Bluetooth with RN-41 and RN-42 chips
To install the demo project:
- Open the .qar file in quartus
- Compile
- Program the FPGA
- Open Eclipse
- Right Click Project Explorer
- new -> NIOS II Application and BSP template
- Choose hello micro C/os-II (name it whatever you want)
- SOPC file -> niosII_system.sopcinfo
- finish
- In a file explorer, open software files (in the app note zip) and copy all source files there to the new software project directory
- Delete hello_ucosii.c
- Refresh
- Run
To use the android application
- The provided file is an AndroidStudio project
- Unzip the archive
- Open AndroidStudio
- File -> Open
- Navigate to the directory you unzipped the project and select it
- Wait - it takes a long time
- Project is now usable.
In the application,
- Ensure your bluetooth is enabled
- Pair your phone with the chip before using the app
- Hit refresh to get a list of paired devices
- click the name of your bluetooth device
- If it fails to connect, try again - it sometimes fails for no reason
- You should see a message saying "reply: " and then some characters
- As long as the "reply" message pops up, you have two-way communications working - even if the message appears garbled.