------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This module takes a command ID and data, and generates a 48-bit message for it. -- It will first check if the command is a valid 48-bit command and produce the -- following outputs: -- 1. o_dataout -> a single bit output that produces the message to be sent to the -- SD card one bit at a time. Every time the i_message_bit_out input -- is high and the i_clock has a positive edge, a new bit is produced. -- 2. o_message_done -> a signal that is asserted high when the entire message has been -- produced through the o_dataout output. -- 3. o_valid -> is a signal that is asserted high if the specified message is valid. -- 4. o_response_type -> indicates the command response type. -- 5. o_returning_ocr -> the response from the SD card will contain the OCR register -- 6. o_returning_cid -> the response from the SD card will contain the CID register -- 7. o_returning_rca -> the response from the SD card will contain the RCA register -- 8. o_returning_csd -> the response from the SD card will contain the CSD register -- 9. o_data_read -> asserted when the command being sent is a data read command. -- 10. o_data_write -> asserted when the command being sent is a data write command. -- 11. o_wait_cmd_busy -> is set high when the response to this command will be -- followed by a busy signal. -- -- NOTES/REVISIONS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity Altera_UP_SD_Card_48_bit_Command_Generator is generic ( -- Basic commands COMMAND_0_GO_IDLE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "000000"; COMMAND_2_ALL_SEND_CID : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "000010"; COMMAND_3_SEND_RCA : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "000011"; COMMAND_4_SET_DSR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "000100"; COMMAND_6_SWITCH_FUNCTION : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "000110"; COMMAND_7_SELECT_CARD : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "000111"; COMMAND_9_SEND_CSD : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "001001"; COMMAND_10_SEND_CID : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "001010"; COMMAND_12_STOP_TRANSMISSION : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "001100"; COMMAND_13_SEND_STATUS : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "001101"; COMMAND_15_GO_INACTIVE : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "001111"; -- Block oriented read/write/lock commands COMMAND_16_SET_BLOCK_LENGTH : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "010000"; -- Block oriented read commands COMMAND_17_READ_BLOCK : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "010001"; COMMAND_18_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "010010"; -- Block oriented write commands COMMAND_24_WRITE_BLOCK : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "011000"; COMMAND_25_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "011001"; COMMAND_27_PROGRAM_CSD : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "011011"; -- Block oriented write-protection commands COMMAND_28_SET_WRITE_PROTECT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "011100"; COMMAND_29_CLEAR_WRITE_PROTECT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "011101"; COMMAND_30_SEND_PROTECTED_GROUPS: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "011110"; -- Erase commands COMMAND_32_ERASE_BLOCK_START : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "100000"; COMMAND_33_ERASE_BLOCK_END : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "100001"; COMMAND_38_ERASE_SELECTED_GROUPS: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "100110"; -- Block lock commands COMMAND_42_LOCK_UNLOCK : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "101010"; -- Command Type Settings COMMAND_55_APP_CMD : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "110111"; COMMAND_56_GEN_CMD : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "111000"; -- Application Specific commands - must be preceeded with command 55. ACOMMAND_6_SET_BUS_WIDTH : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "000110"; ACOMMAND_13_SD_STATUS : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "001101"; ACOMMAND_22_SEND_NUM_WR_BLOCKS : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "010100"; ACOMMAND_23_SET_BLK_ERASE_COUNT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "010101"; ACOMMAND_41_SEND_OP_CONDITION : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "101001"; ACOMMAND_42_SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "101010"; ACOMMAND_51_SEND_SCR : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := "110011"; -- First custom_command FIRST_NON_PREDEFINED_COMMAND : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0) := "1010" ); port ( i_clock : in std_logic; i_reset_n : in std_logic; i_message_bit_out : in std_logic; i_command_ID : in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); i_argument : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); i_predefined_message: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); i_generate : in std_logic; i_DSR : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); i_OCR : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); i_RCA : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); o_dataout : out std_logic; o_message_done : out std_logic; o_valid : out std_logic; o_returning_ocr : out std_logic; o_returning_cid : out std_logic; o_returning_rca : out std_logic; o_returning_csd : out std_logic; o_returning_status : out std_logic; o_data_read : out std_logic; o_data_write : out std_logic; o_wait_cmd_busy : out std_logic; o_last_cmd_was_55 : out std_logic; o_response_type : out std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture rtl of Altera_UP_SD_Card_48_bit_Command_Generator is component Altera_UP_SD_CRC7_Generator port ( i_clock : in std_logic; i_enable : in std_logic; i_reset_n : in std_logic; i_shift : in std_logic; i_datain : in std_logic; o_dataout : out std_logic; o_crcout : out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0) ); end component; -- Local wires -- REGISTERED signal counter : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0); signal last_command_id : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0); signal message_bits : std_logic_vector(39 downto 0); signal last_command_sent_was_CMD55, valid : std_logic; signal bit_to_send, sending_CRC, command_valid : std_logic; signal returning_cid_reg, returning_rca_reg, returning_csd_reg, returning_dsr_reg, returning_ocr_reg, returning_status_reg : std_logic; -- UNREGISTERED signal temp_4_bits : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal message_done, CRC_generator_out, produce_next_bit: std_logic; signal app_specific_valid, regular_command_valid : std_logic; signal response_type, response_type_reg : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); signal cmd_argument : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); begin -- This set of bits is necessary to allow the SD card to accept a VDD level for communication. temp_4_bits <= "1111" when ((i_OCR(23) = '1') or (i_OCR(22) = '1') or (i_OCR(21) = '1') or (i_OCR(20) = '1')) else "0000"; -- Generate the bits to be sent to the SD card. These bits must pass through the CRC generator -- to produce error checking code. The error checking code will follow the message. The message terminates with -- a logic '1'. Total message length is 48 bits. message_data_generator: process(i_clock, i_reset_n) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then message_bits <= (OTHERS => '0'); else if (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if (i_generate = '1') then -- Store type of a response. response_type_reg <= response_type; -- Generate a message. Please note that the predefined messages are used for initialization. -- If executed in sequence, they will initialize the SD card to work correctly. Only once these -- instructions are completed can the data transfer begin. case (i_predefined_message) is when "0000" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD0. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_0_GO_IDLE & "00000000000000000000000000000000"); when "0001" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD55. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_55_APP_CMD & "0000000000000000" & "0000000000000000"); when "0010" => -- Generate a predefined message - ACMD41. message_bits <= ("01" & ACOMMAND_41_SEND_OP_CONDITION & "0000" & temp_4_bits & "000" & i_OCR(20) & "00000000000000000000"); when "0011" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD2. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_2_ALL_SEND_CID & "00000000000000000000000000000000"); when "0100" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD3. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_3_SEND_RCA & "00000000000000000000000000000000"); when "0101" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD9. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_9_SEND_CSD & i_RCA & "0000000000000000"); when "0110" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD4. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_4_SET_DSR & i_DSR & "0000000000000000"); when "0111" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD16. Set block length to 512. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_16_SET_BLOCK_LENGTH & "0000000000000000" & "0000001000000000" ); when "1000" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD7. Select the card so we can access it's data. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_7_SELECT_CARD & i_RCA & "0000001000000000" ); when "1001" => -- Generate a predefined message - CMD13. Send SD card status. message_bits <= ("01" & COMMAND_13_SEND_STATUS & i_RCA & "0000000000000000"); when others => -- Generate a custom message message_bits <= ("01" & i_command_ID & cmd_argument); end case; else -- Shift bits out as needed if (produce_next_bit = '1') then -- Shift message bits. message_bits(39 downto 1) <= message_bits(38 downto 0); message_bits(0) <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- Generate command argument based on the command_ID. For most commands, the argument is user specified. -- For some commands, it is necessary to send a particular SD Card register contents. Hence, these contents are -- sent instead of the user data. argument_generator: process (i_command_ID, last_command_sent_was_CMD55, i_generate, i_RCA, i_DSR, i_OCR, i_argument) begin cmd_argument <= i_argument; if (i_generate = '1') then case (i_command_ID) is when COMMAND_4_SET_DSR => cmd_argument <= i_DSR & i_argument(15 downto 0); when COMMAND_7_SELECT_CARD => cmd_argument <= i_RCA & i_argument(15 downto 0); when COMMAND_9_SEND_CSD => cmd_argument <= i_RCA & i_argument(15 downto 0); when COMMAND_10_SEND_CID => cmd_argument <= i_RCA & i_argument(15 downto 0); when COMMAND_13_SEND_STATUS => cmd_argument <= i_RCA & i_argument(15 downto 0); when COMMAND_15_GO_INACTIVE => cmd_argument <= i_RCA & i_argument(15 downto 0); when COMMAND_55_APP_CMD => cmd_argument <= i_RCA & i_argument(15 downto 0); when ACOMMAND_41_SEND_OP_CONDITION => if (last_command_sent_was_CMD55 = '1') then cmd_argument <= i_OCR; end if; when others => cmd_argument <= i_argument; end case; end if; end process; -- Validate the message ID before sending it out. command_validator: process(i_clock, i_reset_n) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then command_valid <= '0'; else if (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if (i_generate = '1') then if (("0" & i_predefined_message) >= ("0" & FIRST_NON_PREDEFINED_COMMAND)) then -- Check the custom message if (last_command_sent_was_CMD55 = '1') then -- Check the application specific messages command_valid <= app_specific_valid; else -- Check the default messages. command_valid <= regular_command_valid; end if; else -- A command is valid if the message is predefined. command_valid <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- Registers that indicate that the command sent will return contents of a control register. -- The contents of the response should therefore be stored in the appropriate register. responses_with_control_regs: process(i_clock, i_reset_n, last_command_sent_was_CMD55, last_command_id, message_done) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then returning_ocr_reg <= '0'; returning_cid_reg <= '0'; returning_rca_reg <= '0'; returning_csd_reg <= '0'; returning_status_reg <= '0'; elsif (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if (i_generate = '1') then returning_ocr_reg <= '0'; returning_cid_reg <= '0'; returning_rca_reg <= '0'; returning_csd_reg <= '0'; returning_status_reg <= '0'; elsif (message_done = '1') then -- OCR if ((last_command_sent_was_CMD55 = '1') and (last_command_id = ACOMMAND_41_SEND_OP_CONDITION)) then returning_ocr_reg <= '1'; end if; -- CID if (last_command_id = COMMAND_2_ALL_SEND_CID) then returning_cid_reg <= '1'; end if; -- RCA if (last_command_id = COMMAND_3_SEND_RCA) then returning_rca_reg <= '1'; end if; -- CSD if (last_command_id = COMMAND_9_SEND_CSD) then returning_csd_reg <= '1'; end if; -- Status if ((last_command_sent_was_CMD55 = '0') and (last_command_id = COMMAND_13_SEND_STATUS)) then returning_status_reg <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- Count the number of bits sent using a counter. sent_bit_counter: process(i_clock, i_reset_n, i_generate, produce_next_bit, counter) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then counter <= (OTHERS => '0'); else if (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if (i_generate = '1') then -- Reset the counter indicating the number of bits produced. counter <= "0000000"; else if (produce_next_bit = '1') then -- Update the number of message bits sent. counter <= counter + '1'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- Select the source for the output data to be either the message data or the CRC bits. source_selector: process(i_clock, i_reset_n, i_generate) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then sending_CRC <= '0'; else if (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if (i_generate = '1') then -- Set sending CRC flag to 0. sending_CRC <= '0'; else -- If this is the last bit being sent, then bits that follow are the CRC bits. if (counter = "0101000") then sending_CRC <= '1'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- When the message is sent, store its ID. In a special case when CMD55 is sent, the next command can be an application -- specific command. We need to check those command IDs to verify the validity of the message. CMD55_recognizer: process(i_clock, i_reset_n, i_generate, produce_next_bit, counter, message_done, last_command_id) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then last_command_sent_was_CMD55 <= '0'; else if (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if (i_generate = '0') then -- Store the ID of the current command. if (produce_next_bit = '1') then if (counter = "0000000") then last_command_id <= message_bits(37 downto 32); end if; end if; -- When message has been sent then check if it was CMD55. if (message_done = '1') then if (last_command_id = COMMAND_55_APP_CMD) then last_command_sent_was_CMD55 <= '1'; else last_command_sent_was_CMD55 <= '0'; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- Instantiate a CRC7 generator. Message bits will pass through it to create the CRC code for the message. CRC7_Gen: Altera_UP_SD_CRC7_Generator PORT MAP ( i_clock => i_clock, i_reset_n => i_reset_n, i_enable => i_message_bit_out, i_shift => sending_CRC, i_datain => message_bits(39), o_dataout => CRC_generator_out ); -- Define the source of the data produced by this module, depending on the counter value and the sending_CRC register state. data_bit_register: process(i_clock, i_reset_n, i_generate, produce_next_bit, counter) begin if (i_reset_n = '0') then bit_to_send <= '1'; else if (rising_edge(i_clock)) then if (i_generate = '1') then bit_to_send <= '1'; elsif (produce_next_bit = '1') then -- Send data to output. if (sending_CRC = '0') then -- Send message bits bit_to_send <= message_bits(39); else -- Send CRC bits if ((counter = "0101111") or (counter = "0110000")) then -- At the end of CRC bits put a 1. bit_to_send <= '1'; else bit_to_send <= CRC_generator_out; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end process; -- Define conditions to produce the next message bit on the module output port o_dataout. produce_next_bit <= i_message_bit_out and (not message_done); -- Message is done when the last bit appears at the output. message_done <= '1' when (counter = "0110001") else '0'; -- Check the application specific messages app_specific_valid <= '1' when ( --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_0_GO_IDLE) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_2_ALL_SEND_CID) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_3_SEND_RCA) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_4_SET_DSR) or --(i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_6_SET_BUS_WIDTH) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_7_SELECT_CARD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_9_SEND_CSD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_10_SEND_CID) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_12_STOP_TRANSMISSION) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_13_SD_STATUS) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_15_GO_INACTIVE) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_16_SET_BLOCK_LENGTH) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_17_READ_BLOCK) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_18_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_22_SEND_NUM_WR_BLOCKS) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_23_SET_BLK_ERASE_COUNT) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_24_WRITE_BLOCK) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_25_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_27_PROGRAM_CSD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_28_SET_WRITE_PROTECT) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_29_CLEAR_WRITE_PROTECT) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_30_SEND_PROTECTED_GROUPS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_32_ERASE_BLOCK_START) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_33_ERASE_BLOCK_END) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_38_ERASE_SELECTED_GROUPS) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_41_SEND_OP_CONDITION) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_42_SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_51_SEND_SCR) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_55_APP_CMD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_56_GEN_CMD) ) else '0'; -- Check the default messages. regular_command_valid <= '1' when ( ------------------------------------------------------- -- Disabled to prevent malfunction of the core ------------------------------------------------------- --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_0_GO_IDLE) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_6_SWITCH_FUNCTION) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_7_SELECT_CARD) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_15_GO_INACTIVE) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_27_PROGRAM_CSD) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_30_SEND_PROTECTED_GROUPS) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_42_LOCK_UNLOCK) or ------------------------------------------------------- (i_command_ID = COMMAND_2_ALL_SEND_CID) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_3_SEND_RCA) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_4_SET_DSR) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_9_SEND_CSD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_10_SEND_CID) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_13_SEND_STATUS) or ------------------------------------------------------- -- Disabled to simplify the circuit ------------------------------------------------------- --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_12_STOP_TRANSMISSION) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_16_SET_BLOCK_LENGTH) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_18_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS) or --(i_command_ID = COMMAND_25_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS) or ------------------------------------------------------- (i_command_ID = COMMAND_17_READ_BLOCK) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_24_WRITE_BLOCK) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_28_SET_WRITE_PROTECT) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_29_CLEAR_WRITE_PROTECT) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_32_ERASE_BLOCK_START) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_33_ERASE_BLOCK_END) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_38_ERASE_SELECTED_GROUPS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_55_APP_CMD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_56_GEN_CMD) ) else '0'; response_type <= "001" when -- Wait for type 1 response when ( (i_predefined_message = "0001") or (i_predefined_message = "0111") or (i_predefined_message = "1000") or (i_predefined_message = "1001") or ((i_predefined_message = FIRST_NON_PREDEFINED_COMMAND) and ((i_command_ID = COMMAND_6_SWITCH_FUNCTION) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_7_SELECT_CARD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_12_STOP_TRANSMISSION) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_13_SEND_STATUS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_16_SET_BLOCK_LENGTH) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_17_READ_BLOCK) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_18_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_24_WRITE_BLOCK) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_25_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCKS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_27_PROGRAM_CSD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_28_SET_WRITE_PROTECT) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_29_CLEAR_WRITE_PROTECT) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_30_SEND_PROTECTED_GROUPS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_32_ERASE_BLOCK_START) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_33_ERASE_BLOCK_END) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_38_ERASE_SELECTED_GROUPS) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_42_LOCK_UNLOCK) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_55_APP_CMD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_56_GEN_CMD) or ((last_command_sent_was_CMD55 = '1') and ((i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_6_SET_BUS_WIDTH) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_13_SD_STATUS) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_22_SEND_NUM_WR_BLOCKS) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_23_SET_BLK_ERASE_COUNT) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_42_SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT) or (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_51_SEND_SCR))))) ) else "010" when -- Wait for type 2 response when ( ((i_predefined_message = FIRST_NON_PREDEFINED_COMMAND) and ((i_command_ID = COMMAND_2_ALL_SEND_CID) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_9_SEND_CSD) or (i_command_ID = COMMAND_10_SEND_CID))) or (i_predefined_message = "0011") or (i_predefined_message = "0101") ) else "011" when -- Wait for type 3 response when ( ((i_predefined_message = FIRST_NON_PREDEFINED_COMMAND) and (last_command_sent_was_CMD55 = '1') and (i_command_ID = ACOMMAND_41_SEND_OP_CONDITION)) or (i_predefined_message = "0010") ) else "110" when -- Wait for type 6 response when (((i_predefined_message = FIRST_NON_PREDEFINED_COMMAND) and (i_command_ID = COMMAND_3_SEND_RCA)) or (i_predefined_message = "0100")) else "000"; -- Otherwise there is no response pending. -- Define circuit outputs o_message_done <= message_done; o_response_type <= response_type_reg; o_valid <= command_valid; o_dataout <= bit_to_send; o_returning_ocr <= returning_ocr_reg; o_returning_cid <= returning_cid_reg; o_returning_rca <= returning_rca_reg; o_returning_csd <= returning_csd_reg; o_returning_status <= returning_status_reg; o_data_read <= '1' when (last_command_id = COMMAND_17_READ_BLOCK) else '0'; o_data_write <= '1' when (last_command_id = COMMAND_24_WRITE_BLOCK) else '0'; o_last_cmd_was_55 <= last_command_sent_was_CMD55; o_wait_cmd_busy <= '1' when ( (last_command_id = COMMAND_7_SELECT_CARD) or (last_command_id = COMMAND_12_STOP_TRANSMISSION) or (last_command_id = COMMAND_28_SET_WRITE_PROTECT) or (last_command_id = COMMAND_29_CLEAR_WRITE_PROTECT) or (last_command_id = COMMAND_38_ERASE_SELECTED_GROUPS)) else '0'; end rtl;