Sharon Achinstein, Northwestern University. "Honey From the Lion's Carcass: Bunyan, Allegory, and the Samsonian Moment."
J.B.H. Alblas, Holland. The Emblematic Bunyan in Holland
John Anonby, Trinity Western University. The Relocation of Vanity Fair: Parodies of Pilgrim's Progress in Mgugi's Devil on the Cross
Melissa Aaron, University of Wisconson-Madison. "Christiana and her train": Bunyan and the Alternative Society in the Second Part of The Pilgrim's Progress
Richard Connors, University of Alberta. Concepts of Death in Early Modern England
Susan Cook, University of London. Pilgrims Progress: Derivative Texts and the Seventeenth Century Reader
Lesley Cormack, University of Alberta. The Kingdom of God and The Kingdom of Man: Religious Ideology and the Early Development of the British Empire
Dennis Danielson. U.B.C. The Naked Truth and Bunyan's Apologies
Michael Davies, University of Leicester. Bunyan's Exceeding Maze: Grace Abounding and the Labyrinth of Predestination.
Patricia Demers, University of Alberta . Elizabeth Major's Honey on the Rod (1656) and Bunyan's Grace Abounding.
Robert J. De Smith, Dordt College. Between "Play" and "Plain and Simple": Bunyan's Defence of Fiction
C.Q. Drummond, University of Alberta. Coming and Believing in the Pilgrim's Progress
Katsuhiro Engetsu , Doshisha University. The Pilgrims Progress in Wonderland: Through the Perspective Glass and Looking Glass
Alexander Forbes, University College of the Cariboo. The Church in the Wilderness (I): the House of the Interpreter in The Pilgrim's Progress
Richard Greaves, Florida State University. "Let Truth be Free": John Bunyan and the Restoration Crisis of 1667-73
Maxine Hancock, University of Alberta . Voicing the Marginals: Reading Bunyan's Narrative Texts with the Antiphonality of Biblical Intertext
Nathaniel Hardy, University of Alberta . Buboes, Blight, and Bunyan: Divine Afflictions and Retribution in the Seventeenth Century
Jonathan Hart, University of Alberta. Bunyan's Apology for his Progress
Irving Hexham, University of Calgary. John Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress, and the Development of Pilgrimage in African Independent Churches
Charles Huttar, Hope College . An Adaptation of Donne and Others in a Jacobite Tract of 1699
Neil Keeble, Stirling. "Till one greater man/ Restore us . . . ": Restoration Images in Milton and Bunyan
John Knott, University of Michigan. Bunyan and the Cry of Blood
Gladys S. Lewis, University of Central Oklahoma . Grace Abounding: The Bunyan Connection Between Queen Katherine Parr and American Puritans
Thomas Luxon, Dartmouth . "Not Words Alone": Milton and Carnal Conversation
Richard Pickard, University of Alberta . "Accommodating Bunyan": Country-House Poetry and Pilgrim's Progress
Kazem Mashkournia, University of Alberta. Violence in Milton and Bunyan's Writings
Shannon Murray, U.P.E.I. The Propagating Preface: Reader as Writer in Bunyan's Grace Abounding and Milton's Christian Doctrine
W.R. Owens, Open University . John Bunyan and English Millenarianism
David T. Priestley, Edmonton Baptist Seminary. Churchman or Evangelist? John Bunyan as Conventicle
Aileen Ross, Canadian Union College. "Baffled and Befooled": Female Inferiority in the Works of John Bunyan
Alan Rudrum, Simon Fraser University. God's Other Book and the Regenerate Mind: Some Early Modern Conversion Experiences
Kiyone Sakamoto, Doshisha Women's College. The Pilgrim's Progress and the Spiritual Revolution of Meiji Japan
Valentina Sekerin, Kiev Pedagogical Institute. The Pilgrim's Progress and Religious Allegories in Russian Medieval Literature: A Cross-Cultural Study
S.S. Sim, University of Sunderland . Bunyan and the Conflicts of Narrative
Ken Simpson, University College of the Cariboo. The Church in the Wilderness (II): the Liturgies of Nonconformity and the Palace Beautiful in The Pilgrim's Progress
Margaret Soenser Breen, University of Connecticut. The Feminization of Authorial Anxiety in The Pilgrim's Progress.
Mary Trim, Newbold College. Child Travellers Toward Bliss: Echoes of the Literary and Psychological Foundations of Pilgrim's Progress in the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis: A Twentieth Century Perspective
T.L. Underwood, University of Minnesota. "For then I should be a Ranter or a Quaker": John Bunyan and Radical Religion
Kimberly Van Esveld Adams, Rutgers University. The Female Pilgrim's Progress: Bunyan, Eliot, Alcott, and Gilligan
Nicholas von Maltzahn, University of Ottawa. Toland's Milton: From Republican to Apostle of Toleration.
Robert Wiznura, U.B.C. Hobbes: An Alternative Understanding of the Will