, International
Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (June, 2009). An introduction to participatory research. Thinking Qualitatively, International Institute for
Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (June, 2009). Forum theatre and issues of citizenship with incarcerated youth. Symposium on
Citizenship Education in Changing Times, Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (March, 2009). Applied theatre research with incarcerated youth. Community-University Engagement
Showcase: Making a Difference, Community-University Partnerships, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (February, 2009). Applied theatre with incarcerated youth: Excerpts from ethnodrama Athabasca’s
Going Unmanned. Undergraduate Theatre-in-Education class, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.
Instructor Dr. Lyn Fels. Seminar/workshop.

Conrad, D. (December, 2008). Need change? Forum theatre and issues of citizenship with incarcerated youth.
University Facilitators Appreciation Event, Undergraduate Student Services, Faculty of Education,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (June 2008). An overview of arts-based research methods. Thinking Qualitatively, International Institute
for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (June, 2008). An introduction to participatory research. Thinking Qualitatively, International Institute for
Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. & Den Heyer, K. (November, 2007). Envisioning a social justice focused teacher education program.
Curriculum & Pedagogy Institute, Department of Secondary Education, University of Alberta. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (July, 2007). An introduction to participatory research. Thinking Qualitatively, International Institute for
Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (July, 2007). An overview of arts-based research methods. Thinking Qualitatively, International
Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (July, 2007). Arts-based research. Master’s of Educational Studies Program. University of Alberta.
Edmonton, AB. Graduate Seminar.

Conrad, D. (May, 2007). Digital technology in drama-based research with incarcerated youth. Master of Arts in
Communication Technology Program. Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB.
Graduate Seminar.

Conrad, D. (Dec. 2006). Reconciling the war on drugs: The pedagogy of drug use in the film Half Nelson. Challenges
in/for the pedagogical imagination: Ethics, evil & the uncanny. Curriculum & Pedagogy Institute, Faculty of
Education, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (Nov. 2006). Arts-based research. EDSE 510, Research Methods. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
Graduate seminar.

Conrad, D. (Nov. 2006) Justice in Edmonton? Relabeled forum, ihuman Youth Society. Edmonton, AB.
Panel Discussion.

Conrad, D. (Oct. 2006). Ethical issues in educational research. Curriculum & Pedagogy Institute, Faculty of
Education & the Department of Secondary Education Graduate Students’ Association, University
of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Panel Discussion.

Conrad, D., Welch, M. & Welch, T. (June, 2006) Research as performance, performance as research. Thinking
Qualitatively, International Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Keynote address.

Conrad, D. (June, 2006). An Overview of arts-based research methods. Thinking Qualitatively, International
Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop/seminar.

Conrad, D. (June, 2006). Justice for youth versus a curriculum of conformity in schools and prisons. Becoming the
Change We Want to See Conference – The Society for Safe and Caring Schools and Communities.
Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (April, 2006). Power and power relations in the clinical setting: A sociodrama workshop for student nurses.
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Conrad, D. (March, 2006). A mime workshop. Hilltop High School Drama Club. Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Conrad, D. (December, 2005). A theatre lights workshop for junior kindergarten. Child Study Centre,
Department of Elementary Education, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Conrad, D., Gorman, G., jagodzinski, j. & Wallin, J. (November, 2005). Art as critical inquiry. Curriculum & Pedagogy
Institute, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta. Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (November, 2005). Anger management/conflict resolution for teens. McMan Youth, Family & Community
Services. Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Conrad, D. (October, 2005). Performance ethnography: A participatory method for arts-based research. Three
popular theatre projects. Alberta Teacher’s Association Fine Arts Council & the Canadian Society for
Education through Art. Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (October, 2005). Performance ethnography: A participatory method for arts-based research. Three popular
theatre projects. EDSE 501 – Elementary Education, EDES 501 – Alternative Representation in Research.
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Graduate seminar.

Conrad, D. (April, 2005). A space for arts-based research. The Space of the Arts – Faculty of Arts Panel Discussion.
University of Alberta Edmonton, AB. Paper presentation.

Conrad, D. (March, 2005). Power relations in and out of the classroom: A socio-drama workshop. Greater Edmonton
Teachers’ Convention, Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Conrad, D. (November, 2004). A sociodrama workshop: Power & power relationships. Educational Policy Studies,
EDPS 690 – Social Learning and Responsibility in Adult Education. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
Graduate seminar.

Conrad, D. & Kamau, O. (August, 2004). Arts-based research methods. Thinking Qualitatively, International
Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Mirror Theatre (February, 2004). Shadows: Examining the power relationships in the field experience through
audience participation theatre. Western Canadian Association for Student Teachers Conference,
Edmonton, AB. Performance.

Conrad, D. (February, 2004) Power relations in and out of the classroom: A sociodrama workshop. Western
Canadian Association for Student Teachers Conference, Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Mirror Theatre (August, 2002). What do you really want? Elizabeth Fry Society Court Advocates for Female Youth
and Youth Justice Committee Alternative Measures Program. Performance/workshop facilitator.

Conrad, D. (April 2002). A sociodrama workshop. Grande Prairie Regional College, Grande Prairie, AB. Workshop.

Mirror Theatre (March 2002). Civility, citizenship, and community construction on campus. University Teaching
Services. Performance.

Mirror Theatre (August, 2001) Fair play rulz! Edmonton Fringe Festival. Performance.

Conrad, D. (March, 2001). Exploring media advertising through drama. Greater Edmonton Teachers’ Convention
Association Conference, Edmonton, AB. Workshop.

Mirror Theatre (March 2001). Shadowing: Relationships in student teaching. Greater Edmonton Teacher’s
Convention & University of Alberta Field Experiences, Edmonton, AB. Performance/workshop.

Mirror Theatre (November, 2000). Coulda/shoulda. Provincial Conference for Safe and Caring Schools and
Communities, Edmonton, AB. Performance/workshop.

Mirror Theatre (November, 2000). Diversity and difference. Alberta Child and Family Services’ Your Choice Your
Voice youth conference. Performance/workshop facilitator.
Conrad, D. (November, 2000). Interpretive drama workshop. Edmonton Youth Summit on Culture of Peace.
Workshop facilitator.

Mirror Theatre (April, 1999). Where’s the risk in that? Living on the Edge, Youth Conference. Drayton
Valley, AB. Performance/workshop facilitator.

Mirror Theatre (November, 1999) Under construction. Provincial Conference for Safe and Caring Schools and
Communities. Edmonton, AB. Performance/workshop.

Conrad, D. (November, 1999). Popular theatre workshop. Drama Dimensions, Department of Drama, University
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Workshop facilitator.

Mirror Theatre (Winter, 1998). Under construction. Alberta Teacher’s Association Expecting Respect Program.
Series of performance/workshops.