The java Simultaneous Localization and Mapping library included allows a Robot whose motion is limited to linear moves and on-the-spot rotations to localize its position relative to previously observed features and build a map of java. The library is accessed by creating an instance of the "mapping" class in, and calling its API as data is recorded from the environment and the Robot moves.
The library also includes a testbed on which to render datasets for testing and debugging purposes, in
Standard Java instalation
ImageMagik for testbed usage
make runjava
Will compile and run the testbed.
First, create an instance of the mapping class, then call the following functions:
Resets the Robot back to a fresh empty state, unrotated, at the origin of the map.
Records the initial local geometry around the Robot to use as a starting point for localization.
Updates the robot position or rotation using a new data set. hint must be set to a guess of the change in rotation or position based on odometry from the Robot. The hint does not have to be particularly accurate past the sign being correct.
Returns the list of line segments that make up the current map of the world that has been calculated by the library.
Get the current angle or position of the Robot to make use of in other code.
As an example, includes two example functions using the library: testDataSet, and testShape. testDataSet shows testing with data logged from the mobile phone app in a Robot, as angle/distance pairs in a csv file. testShape shows testing with a shape defined in code. A function, testOutput, which draws out the mapping library's current state to a file using ImageMagik is also included.