The Third Triennial Conference of the International John Bunyan Society

October 10-14, 2001, Kent State University (held in Cleveland, Ohio)


October 10, Wednesday

2:00-5:30 pm               Registration -- Foyer

5:30-6:30 pm               Baker-Nord Center Opening Reception -- Ontario Room

6:30-8:00 pm               Dinner -- Ontario Room

8:00-9:30 pm               Plenary Session: Margaret Ezell, "Bunyan's Women, Women's Bunyan,"

                                    introduced by Vera Camden -- Ontario Room

October 11, Thursday

7:30 am                                    Continental Breakfast -- Superior Room

8:30 -10:00 am             Welcome by Susanna Fein

Plenary Session: Thomas Luxon, "Friendship, Marriage, and the

Puritan Self," introduced by Roger Pooley -- Superior Room

10:00-10:30 am                        Coffee Break -- Superior Room

10:30 am-12:00 pm      Panel Sessions (2nd floor)

The Individual and the Community (Heather Meakin, Chair -- St. Clair Room)

Rhoda Cairns, "The Sequestered Soul: Isolation and Community in Anne Wentworth's Vindication"

Galen Johnson, "Conscience and Individualism in John Bunyan's Anti-Quaker Writings"

Methods of Address (Susanna Fein, Chair -- Carnegie Room)

Dana Och, "Do You Dare Thou Me? The Early Quaker Influence on the Seventeenth Century Death of Thee/Thou"

Linda Mitchell, "Middle-Class School Grammar Texts and the Development of John Bunyan's Style"

Sylvia Brown, "Bunyan's Wife: Conversation and the Propagation of Puritan Culture"

Rebecca Potter, "From Word to Story: Bunyan's Passive Narration"

Reading Bunyan Reading the Bible (Roger Pooley, Chair -- Chester Room)

Jameela Lares, "The 'Language of Canaan' in Later Seventeenth-Century England: The Decline of 'Scripture-Phrase'"

Hannibal Hamlin, "Bunyan and the Psalms: Pilgrim's Progress as a Version of Psalm 23"

12:00-1:30 pm             Lunch -- Ontario Room

1:30-3:00 pm               Panel Sessions

Future Perfect (Ron Corthell, Chair -- St. Clair Room)

Ken Simpson, "'Like an Autumnal Star': Astrology and Apocalypse in Paradise Regained"

Robert Collmer, "Using The Holy War in Three British Crises: Catholic Emancipation, The Crimean War, and World War One"

Mark Crees, "John Bunyan and Mark Rutherford"

Anglicanism and Dissent (Arlette Zinck, Chair -- Carnegie Room)

Sam Thomas, "Anglicanism, Dissent and the Contested Lectureship at Halifax, 1689

Brian Weiser, "The Spectre of a Presbyterian King"

Dan Beaver, Respondant

3:00-3:30 pm               Coffee Break -- Prospect Room

3:30-5:00 p.m.             Panel Sessions


The Letter and the Image (Robert Collmer, Chair and Respondant -- St. Clair Room)

Phillip Bouffard, "Bunyan's Signatures"

Adam Sills, "John Bunyan and the Anti-Cartographic Impulse"

Nathalie Colle-Bak, "From Rupture to Restoration: Contextualising the Early British Illustrated Editions of Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress"

Gendering Bunyan (Margaret Breen, Chair -- Carnegie Room)

Kelly Laycock, "Gendering Mansoul: Bunyan and the Female Body in The Holy War"

Jean Graham, "A Whore, 'Notwithstanding His Fine Tongue'" Transgressive Male Discourse in The Pilgrim's Progress"

David Hawkes, "The Concept of the 'Hireling' in Bunyan's Theology"

Michael Davies, "Bunyan's Bawdy: Sex and Sexual Wordplay in the Writings of John Bunyan"

Revisioning Royalty (Heather Meakin, Chair -- Chester Room)

David Gay, "Righteous Rulers: The Royalist Sermon as Proverb Performance"

Megan Crosland, "Reinventing Royalty

Elizabeth Skerpan-Wheeler, "Charles Stuart and the Slough of Despond"

Roger Manning, "Duelling and Authority"

6:00-7:45 pm               Banquet, held jointly with the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society -- Ontario Room

8:00-10:00 pm             Plenary Session: Peter Rudnytsky, "Dissociation and Decapitation,"

introduced by Vera Camden, David Norbrook, Respondant

A Public Lecture and Meeting of the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society --

Ontario Room

October 12, Friday

7:30 am                                    Continental Breakfast -- Ontario Room

8:30 am                                    Depart for Excursion: Cleveland Sightseeing (return to hotel 3:45 p.m.)

4:00 pm                        Depart for Kent State University

5:00-6:00 pm               Kent State University Campus Tour

6:00 pm                        Kent State University Reception with exhibit of Bunyan editions,

Special Collections Room, KSU Library

8:30 pm                        Return to hotel

October 13, Saturday

7:30 am                                    Continental Breakfast -- Superior Room

8:30-10:00 am              Plenary Session: David Norbrook, "Writing, Republicanism, and

Gender: Paradise Lost and Lucy Hutchinson's Order and Disorder,"

introduced by Nigel Smith

10:00-10:30 am                        Coffee Break -- Superior Room

10:30 am-12:00 pm      Panel Sessions

Social and Psychological Reality (Peter Marbais, Chair -- St. Clair Room)

Kathleen Lynch, "Gathering the Church: The Principles of Gospel Fellowship in the 1650s"

Katsuhiro Engetsu, "The Alehouse in Mr. Badman"

Lori Branch, "Wounds of Exchange and Symptoms of the Real in Grace Abounding"

Print Texts/Digital Texts: The Brown Women Writers Project (Margaret Breen, Chair -- Carnegie Room)

Julia Flanders, "Words, Texts, and Data"

Teresa Feroli, "Lady Eleanor Davies and the Map of Reading"

Sylvia Brown, "The Reproductive Word"

Kimberly Hill, "Jane Sharp on Textual Access and Authority"

The Way, The Truth, and the Light (Rick Smith, Chair -- Chester Room)

U. Milo Kaufman, "Travel Without Luggage: The Wilderness Way and Bunyan's Providential Journey

Roger Pooley, "Bunyan and the Antinomians"

Stuart Sim, "Bunyan and the State of Nature"

12:00-1:30 pm             Lunch -- Ontario Room

1:30-3:00 pm               Panel Sessions

Women as Context and Content (Heather Meakin, Chair -- St. Clair Room)

Katherine Gillespie, "Mary Rowlandson's 'Restoration' and the Puritan Restoration in the Glorious Revolution"

Arlette Zinck, "The Chiefs of Sinners: John Bunyan, Jane Turner and Gendered Readings of Biblical Text"

Maxine Hancock, "Identity, Agency, and Community: Intimations of Emerging Literacy for Women in The Pilgrim's Progress, Second Part"

Maryanne Cole, "'The Lord's Errand:' Alienation, Fellowship and Authority in the Transatlantic Journey Narratives of Quaker Women Preachers"

Bunyan's Era and the History of Ideas (David Gay, Chair -- Carnegie Room)

Dayton Haskin, "The Place of Bunyan in the First Seventeenth-Century Literature Course at Harvard

Matthew Hunter, "Seeing Second Sight: Scottish Visions and Restoration Science"

Angelica Duran, "Restoration Allegories of Divine Love: Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and Isaac Newton's Daniel and the Apocalypse"

3:00-3:30 pm               Coffee Break -- Superior Room

3:30-5:00 pm               Plenary Session: Nigel Smith, "Living in the 70s,"

introduced by Dayton Haskin -- Superior Room

5:30 pm                        Bus departs hotel

6:00-7:30 pm               Dinner at Nighttown

7:45 pm                        Bus departs Nighttown

8:00 pm                        Apollo's Fire concert

October 14, Sunday

7:30 am                                    Continental Breakfast -- Superior Room

8:30-10:00 am              Plenary Session: Sharon Achinstein, "Bunyan and the Politics

of Remembrance," introduced by Ron Corthell -- Superior Room

10:00-10:30 am                        Coffee Break -- Superior Room

10:30 am-12:00 pm      Panel Session

The Future of Bunyan Studies (Vera Camden, Chair -- Superior Room)

Thomas Corns, "Current Issues in Bunyan Studies"

12:00-1:30 pm             Bunyan Society Business Meeting and Luncheon


Special thanks to:

Baker-Nord Center for the Humanities at Case Western Reserve University l Cleveland Psychoanalytic Society and Institute l College of Arts and Sciences, Kent State University l Department of English, Kent State University l Library Special Collections, Kent State University l Office of the Provost, Kent State University l Office of Research and Graduate Studies, Kent State University l Prose Studies l The King's University College