Board Test for Altera UP1

Steven Sutankayo, Duncan Elliott, Noah Aklilu
The Altera UP1 board is a prototyping board that can be used for FPGA development.  The board contains two FPGAs, each of which can be programmed independently.  Test programs have been developed for both FPGAs.

One FPGA is an Altera MAX 7000-series chip.  It is located on the left side of the project board.  Files related to its test program start with the word "max".

The other FPGA is an Altera FLEX10k-series chip, located on the right side of the board.  Files related to its test program start with the word "flex"

1.0  Programming Files

These files are downloaded to the UP1 board to run the test.

FLEX:  UP1FlexTest.sof
MAX:   UP1MaxTest.pof

2.0 Documentation

The document describes the test procedure and explains how the tests work.

 UP1_test_documentation.PDF (Adobe PDF)

3.0 Design Files

The design files contain the MAXPLUS2 source files (.vhd, .acf) used to create the tests.  The zip file also contains source code for the documentation.

4.0 Misc.

A utility to automatically create pin assignments for Altera .acf files is also available. It is a PERL script, so it must be executed from a UNIX system.


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