Students taking EE653 are required to do a design project worth 30% of the course. This project can be done individually or in groups of two.
A one-page proposal (two copies please), plus appendices and block diagrams, is due in my ECERF mailbox Mar 5, 3pm.
The final report is due April 12, 3pm. The marking of projects submitted after this date will not be completed in time for end-of-term reporting.
Oral presentations will be 5-10 minutes using paper diagrams, overhead
slides, or computer projector.
April 18, 2pm, ECERF W2-036 (if you handed in your report by April
12) else
May 2, 2pm, ECERF W2-021
The project will involve the creation and verification of a chip design, and must include:
Your design may include the use of:
You will necessarily have to read documentation and figure out some
parts of tools on your own. See:
place and
digital design flow (partially out of date, tools have changed)
Try to keep your project goals flexible. It's hard to predict how much effort a design will take before you are familiar with all of the tools.
Project suggestions:
(You'll be spending a lot of time on this, so best pick something that
interests you.)
If you wish to use the 0.18 micron CMOS process, you must register with CMC and sign a confidential disclosure (or non-disclosure) agreement. Follow the links below:
Print and sign the CDA, have your supervisor sign it, and fax it to
CMC. CMC will notify us when it has been approved.